Curriculum vitae

Personal details:

Surname: OSBOURN

First names: Anne Elisabeth

Date of birth: 2/4/61

Nationality: British

Address: Department of Metabolic Biology John Innes Centre

Colney Lane

Norwich, NR4 7UH, UK

Telephone: +44 1603 450407

Fax: +44 1603 450045


Career profile:

BSc (1982): Botany, University of Durham (First Class).

PhD (1985): Department of Genetics, University of Birmingham.

1985-1987: Research Associate, John Innes Institute, Norwich, UK.

1987-1999: Research Fellow, Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich, UK.

1999-2005: Group Leader, Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich, UK.

2005-2006: Group Leader, Department of Metabolic Biology, JIC.

2006 onwards: Head, Department of Metabolic Biology, JIC.

2006 onwards: Honorary Professor, School of Biological Sciences, UEA

2008 onwards: Institute Strategic Programme Leader, Plant and Microbial Metabolism

2008 onwards: John Innes Centre Management Board.

2008 onwards: Associate Director, John Innes Centre.

Positions held:

·  Senior Editor, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (1998-2000).

·  Senior Editor, Annals of Applied Biology (2004-2007).

·  Board of Directors, International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (1999-2003).

·  Vice-Chair, John Innes Centre Graduate Studies Committee (2001-2006).

·  International Scientific Advisory Board, Max-Planck-Institut für Terrestrische Mikrobiologie, Marburg, Germany (2000-2009).

·  International Advisory Board, Experimental Plant Sciences Graduate School, Wageningen, Holland (2002 onwards).

·  Policy Committee, Asilomar Fungal Genetics Conferences (2003—2009).

·  Chair (2006), Gordon Research Conference, Cellular and Molecular Fungal Biology.

·  Editorial Board, Annual Review of Phytopathology (2007-2010).

·  Review Panel, AgResearch, New Zealand (2008).

·  Editorial Board, New Phytologist (from March 2009 onwards).

·  Editorial Board, Plant Cell and Physiology (2010-2013).

Awards, special lectures and honours:

·  Medal of the University of Helsinki (2003).

·  Visiting Fellowship, Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2003).

·  Whetzel-Westcott-Dimock Special Lecture, Cornell University (2003).

·  National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) Dream Time Fellowship (2004).

·  Defelicé Endowed Lecture, Salem State College, US (Feb. 2005).

·  Branco Weiss Society in Science Fellowship (Oct 2005-10).

·  Poetry-next-the-Sea Festival Schools Poet 2008 (

University positions and teaching:

·  Honorary lecturer, University of East Anglia (1995-2002)

·  Honorary Reader, University of East Anglia, Norwich (2002-6)

·  Honorary Professor, University of East Anglia, Norwich (2006 onwards)

·  Lecture to third year and masters BIO students, students teachers in the School of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning, and also postgraduate Science Communication workshops, all at the University of East Anglia..

·  Visiting Fellow, School of Literature and Creative Writing, University of East Anglia (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) Dream Time Fellowship) – 2005-2005.

·  Graduate Student Welfare Officer for the John Innes Centre (2000-3).

·  Vice-chairman, John Innes Centre Graduate Studies Committee (2001-6).

·  Supervision of students (Nuffield, undergraduate, MSc and PhD). Six students awarded UEA PhD degrees; currently supervising three further PhD students.

·  Designated adviser for PhD students at the Norwich Research Park.

·  Examiner for PhD vivas (local, national and international).

Additional teaching/mentoring activities:

·  External lecturer for overseas postgraduate courses (e.g. 17th Nordic Postgraduate Course in Plant Pathology, Finland, September 1999; MSc course, Institut de Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes, Strasbourg, France, March 2000; Experimental Plant Sciences Graduate Program, Holland, March 2003; Nordic and Baltic Sea region PhD course, Germany 2006; Swiss inter-university doctoral course, “Monocot systems in fundamental plant biology”, Switzerland, Dec 2009).

·  External assessor, speaker and mentor for the NESTA Crucible programme (aimed at encouraging young scientists to think about their work in relation to society, the media, politics, globalisation and creativity) and the NESTA Ignite programme (for gifted and talented schoolchildren) (2005 onwards).

Other science and society-related activities:

·  Conceived and developed the Science, Art and Writing (SAW) project, an internationally renowned science education initiative that encourages people of all ages and groupings to discover and explore science. Founded the SAW Trust (UK registered company no. 5516326; registered charity no. 1113386), a charitable organization with international objectives to support the development of the SAW initiative (see for further information).

·  Established the SAW Trust as a publisher. Pilot publication: “See SAW: An anthology of poetry and artwork around science by children from Rockland St Mary County primary School and Framingham Earl High School, working with Matthew Sweeney and Jill Pirrie.” Eds. Anne Osbourn, Jill Pirrie, John Nicholson, Ken Holbeck and Sally Hogden.” (2005), ISBN 0-9550180-0-5; second publication “SAW Showcase: Science from the John Innes Centre and the Institute of Food Research presented by children from schools in and around Norfolk.” Ed. Anne Osbourn (2009), ISBN 978-0-9550180-2-2.

·  Presentations and workshops on SAW for student courses at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, e.g. undergraduate Biological Sciences Science Communication course; postgraduate Science Communication Course; Post Graduate Certificate of Education Course (School of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning).

·  Invited workshops for teachers on SAW, e.g. Primary Science Conference for Teachers, National Science Learning Centre, York (March 2007); North Norfolk teachers’ cluster meeting (January 2008); Yorkshire and Humber Science Learning Centre Primary Conference series (2008-9); Norfolk County Council (January 2009); Dundee Science Centre (May 2009); Association for Science Education Northern Science Conference, Manchester (June, 2009); TES Education 2009, the National Hall, Olympia (Oct, 2010).

Invitations to speak at/organise scientific meetings (1998 onwards):

·  International Congress of Plant Pathology, Edinburgh, UK Session organiser and keynote speaker (August 1998).

·  Sixth International Mycological Congress, Jerusalem, Israel (August 1998).

·  British Society for Plant Pathology Meeting, UK (December 1998).

·  13th John Innes Symposium, UK (July 1999).

·  International Congress of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Amsterdam, Holland (July 1999).

·  17th Nordic Post-Graduate Course in Plant Pathology, Finland (September 1999).

·  Phytochemical Society of Northern Europe Meeting, Poland – Speaker and session chair (September 1999).

·  Keystone Symposium, Taos, New Mexico, US (February 2000).

·  Leopoldina Plant Molecular Biology Symposium, Halle, Germany (November 2000)

·  British Society for Plant Pathology Meeting, Wye, UK (December 2000).

·  25th LOF Symposium, Brussels, Belgium (February 2001).

·  Second Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium, Lorne, Victoria – Keynote speaker (March 2001).

·  21st Fungal Genetics Conference, Pacific Grove, California, US (March 2001).

·  10th Congress of the International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Madison, Wisconsin, US (session chair) (July 2001).

·  Phytochemical Society of North America Meeting, Oklahoma City, US (August 2001).

·  15th John Innes Symposium, UK (November 2001).

·  Session organiser and speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Cellular and Molecular Mycology, Holderness, US (June 2002)

·  American Phytopathological Society, Milwaukee, US (July 2002)

·  Functional Genomics of Plant-Microbe Interactions (10th New Phytologist Symposium), Nancy, France (October 2002)

·  Co-organiser of the 22st Fungal Genetics Conference, Asilomar, California (March 2003).

·  Metabolic Profiling in Plant Science, Turin, Italy (May 2003).

·  Isoprenoids, Kentucky, US (May 2003).

·  11th Congress of the International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, St Petersburg, Russia (July 2003).

·  SEB Meeting, Edinburgh (March 2004).

·  Phytochemical Society of Europe, Poland (September 2004).

·  German Botanical Society, Braunschweig, Germany (September 2004).

·  JIC Annual Science Meeting, Norwich (October 2004). Contributed talks both on scientific research and on science communication.

·  Session chair and discussion group mentor, National Non-Food Crops Meeting on Antimicrobials from Plants, University of York, York, UK (January 2005)

·  23rd Fungal Genetics Conference, Pacific Grove, California, US (March 2005).

·  Irish Plant Scientists Meeting, University College Dublin, Ireland (March 2005).

·  Binational Agricultural Research and Development Workshop, Monterey, California, US (March 2005).

·  TERPNET 2005, Wageningen, Holland (2005) (delegated talk to group member).

·  XII International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Cancun, Mexico (Dec 2005).

·  British Crop Protection Congress, Glasgow, Scotland (Nov 2005).

·  Meeting on: Root infection biology; pathogenic interactions; Hamburg, Germany (2006)

·  Co-chair Gordon Research Conference, Cellular and Molecular Mycology (2006).

·  Intercellular Signalling in Plants, Sheffield, UK (September 2006).

·  Chinese Traditional Medicine Meeting, Beijing (October 2006).

·  4th Small Grains Cereals Workshop, Cambridge, UK (March 2007).

·  TERPNET 2007 Meeting, Strasbourg, France (April 2007).

·  Session chair, Gordon Research Conference, Plant Metabolic Engineering, Tilton, US (July 2007).

·  23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany (July 2007).

·  Bioscience for Business 2008, Durham, UK (March 2008).

·  Norwich Research Park Vascular Biology Symposium, Norwich, UK (April 2008).

·  Human Health and Plant Secondary Metabolites Conference, Kunming, China (June 2008).

·  Banff Conference on Plant Metabolism, Banff, Canada (August 2008).

·  Session co-ordinator and speaker, 9th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Turin, Italy (August 2008).

·  5th World Congress on Allelopathy, Saratoga Springs, US (Sept. 2008).

·  Synthetic Plant Products for Industry Workshop, Durham, UK (Jan. 2009).

·  Gordon Research Conference on Antimicrobial Peptides, Ventura CA, US (March 2009).

·  Participant, New Directions in Synthetic Biology sandpit, Warrenton VA, US (April 2009); team awarded $2.5 m research funds.

·  TERPNET 2009 Meeting, Tokyo, Japan (May 2009).

·  Metabomeeting 2009, Norwich, UK (July 2009).

·  International Conference on Saponins, Nancy, France (July 2009).

·  Gordon Research Conference on Plant Metabolic Engineering, Waterville Valley, US (July 2009).

·  American Society of Plant Biologists Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii (July 2009).

·  Metabolism, Metabolomics and Metabolic Engineering in Plants Meeting, Israel (November 2009).

·  Annual Meeting of the Phytochemical Society of North America, Florida, US (July 2010).

·  10th International Symposium in Cytochrome P450 Biodiversity and Biotechnology, Woods Hole, Mass., US (October 2010).

·  Biovision, Lyon, France (March 2011).

·  6th World Congress on Allelopathy, Guangzhou, China (Dec 2011).

·  Invited lectures at universities, research institutes and industries in the UK and overseas.

Organisation of international conferences:

·  Co-organiser, 22st Fungal Genetics Conference, Asilomar, California (March 2003).

·  Policy Committee, Asilomar Fungal Genetics Conferences (2003-2009).

·  Co-chair Gordon Research Conference, Cellular and Molecular Mycology (2006).

·  Organising committee, Royal Society of Chemistry meeting “Directing biosynthesis” – Durham, UK (September 2010).

·  Organising Committee Co-Chair, Banff Conference on Plant Metabolism, Banff, Canada (June 2010).

External funding:

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Grants:

BBSRC PG83/527 (1990-1993) £ 66 389

BBSRC PO1216 (1993-1996) £ 94 761

BBSRC 83/PO7880 (1997-2001) £181 696

BBSRC 83/P13269 (2000-2003) £276 912

BBSRC 208/0014811 (2000-2002) £ 94 308

BBSRC 83/P16460 (2002-2005) £189 736

BBSRC 83/P19716 (2003-2006) £276 580

BBSRC BB/C504435/1 (2004-2007) £201 498

BBSRC Science and Society award (2007-2008) £ 8 200

BBSRC BB/E009913/1 (2007-2010) £414 403

[BB/I005137/1 – LoLa outlined approved (2011-2016) £ 3.6 m ]

- full proposal to be submitted Jan 2010

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Grants:

EPSRC/NSF sandpit grant (“Syntegron”) (2010-2012) £268 000

European Community Research Grants:

EU HCM Network CHRX-CT93-0244 (1994-1996) £50 000

EU BIO2-CT93-3001 (1995-1997) £88 983

EU TMR, BIO4-CT96-0979 (1997-1999) £65 303

EU TMR, BIO4-CT96-5130 (1997-1999) £65 517

EU TMR, ERB FMRX-CT98-0241 (1998-2001) £78 571

EU FP7 Green Factory (“Smartcell”) (2009-2011) €293 000

Royal Society

International Joint Project (2009-2011) £12 000

Home Grown Cereals Authority

Genetic resistance to take-all in wheat (2011-2016) £200,000

Industrial sponsorship:

Giste-Brocades (6 months, 1997) £ 25 000

Monsanto (1998-2001) £161 844

DuPont (1999-2002) £408 672

DuPont (2002-2005) £452 059

Plant Bioscience Ltd. (2008-2009) £ 10 000


NESTA Dream Time Fellowship (2004-2005) £ 36 000

Branco Weiss Society in Science Fellowship (2005-2010) £ 45 000

Scientific publications:

Osbourn AE, Caten CE and Scott PR (1986). The effects of passaging on the host specificity of Septoria nodorum: a cautionary tale. In: Biology and Molecular Biology of PlantPathogen Interactions (Ed JA Bailey). SpringerVerlag, Berlin. pp. 401407.

Osbourn AE, Scott PR and Caten CE (1986). The effects of host passaging on the adaptation of Septoria nodorum to wheat or barley. Plant Pathol. 35: 135145.

Osbourn AE, Caten CE and Scott PR (1987). Host passaging and adaptation of Septoria nodorum to wheat and barley. In: Genetics and Plant Pathogenesis (Eds. PR Day and GJ Jellis) pp.336338.

Osbourn AE, Caten CE and Scott PR (1987). Adaptation of Septoria nodorum to wheat or barley on detached leaves. Plant Pathol. 36: 565576.

Osbourn AE, Barber CE and Daniels MJ (1987). Identification of plantinduced genes of the bacterial pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pathovar campestris using a promoterprobe plasmid. EMBO J. 6: 2328.

Daniels MJ, Collinge DB, Dow JM, Osbourn AE and Roberts IN (1987). Molecular biology of the interaction of Xanthomonas campestris with plants. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 25: 17.

Osbourn AE, Barber CE and Daniels MJ (1988). Identification and analysis of plantinduced genes of Xanthomonas campestris pathovar campestris. In: Molecular Genetics of PlantMicrobe Interactions 1988 (Eds. R Palacios and DP Verma), Proc. 4th Int. Symp. Mol. Genet. PlantMicrobe Interact., Acapulco. APS Press, St Paul, Minnesota. pp. 273274.

Daniels MJ, Dow JM and Osbourn AE (1988). Molecular genetics of pathogenicity in phytopathogenic bacteria. Ann. Rev. Phytopath. 26: 285312.

Daniels MJ, Osbourn AE and Tang JL (1989). Regulation in Xanthomonas plant interactions. In: Signal Molecules in Plants and PlantMicrobe Interactions (Ed. BJJ Lugtenberg). SpringerVerlag, Berlin. pp. 189196.

Daniels MJ, Osbourn AE and Tang JL (1989). Regulation of gene expression and pathogenicity of Xanthomonas campestris pv campestris. In: Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Plant Path. Bact., (Ed. Z. Klement), Budapest, p357.

Osbourn AE, Clarke BR, Stevens BJH and Daniels MJ (1990). Use of oligonucleotide probes to identify members of twocomponent regulatory systems in Xanthomonas campestris pathovar campestris. Mol. Gen. Genet. 222: 145151.

Osbourn AE, Clarke BC and Daniels MJ (1990). Identification and DNA sequence of a pathogenicity gene of Xanthomonas campestris pathovar campestris. Mol. PlantMicrobe Interact. 3: 280285.

Daniels MJ, Barber CE, Dow JM, Gough CL, Osbourn AE and Tang JL (1991). Molecular genetic dissection of pathogenicity in Xanthomonas. In: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of PlantPathogen Interactions (Ed. CJ Smith). Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp 154162.

Osbourn AE, Clarke BR, Dow JM and Daniels MJ (1991). Partial characterization of avenacinase from Gaeumannomyces graminis var. avenae. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 38: 301312.