English 11A Trimester 12012-2013

Ms.Newton Conference Hour: 1st

810-667-2423 ext. 3277


As outlined by the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC), students will connect with and respond to various texts, fiction, poetry, and non-fiction, through critical response and stance. They will learn to evaluate for validity and quality, to balance and expand their perspectives promoting empathy, social action and the appropriate use of power. Critical Response and Stance allows for students to analyze readings from multiple perspectives and respond critically. Written response will allow students to practice and apply the conventions of the English language that promotes good rhetorical writings.


  • The following units will be covered during English 11A: Introduction to Fiction, including poetry, short stories, and novels; Independent Reading and Journaling.
  • Concepts covered: Elements of fiction and poetry, thesis, textual evidence and structure for use, and essay organization.
  • Terms covered include but are not limited to: Ethos, Logos, and Pathos, Parallelism, Syntax, Rhetorical Questions, Allusion, Hyperbole, Analogies, Bandwagon, Paradox, Tone, Persuasive Techniques, and Figures of Speech.

Project Grades:

  • Writing: journaling daily; persuasive writing; essays
  • Quizzes and test(s):Grammar, poetry, novels, essay elements
  • Independent reading (chosen by the student) is required of all eleventh graders. Students should be reading for no less than 90 minutes per week. Written responses will also be required.

Attendance/Grading: See the 2012-2013 Student Handbook for district policies.

  • Final Grade:

Students’ final grades consist of 80% Term Grade and 20% Term Exam/Common Assessment. The district grading scale is as follows:




  • Grades are determined based on a points system.

Powerschool: Grades will be updated weekly on Powerschool and can be accessed with your password and code. If you do not have your password or code, contact the office for this information. This website can be automatically sent to your email.

Homework/Assignments policy: You will be expected to read outside of class and complete homework assignments and other work outside of class. Any work, including major projects and essays, that is turned in a week past the due date will only receive 50% credit. If you are chronically not completing assignments, there will be parental contact and/or detentions.

What supplies do I need for the year? 1) One three-ring binder;2) three dividers; 3) onespiral notebook or bound paper for in-class writings; 4) pencil or pen(blue/black ink; papers may be returned or not graded if in another color or illegible). Binders should be neat and organized at all times!

Basic Classroom Rules:

1)You must be in your seat with all supplies when the bell rings or you will be marked tardy; if you need to return to your locker for materials, you will be marked tardy. As 11th graders, you are expected to be able to handle being prepared to work. It is YOUR responsibility, NOT anyone else’s. Excessive tardies may lead to parental contact, detentions, and office referrals.

2)Start work when the bell rings. There will be a routine of which you should be aware; daily reminders to begin should not be necessary. Also please stay seated until the bell rings.

3)Show respect to those around you.

4)Pay attentionto (the task, the teacher, fellow students, and announcements). This also includes NOT getting out of your seat during direct instruction.

5)All electronics must be put away during class; I will follow the school cell phone policy.

6)This class follows the 2012-2013 student handbook regarding: tardies and absences.

7)Questions: Please follow the 3/15 rule. If you (#1) do not know what to do after thinking about your question for 15 seconds, QUIETLY consult two classmates (#2 and #3). If you are still confused, then consult with me. I am more than willing to help students, but since there are 30+ students and only one teacher, we have to use our resources wisely.

What if I miss class? The daily agenda will be recorded on the classroom calendar. Extra handouts will be available in the Assignment basket located in the front of the room on the day missed. You will have as many days as you were gone to make up the assignment; check the Assignments folders and agendas, speak to a classmate, or talk to me/or email OUTSIDE of class time.

Plagiarism and Cheating: Your work should be your work and no one else’s. Copying information from the Internet without proper citations isconsidered plagiarism. If your work does not appear to be your own, you may earn a zero on the assignment, parental contact, and/or an office referral.

Passes: Passes shouldNOT be used during direct instruction;please wait until an appropriate time. You will be given three passes per trimester; additional passes can be given but a tardy will be issued.

I look forward to a productive and enjoyable work environment this year with you! Everyone is capable of succeeding, and this class will provide you with the tools and skills to help you reach your goals.

Ms. Newton

English 11A Tri 12012-2013NewtonDUE ______


  • 1 ½ “ binder
  • 3 dividers
  • Spiral notebook or bound loose-leaf paper

I have read this syllabus and understand the requirements and structure of English 11A with Ms. Newton.


Student signature Date


Parent signature Date

Please list an email address and phone numbers where you may be reached.


Phone number (Parent/Student)E-mail addresses for a distribution list used only by Ms. Newton (both parent and student if available)

English 11A Tri 1 2012-2013 WorthingDUE ______


  • 1 ½ “ binder
  • 3 dividers
  • Spiral notebook or bound loose-leaf paper

I have read this syllabus and understand the requirements and structure of English 11A with Ms. Newton.


Student signature Date


Parent signature Date

Please list an email address and phone numbers where you may be reached.


Phone number (Parent/Student)E-mail addresses for a distribution list used only by Ms. Newton (both parent and student if available)