NAN Education Meeting

Regency C, VictoriaInn, Thunder Bay

March 20, 2007

8:00-9:00 Registration


Opening Prayer – NAN Elder

Opening Remarks – Deputy Grand Chief Terry Waboose

Introductions – Nishnawbe Aski Nation Education Committee

Overview of Meeting Agenda


NAN Education Jurisdiction – Dr. Emily Faries

10:45-11:00 Break


INAC – Katherine Knott, Director of Education


Lunch Provided

Keynote Address, Rosie Mosquito Oshki Pimache O Win Education & Training Institute


Ministry of Education – Aboriginal Education Unit


Brief presentation on draft strategic plan – 7 broad categories identified in plan.



Group Discussion: What do you view as a quality education system within Nishnawbe Aski Nation?

Nishnawbe Aski Nation: 623-8228 VictoriaInn: 577-8481

NAN Education Meeting

Regency C, VictoriaInn,Thunder Bay

March 21, 2007

9:00-9:15Overview of the Day

9:15-3:00 Break out rooms

12:00-1:00 lunch provided, main room

There will be eight strategic plan items that each group will have an opportunity to review and add input into. What does this mean to your community? To your school? What is working? What isn’t working? Where are the gaps?

1). To ensure provision of appropriate special education funding and programming for NAN students

2). To promote Education Capacity Development in NAN First Nation Communities

3). To help ensure availability of adequate, needs-based funding for education programs and services within NAN.

4). To support the availability of appropriate curriculum in NAN First Nation schools.

5). To document Education capital backlog within NAN First Nations

6). To document the Post-Secondary funding requirements and analyze current INAC funding policies

7). To actively support and provide input to the Education Jurisdiction negotiations and the codification of NAN education laws.

8). Open Comment Table

3:00-3:15Nutrition Break

3:15-4:30(Regency C)

Presentation back to group from the 8 group recorders

Opportunities for additional comments


Nishnawbe Aski Nation: 623-8228 VictoriaInn: 577-8481