BIT115 – Final Exam Study Guide

A Gentle Reminder: You are responsible for everything that's been covered, anywhere, at any time, in the class, regardless of whether it’s listed in this document or not! However, with that, the Final Exam is not expected to stray from what’s listed here.

Format:VerySimilar to Midterm(with a couple of different changes)

The Final Exam is worth 150 points (or 15% of your grade)

6 - True/False Questions (6 x 5 = 30 points)

8- Multiple Choice Questions (8 x 5 = 40 points)

6- Find the Errors Questions (6 x 5 = 30 points)

2- Long Answer Questions (2 x 25 = 50 points)

(You will pick two out of four possible choices)

"Write me code that does yada-yada-yada"

Trace code

Find all the errors

For all code/code snippets: some robots, some non-robotic ‘stictly’ Java code

TopicsMay LikelyInclude:

Everything from before the midterm is naturally assumed, ALTHOUGH most questions will pertain to the following:

Input/Output: Make sure you're comfortable with System.out.print and System.out.println– these will be used in the T/F, Multiple Choice questions, and code so make sure you you can examine a program, and determine what output it produces.

Input: Using the Scanner class to get input from the keyboard


  • Local
  • Parameters
  • InstanceVariables

Loop patterns: counting, going through an array, etc (while, if-else, for, do-while, etc).


  • How to create an array (of int ordouble)
  • How to go through an array ("Process all elements of an array" pattern)
  • Example: Print every element of an array
  • Example: Average of an array


  • int
  • double
  • boolean

Non-Robotic Code

  • Helper classes (methods to ask for input, print, etc.)
  • Method overloading (mightappearin a multiple choice or true/false question)


  • "What does this print?" type of questions


  • Loops
  • If statements
  • Possibly Tracing
  • If…Else
  • For loops

Creating New Classes:

  • Methods
  • Parameters
  • Overriding Methods (your own version of move, etc.)
  • Constructors
  • Return Values (maybe)

Software Development Tricks:

  • Putting code into separate files

The Fine Print | Disclaimer
This is a suggested list of topics that you might focus on when preparing for the Final Exam.
The presence of an item on this list does not guarantee that it will be on the Final Exam.
Likewise, the absence of a topic from the list does not guarantee that the topic will be absent from the exam.
The exam will cover everything that has been covered in this class (in lecture, in the reading, and in the in-class exercises), although it will typically focus on material that has been covered since the Mid-Term.

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