Region 4A Medical Reserve Corps Advisory Board

Meeting Minutes, Friday March 3, 9:00 am-11:00am

Fuller School, 31 Flagg Drive, Door 14

Framingham, MA 01702

Call to order and quorum by Chair/Executive Director 9:30 AM

Present: Kitty Mahoney, Phyllis Schilp, Christian Lanphere, Liz Martin, Linda Callan, Lisa Moulton.

Meeting Minutes: (Phyllis Schilp) February 16, 2017

- Motion to approve by Phyllis Schilp, second by Linda Callan, all in favor, motion approved as presented.

·  CHA reported that they are currently looking to hire an office administrator who will be in charge of meeting minutes, budget process, and be the resource for web master.

Fiscal Budget Monthly Report: (Kitty Mahoney)

·  Budget - MRC and PHEP and NACCHO

·  Budget reclassification due by March 31st. Will discuss reallocation of the budget and money available at next meeting. CHA to sit down with DPH this Monday. Will have budget realignments for quarter 4 with current estimate of money available. Once budget is sent out to MRC AB by CHA we will do the reclassifications. CHA will send out early next week.

·  New documentation discussed by Liz Martin when changing reclassification from one quarter to another. Will send updated info to Kitty.

·  Chair recommended continuing Apricot web support through end of BP5. Christian Lanphere discussed problems with Aicron. 4B having problems with response when there is web site issues. Will continue to fund Apricot until alternative web master is decided upon. Christian stated that CHA is also looking into supporting the web site. More to come on office manager position.

·  All requests to Lisa Moulton for reimbursement.

·  Christian stated the importance all reimbursements meeting the federal per diem rates.

Ongoing Business/Updates (Kitty Mahoney)

·  Interim Continuity Plan for HMCC and MRC 4A

·  Lisa struggling to find times to meet C.Corkery. Suggestion by Christian Lanphere to make a Saturday date and set aside 4 hours to orient.

·  CHA to supply lap top and cell phone to VC position.

·  P Schilp will create task list as outlined by the MRC AB for L.Moulton to start to work towards transitioning into VC role.

·  Discussed roles and responsibilities of VC and need for monthly activity reporting to the MRC AB.

·  Orientation has been a slow process with challenges. Liz Martin will assist in cross training Lisa Martin.

·  Strategic Planning 2016-2017

·  Major part of planning will be on-boarding new VC

New Business (ALL)

·  Christian addressed next steps for Web master. Identify needs and look at venders to see who will be the best fit. Continue month to month with Apricot.

·  Christian also discussed the importance of any personal identifiers (MRC Applications and CORI forms) not going through email. L. Moulton to address with communities.

·  L. Moulton to attend 4B Steering Committee on Aicron and bring back information to MRC AB.

MRC Coordinator Deliverable Update and Discussion: (All)

·  National reporting requirements (monthly from 4A communities)

·  Correspondence went out to the GC requesting reporting requirements from each community this am. Went over the MRC requirements of monthly reporting and for Lisa Moulton VC to start to contact MRC representative for each of the 33 communities.

·  Kitty has intern working on Intro to MRC from Keef Tech.

·  VC to start Monthly Reports to MRC AB

·  Deputy Director still needs roles defined by the VC.

Motion to adjourn by: Kitty Mahoney, second by Phyllis Schilp, all in favor, motion approved as presented.

Adjourn 11:00am