The A-T Index covers only the Indo-European folktales. Yet, thanks to recurring motifs across cultures, most of the tales from other lands that I’ve included herre fit smoothly into the index. “The Maiden Without Hands” appears in Africa, Cinderella in China, and so forth. Below is, not a complete listing of tales, but many popular ones, along with the ones relevant to this study.


Animal Tales

AT 34 The Wolf Dives into the Water for Reflected Cheese

AT 38 Claw in Split Tree

AT 155 The Ungrateful Serpent Returned to Captivity

AT 157 Learning to Fear Men

AT 175 The Tarbaby and the Rabbit

Ordinary Folktales

AT 300 The Dragon Slayer

AT 301 A Quest for a Vanished Princess

AT 310 The Maiden in the Tower

AT 311 How the Devil Married Three Sisters

AT 312 Bluebeard

AT 313 The Girl as Helper in the Hero's Flight

AT 326 The Youth Who Wanted to Learn What Fear Is

AT 327 The Children and the Ogre

AT 327A Hansel and Gretel

AT 330 The Smith Outwits the Devil

AT 330D Bonhomme Misere

AT 332 Godfather Death

AT 332B Death and Luck

AT 333 Red Riding Hood

AT 361 Bearskin

AT 403 The Black and White Bride

AT 410 Sleeping Beauty

AT 425A Cupid and Psyche

AT 425C Beauty and the Beast

AT 432 The Prince as Bird

AT 440 The Frog Prince

AT 451: The Brothers Who Were Turned Into Birds

AT 462 The Outcast Queens and the Ogress Queen

AT 470 Friends in Life and Death

AT 476 Midwife (or Godparent) for the Elves

AT 480 The SpinningWomen by the Spring

AT 500 The Name of the Helper

AT 505 The Grateful Dead

AT 510 Cinderella

AT 510A Cinderella

AT 510B The Dress of Gold, of Silver, and of Stars

AT 530 The Princess on the Glass Mountain

AT 531 Ferdinand the True and Ferdinand the False

Robe 545G [The Mouse as Helper]

AT 551 The Sons on a Quest for a Wonderful Remedy for Their Father AT 138

AT 554 The Grateful Animals

AT 555 The Fisher and His Wife

Robe 559 Dung Beetle

AT 566 The Three Magic Objects and the Wonderful Fruits

AT 6 12 The Three SnakeLeaves

AT 613 The Two Travelers

Hansen 613 [Hero Overhears Secrets and Cures Illness]

AT 621 The Louse Skin

AT 653A The Rarest Thing in the World

AT 700 Tom Thumb

AT 706 The Maiden without Hands

AT 707 The Three Golden Sons

AT 709 Snow White

Hansen 748H [Witch Wife Who Visits Cemetery Changes Spying Husband into Dog]

AT 750F The Old Man's Blessing

AT 752C* The Discourteous Sower

AT 756 The Three Green Twigs

AT 756B The Devil's Contract

AT 759 God's Justice Vindicated

AT 780 The Flower of LilyLo

AT 841 One Beggar Trusts God, the Other the King

AT 851 The Princess Who Cannot Solve the Riddle

AT 875 Clever Peasant Girl Who Solves the King’s Riddles

AT 879 The Basil Maiden

AT 883A The Innocent Slandered Maiden

AT 891 The Man Who Deserts His Wife and Sets Her the Task of Bearing Him a Child

AT 910B The Servant's Good Counsels

AT 923 Love Like Salt

Hansen 930B [Noble Daughter and Coal Seller's Son]

AT 945 Luck and Intelligence

AT 955 The Robber Bridegroom

AT 981 Wisdom of Hidden Old Man Saves Kingdom

AT 1004 Hogs in the Mud

Jokes and Anecdotes

Robe 1341E [The Money in the Coffin]

AT 1354 Death for the Old Couple

AT 1364 The BloodBrother's Wife

AT 1380 The Faithless Wife

AT 1381B The Sausage Rain

AT 1415 Lucky Hans

AT 1418 The Equivocal Oath

AT 1529 Thief Claims to Have Been Transformed into a Horse

AT 1530 Holding Up the Rock

AT 1536B The Three Hunchback Brothers Drowned

AT 1540 The Student from Paradise

Hansen 1545** [The Reluctant Hosts]

AT 1626 Dream Bread

AT 1641 Doctor KnowAll

AT 1654 The Robbers in the Death Chamber

Hansen 1704** [The Fool as Babysitter]

AT 1737 The Parson in the Sack to Heaven

AT 1741 A woman convinces a guest that her husband (or employer) wants to cut off his ears

AT 1792 The Stingy Parson and the Slaughtered Pig

Boggs 1940E [The Widow's Dog Named World]


Mythological Motifs

A673 Hound of hell

A1010 Deluge

A1030 Worldfire

A1650.1 The various children of Eve



B401 Helpful horse

B411 Helpful cow

B600.2 Animal husband provides characteristic animal food

B635.1 The Bear's Son


C12Devil invoked appears unexpectedly


D1234 Magic guitar[121

D 1505.8.1 Blood from Christ's wounds restores sight 17 11

The Dead

E30 Resuscitation by arrangement of members 15 1]

E235 Return from dead to punish indignities to corpse [851

E734.1 Soul in form of butterfly [io6j

E751.1 Souls weighed at judgment Day 15 61


F81.1 Orpheus

F251.4 Underworld people from children which Eve hid from God 1581

F841 Extraordinary boat 15 11


G211 Witch in animal form [9, 8o, 841

G211.1.2 Witch in form of horse 130, Cf. 101

G266 Witches steal [91

G271.2.2 Witch exorcised by holy water

G271.4.5 Breaking spell by beating the person or object bewitched [91


H7I.I Star on forehead as a sign of royalty

H121 Identification by cup

H602.1.1 Symbolic meaning of numbers one to twelve (or other number)

H1091.1 Task: sorting grains: performed by helpful ants

H1091.2 Task: sorting grains: performed by helpful birds

H1125 Task: traveling until iron shoes are worn out

H1226.4 Pursuit of rolling ball of yarn leads to quest

The Wise and the Foolish

J1185.1 Sheherezade

J1545.4 “Exiled wife’s dearest possession”

J1758 Tiger mistaken for domestic animal

J2461.1 Literal following of instructions about actions


K841 Substitute for execution obtained by trickery

Reversal of fortune

L13 Compassionate youngest son

Ordaining the Future

M21 King Lear judgment

Chance and Fate

N452 Secret remedy overheard in conversation of animals

N512 Treasure in underground chamber 15, 5 11

N531 Treasure discovered through dream 151

N813 Helpful genie 151

Rewards and Punishments

Q2 Kind and unkind

Unnatural Cruelty

S165 Mutilation: putting out eyes [121

S224 Child promised to Devil for acting as godfather [231

S241 Child unwittingly promised: "first thing you meet" 1541

Traits of Character

W 151.9 Greedy animal gets head stuck in food jar