
John Skerritt, Chair (JS)Sheila Skerritt (SS)

Sam Spencer (SJS)John Bellamy (JB)

Beryl Kurth (BK)Cllr. Michael Blase (MB)

Frank Duckworth (FD)Raman Selvon (RS)

Jim Treloar (JT)John March (JM)

Geoff Plant (GP)Phil Murray (PM)

John Brammall (JBM)Harry Rai (HR)

Dennis Bonsall (DB)Cllr. Simon Lumley (SL)

Cllr. Alan Pearson (AP)

Minutes / Actions
1. Apologies for absence
1.1 –Ronan Browne, Damien Kenny, Christine Marshall, Richard Whitmore and Malcolm Green.
2. Minutes of the last meeting
2.1 – Accepted as a true and accurate record.
3. Matters arising
3.1 – 3.1 – SJS explained FD was away from Melton when the bins at Beckmill Court were emptied. RS informed FD that they will next be emptied on a week Thursday.
3.2 – 10.2 – JBM updated on 3 Ralph Toon Court. The assessment has only just been received from Adult Social Care, JBM confirmed he is progressing the recommendation.
4. Questions from the public
4.1 –No questions from the public.
5. Grounds Maintenance
5.1 –RS stated the start to the grass cutting season hasn’t been its usual slick service due to the weather, resources and staffing. However the service is settling down now and there is more control. JB raised the issue of grass cuttings on the road/footpath not being blown back onto the grass areas. RS explained the team should be doing this task, RS will be monitoring over the coming weeks.
5.2 – HR explained MBC are introducing more flexibility in the team to reflect the peaks and troughs of work and seasons. AP queried why blowing the grass cuttings back onto the grass area is not done once cutting is complete rather than going back a few days later. HR explained due to the aggressive grass growing there is not the resources to complete of the tasks in one area and then move onto the next at the same time or else the team would get behind with the 12 day cutting cycle, but it was something they are looking at. RS explained part of the introducing flexibility with the workforce will be to multi skill them to be able to complete one team tasks.
5.3 – SL raised the discussion about hedge maintenance being done at the same time as the grass cutting if hedge work is identified rather than only doing on set programmes. RS explained as part of the one team approach MBC are looking to introduce this in line with a more flexible workforce.
6. Wates update
6.1 –GP provided the most up to date KPI report covering April 2016, also the previous year 2015/16. GP welcomed any feedback on the new format of the report for TFEC.
6.2 – GP explained Kelly Birkenshaw has left Wates and her replacement will be appointed soon. The new member of staff will come along and meet TFEC to support the social engagement aspect.
6.3 – Co-location at Parkside starts tomorrow (2.6.16).
6.4 – Wates are currently surveying the Fairmead area for Planned Maintenance.
6.5 – GP ran through some of the KPI stats and took queries. JB asked what is ‘Info. Only’? GP stated info only is where there is no defined target to meet but the information is recorded for monitoring purposes. The KPI stats are discussed in more detail during the Operations Contract meeting.
6.6 – JS raised a query in regards to the initial request he put forward in September 2015. JS would like to see the certificates and accreditations which Wates hold for the operatives they use on the MBC contract. The information has not been provided to date. GP apologised for the delay and explained he will send to SJS by the end of next week – 10th June. There was a discussion about the minimum level of operative qualifications. GP explained that Wates operative work is post inspected by an internal benchmark and also by certified managers. AP explained he is not happy with internal benchmarking. If he was to allow an electrician or plumber into his house to complete work he wants to see their accreditation to complete the work. HR suggested we see what information GP comes back with and have a further discussion from there if required. MB asked what audit does MBC complete on the work. JBM explained post inspections of workmanship are completed on day to day works and in regards to capital contracts, work is inspected in line with specific contract procedure process.
6.7 – SS asked if GP had received any feedback from Tamara Fung who attended the tour of the borough. GP stated Tamara gave positive feedback and explained she found the tour useful.
6.8 – SL picked up on item 8.7 from the previous minutes in regards to missed appointments. GP explained sometimes this is a data flow issue of correct contact details for the tenant. Co-location will help with this issue which starts tomorrow. SL also explained he receives lots of complaints from residents across the borough in regards to jobs not being completed within the 28 day target period. GP explained sometimes there are extensions of times granted so the issue is how this is fed back to the tenant to ensure they know what the situation is. Again these issues are picked up at the Operations Meeting. SL asked if the communication between MBC and Wates has improved. GP explained yes it has and it will further with co-location.
6.9 – JS explained he is thrilled with the new report format from Wates and looks forward to future reports.
7. Allocation query – mixed communities
7.1 –JT raised the concern with the allocation of properties to younger tenants or known problem tenants in an area which traditionally has older tenants living. An example is Granby Drive in Bottesford. JT states the clash of lifestyle upsets the older tenants.
7.2 –HR explained that allocations are assessed based on any sensitivity to areas, on a case by case basis. The demand for designated properties is far lower than for general needs properties and MBC manage their stock to reflect the demand. Some flats cannot be let if they are only considered as designated properties. The qualification criteria for designated properties is not simply based on the age of tenants, other factors are considered such as mobility and vulnerability. Furthermore, MBC have a duty to house residents under homelessness. HR stated sometimes there are issues which are managed through the Community Safety team and ASB Officer, however over the whole borough where there are mixed ages of tenants there are not issues.
8. Housing repairs update
8.1 –JBM explained planned maintenance phase 1 is nearly complete, then move onto phase 2 to cover some of the villages. JBM explained the survey process is a lot better than last year which has reduced variations. The expectation of the work which is done or due to be done is managed on site with the tenant on a case by case basis. JB asked for a breakdown of the areas which have been done, being done and due to be done so TFEC know in case tenants ask them.
8.2 – JBM updated in regards to capital contracts. Bathrooms and kitchens will start in September, bathrooms first and then kitchens. The roofing contract is going very well. The adaptations contract had been stalled but all will be cleared by the end of the financial year. The re-wiring contract is due to be done. There was a legal delay with the windows and doors but this has been resolved and so starting the process again. In the meantime one offs are being done to get ahead of the game, the more priority ones. TFEC will be involved with the contracts as usual.
8.3 – JBM explained there is one new surveyor starting on 6th June and then another on 27th June. SJS explained he is working on a terms of engagement document to ensure TFEC, MBC and Wates all work to the same agreement in regards to TFEC involvement with voids, day to day work and contracts.
8.4 – SL asked what is covered in planned maintenance. JBM explained the planned maintenance is external works and covers soffits, fascia, minor roofing repairs, painting (mainly shed doors), path repairs, chimney stack repair and re-pointing. / JBM to send TFEC the areas of planned maintenance
9. Housing Asset Management Plan (HAMP)
9.1 –HR gave an update in regards to the new Chair and Vice Chair of the Community and Social Affairs Committee (C&SA), Cllr. Alan Pearson and Cllr. Simon Lumley. HR will be working closely with them in regards to the HAMP and other relevant policy matters.
9.2 – HR provided the below update on relevant points of the HAMP since the previous meeting.
New builds/garage sites – during 2017/18 and 2018/19 HR will be progressing forward with the development of new builds on MBC existing garage sites.
Beckmill Court – work to be started during 2016/17 – there is a specification for the work, currently consultation with the leaseholders at Beckmill Court.
Granby House – the procurement tender has been sent out and tenders received. Due to spend a day evaluating the tenders in the next few weeks.
Non-traditional housing – sourcing external funding for external cladding insulation, potential £500,000 funding to complete works. Work during 2016/17 to 2019/20.
Purchase of houses – members have granted HR approval to purchase some new build properties from developers under the 106. This is to add to MBC current stock.
Fairmead – in advanced talks with a Housing Provider and developer to start phase 1 of the regeneration, work during 2017/18 and 2018/19.
Over the next 5 years there is a potential £16 million spend on projects through the HAMP.
10. Tour of the borough feedback
10.1 – SJS provided brief analysis from the tour of the borough held on 19th May. The areas covered were Waltham on the Wolds, Croxton Kerrial, Knipton, Eaton, Muston, Barkestone Le Vale and Stathern. There were 29 properties visited and 21 tenants seen. Out of the 21 tenants there were 14 repair queries, 5 housing queries, 1 LCC/Parish Council query and 8 with no issues. SJS stated he has collated all the queries and sent off for relevant action. SJS will monitor to completion.
10.2 – there was a discussion about the format of the tours, TFEC are looking to do wrap up visits in a smaller group in between tours to pick up on properties where tenants were not in. Also SJS said for the future tours TFEC members will have missed visit cards so tenants who were not in can contact TFEC if required.
10.3 – There was a general discussion regarding Tenant Forum meetings, AP confirmed there will be a member attendance at each Tenants Forum meeting.
11. Date and Time of next meeting
11.1 - The next Tenants Forum Formal meeting is on Wednesday3rd August 2016, 2pm in theTFEC Resource Centre, Gretton Court.