San Marcos High School

Ultimate Frisbee


Game Rules and Drills

A. The game is begun with both teams in the end zones, and the throw-off is called a Pull.

1. The team throwing the Frisbee must stay behind the person who is throwing off.

2.  The pull starts from ten yards outside of the throwing team’s end zone.

B. The team that is receiving the pull does not have to catch the Frisbee.

C. When an offensive player has the Frisbee they may only hold it for three seconds

1.  A violation of the rule will result in an automatic change of possession.

D. When the Frisbee is in the possession of a player they may only take three steps.

1. A violation of the rule will result in an automatic change of possession

E. The defender must be at least one arms length or three feet from the person with the Frisbee.

F. If a defender bats the Frisbee to the ground the Frisbee is then turned over to the team on defense

1. If a defender intercepts a pass then the Frisbee goes to the defending team.

G. Every time the Frisbee touches the ground it is called a turnover and the Frisbee changes possession (Except on the throw-off)

H. A point is scored every time somebody catches the Frisbee in the other teams end zone.

1. You may not run the Frisbee into the end zone.

I. Fouls are monitored on the field of play by the participating players. If a foul is not called play resumes.

J. When the Frisbee lands dead in the end zone the new offensive team starts play at the one yard line.


Back and Forth Throw – Two partners throwing back and forth together focusing on proper footwork and wrist technique.

Circle Throw – Five to six group members run in a circle in the same direction tossing the Frisbee around the circle. Players must make sure not to take more then two steps with the Frisbee, throw ahead of their target so they need not break stride. Change directions after ten completions.

Guard Drill – Groups of four work together. Two pairs approximately twenty to thirty yards apart. Group A will start off as the defenders and group B will start off as the offensive players. The offensive players will try to move the Frisbee back and forth from one another with the defender no closer then arms length. The offensive player with the Frisbee may only take two steps while in possession of the Frisbee. After three completions the groups should switch roles.