Quality Management System
CCTV Workbook
Practical operation of CCTV Equipment - H/600/7388
Practical Operation of CCTV Equipment in Scotland - U523 04
Assessment Workbook
Learner name
Learner Number
Page 1 of 17 IQB/0.2/012 | Version 4.0 | 15/08/2012 | Author: DM
Quality Management System
CCTV Workbook
Scenarios: Please indicate which scenario was used for this assessment.Sample scenarios can be found at the end of this document.
Scenario 1 / Scenario 2 / Centre devised scenario number/ reference
LO1: Be able to operate CCTV Equipment
AC1.1 Carry out functional checks of the CCTV system
Evidence seen / ü / Comments/ Evidence (give full details)
Recording equipment
Computer systems
Handover procedure /forms
Routine/ handover checks
AC 1.2 Explain equipment fault reporting procedures
Evidence seen / ü / Comments/ Evidence (give full details)
Common types of fault
Impact on operation of system
Fault reporting process
Engineer callout procedure
Associated documentation
AC 1.3 Demonstrate appropriate use of keypads and joysticks to operate the cameras, monitors, computer systems and associated equipment
Evidence seen / ü / Comments/Evidence (give details of how achieved)
Pan, tilt, zoom
Camera to Monitor controls
Incident monitors **
Equipment for switching camera feeds
Monitor controls (brightness /contrast)
Real-time recording **
Computer based incident handling**
Key: **= if available
AC 1.4 Demonstrate how to overcome poor weather, lighting and positioning
Evidence seen: ü or circle / ü / Comments/Evidence (give full details)
Types of weather (rain/wind/fog/bright sunshine)
Use of alternative lighting sources**
Use of alternative cameras to give different views
Use of pan, tilt and zoom to minimise problems
Use of monitor controls to improve displayed image
Records of difficulties (in Daily Log/Incident Report
Reporting of recurrent problems to management
Impact on operation of system
AC 1.5 Produce images of sufficient quality for evidential purposes
Evidence seen / ü / Comments/Evidence (give full details)
Knowledge of routine recording quality/processes
Evidential requirements of imagery (identification/recognition etc.)
Produce evidential images of people
Produce evidential images of vehicles (stationary/moving)
Appropriate use of pan/tilt/zoom
Use of “real-time” recording**
Appropriate accompanying notes/ records (after incident - e.g. incident report)
AC 1.6 Record images onto storage media in an evidentially sound manner
Evidence seen: ü or circle / ü / Comments/Evidence (give full details)
Types of CCTV system: Analogue/Digital
Types of media: VHS tape /CD-ROM /DVD
Retrieval of imagery
Knowledge of persons authorised to receive copies
Request forms/procedures
Preparation of copy (moving footage /still image)
Demonstrate use of equipment (recording/copying)
Routine storage of imagery
Documentation of copying process
Labelling /packaging of copies
Awareness of policies and procedures
Awareness of variable quality of footage (time lapse/multiplex)
AC 1.7 Complete relevant documentation associated with an incident
Evidence seen / ü / Comments/Evidence (give full details)
Daily logs and record sheets
Incident reports
Making original notes of observed incidents
Witness statements
Requests for copies of footage
Incident Report
Witness Statement
LO2: Be able to demonstrate operational use of a CCTV system
AC 2.1 Demonstrate correct radio procedures with a third party
Evidence seen / ü / Comments/Evidence (give full details)
Functional checks
Test message/s
Use of different systems
Use of phonetic alphabet, etc
Appropriate radio procedure (accuracy/brevity/clarity)
Emergency telephone procedures
Routine telephone procedures
AC 2.2 Explain how to work with the control room team to deal with multiple incidents
Comments/Evidence (give full details)
AC 2.3 Identify body language and behaviours that could indicate unusual or suspicious behaviour
Evidence seen: ü or circle / ü / Comments/Evidence (give full details)
Single person
Suspicious behaviour loitering/aggression/dishonesty
Awareness of stereotyping/ discrimination
C 2.4 Give clear and accurate descriptions of people, vehicles and events
Evidence seen: ü or circle / ü / Comments/Evidence (give full details)
Physical descriptions
Vehicle descriptions
Small/large/calm /excitable
Dispute/fight/suspicious event
Directions of travel
AC 2. 5 Locate and track a suspect who is on foot or in a vehicle
Evidence seen: ü or circle / ü / Comments/Evidence (give full details)
Male/Female/Youth / This may provide evidence for
Appropriate use of zoom
Maintained contact
Pre-positioned cameras as suspect moves from one to another
Evidential quality images obtained
Good knowledge of camera locations
Awareness of blind spots/techniques to overcome
Teamwork with available colleagues considered
AC 2.6 Use cameras to view a suspect entering or leaving an area
Evidence seen / ü / Comments/Evidence (give full details)
Good knowledge of camera locations
Positioning of all available cameras
Appropriate use of zoom
Use of short camera patrols
(if necessary)
Use of pre-planned camera deployments
Use of available colleagues to assist
Identification of blind spots/gaps
Use of patrols, etc. to deploy to blind spots
AC 2.7 Carry out lost contact drills
Evidence seen / ü / Comments/Evidence (give full details)
Awareness of standard drills
Use of multiple cameras
Appropriate positioning of cameras
Making full use of available colleagues to assist
Systematic search pattern
Appropriate use of zoom
Awareness of camera locations and fields of vision
Dealing with blind spots
Coordination with/communication with patrols
AC 2.8 Use cameras to search the outside of buildings, streets and open spaces for suspected IEDs
Evidence seen / ü / Comments/Evidence (give full details)
Good knowledge of camera locations
Positioning of surrounding cameras
Use of multiple cameras
Teamwork with available colleagues
Appropriate use of zoom
Systematic approach to search
Prioritisation of search areas
Identification of blind spots / gaps
Use of patrols, etc. to deploy to blind spots
Knowledge of IED procedures if located
Knowledge of particularly suspicious features
Trainer comments:
De-Brief With Learner completed
Attached documentation completed by learner / ü
Witness Statement
Incident Report
Questions asked and answers recorded (if applicable)
Fault log (if applicable)
Scenario/s (if applicable)
Other evidence-specify:
I am satisfied the learner (insert name) has fully demonstrated their competence and knowledge for all assessment criteria as listed above.
Assessor Name / Assessor Signature / Date
Submit for internal quality assurance/sampling/observation in accordance with Centre Policies and Procedures as agreed:
QA Name / QA Signature / DateI confirm that all the evidence presented is my own work, and that all the competence evidence presented is representative of my current performance and is valid, reliable sufficient and authentic.
Learner Name / Learner Signature / Date
Scenario 1
Information has been received that a group of shoplifters may be operating in your (insert as appropriate- e.g. high street/ shopping centre) today. They usually operate in groups of two to four persons. One or two will actually do the shoplifting and the other two will have the goods passed to them to take away to their vehicle.
Please inform us if you observe any suspicious activity including location and full description. Record appropriately and keep us informed of developments.
Scenario 2
Information has been received that a group of thieves with stolen credit/debit cards may be operating in your area (insert as appropriate- e.g. high street/shopping centre) today. They work in groups of two to three, with two people using the stolen cards to purchase goods and the third one to take away the goods to their vehicle. They usually target medium to expensive items with a high re-sale value. They pass on their purchases so that they can go back into the shop/a different shop and purchase the same items again.
Please inform us if you observe any suspicious activity including location and full description. Record appropriately and keep us informed of developments.
Unit 3 Guidance on Delivery and Assessment
This unit deals with learner’s practical operation of CCTV equipment. It covers operating CCTV Equipment and demonstrating operational use of a CCTV System and is the practical use of the knowledge learnt in unit 2 “Working as a CCTV Operator”. It should be delivered and assessed in a CCTV control room after, or in parallel to unit 2. Training should involve the use of practical relevant scenarios (these can be real or simulated) with the learners learning, practicing and demonstrating their competence on a CCTV system. The 8 guided learning hours must be delivered solely by tutor lead activities (direct tutor contact) Centres must be able to evidence the MCH and GLH.
Scenario guidance
All assessment criteria must be met. Centres may use these scenarios or develop their own customised scenarios.
As much evidence as possible should arise naturally from the scenarios, if it does not additional tasks should be set to cover all assessment criteria.
If centres use their own scenarios please provide one copy of the scenario/s to the IQ Quality assurance/external verifier, indicating where appropriate which scenario each learner used.
Trainers may use scenarios both in the delivery and assessment of this unit.
Required Equipment
CCTV systems very considerably, however in order to be able to deliver and assess the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of this unit learners must have access to a control room environment and a CCTV system with at least two PTZ cameras and associated recording and monitoring equipment.
This unit is about the practical operation of a CCTV control room and is based on the SIA Specifications for Learning and Qualifications for CCTV Control Room Operations (PSS). Assessment is through demonstration of practical activities covering the learning outcomes and assessment criteria and is internally set and marked and externally quality assured by IQ. The assessment workbook for this unit is available from the IQ website. Trainers may assess learners. A full SIA Identification check must be carried out at the start of the assessment as this is part of a licence linked qualification. Once the assessment has been completed please contact IQ for details of the quality assurance process.
All assessment criteria must be met, there are a range of activities in each assessment criteria and holistic assessment is encouraged. One activity may provide evidence for other assessment criterion/activities. For example in carrying out AC 2.5 Locate and track a suspect who is on foot or in a vehicle the learner should demonstrate competence in most of the activities in 1.3 Demonstrate appropriate uses of keypads and joysticks to operate the cameras, monitors, computer systems and associated equipment.
IQ does not expect that each individual assessment criteria is assessed in isolation, but that the evidence should occur naturally from the scenarios or activities set. Trainers are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the activities under each assessment criterion and plan how these can be met.
Learners may not meet the required standard for a task/activity at the first attempt, if this is the case the trainer should go over the task with the learner and allow them to practice again; re-assessing later and making a record in the assessment workbook.
An External Verifier (EV) will be appointed, once you have registered your first cohort of learners, in order to carry out IQ Quality Assurance Procedures and report on your accredited qualifications. They will make at least one visit to your centre each year and will issue an EV Report form after each visit. Please note that Learner certificates will not be issued until after the first EV visit has happened and your centre has been satisfactorily verified by the EV. The EV communicates with IQ through the EV Report form, which ensures sufficient sampling of evidence in order to confirm that IQ quality standards are being applied before the issue of any certificates. In line with Ofqual’s requirements we ask you to ensure that all assessment records and tracking documentation are up to date and completed before each of the EV visits. All such records should be available to the EV and kept for a period of 2 years from the date of learner completion. Please ensure you keep, as a condition of this approval, a complete copy of the Centre Approval documentation you have issued to us, as from time to time the EV and other IQ personnel may wish to review such documentation.
This unit is based on the Security Industry Authority’s Specifications for Learning and Qualifications for CCTV Control Room Operations (PSS).
Sample documentation
Centres may use the following forms to assist in their delivery and assessment of this unit, however this is not a requirement and centres are free to either use their own forms or forms provided by the learner’s employers (which learners may feel more conformable with). In all cases please ensure that all confidential information is illegible/removed.
Page 1 of 17 IQB/0.2/012 | Version 4.0 | 15/08/2012 | Author: DM
Quality Management System
CCTV Workbook
Example Witness Statement
(CJ Act 1967, s.9 MC act 1980, ss. 5A (3a) & 5B, MC Rules 1981, r.70)
STATEMENT OF………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Age if under 18 …………… (if over 18 insert ‘over 18’) Occupation………………………......
This statement (consisting of ……. pages each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have willfully stated in it anything which I know to be false or do not believe to be true.
Dated the ……….… day of……………..……………. 20………… Signature…………………………….………………….…
I am employed by…………………………………………….and I am a closed circuit television operator trained in the use of CCTV equipment.
At ……………on the day of ………………………..20……I was on duty in the closed circuit television control room when as a result of a request from the Police; I carried out a review of master storage media number(s)…………………………(During the review I produced ………..hard copy prints at the direction of the Police).
I made a working copy from the recorded storage media number(s)…………………………………………………………………..
On completion I attached a label to that copy storage media to identify it as working copy storage media number……………………………(The working copy has been recorded in ‘real time’ or three hour mode, it is a true copy of images recorded on storage media number(s)…………………..between………….on………………and………………… on……………………displaying standard or multiplexed images from camera(s)………………………………………, it was recorded onto clean storage media. (I produce this storage media marked…….…...... Exhibit No………………………)