Active Travel Communities Grant
Applications close
1st March 2014 / Jessica Horrocks
Transport and Infrastructure Planning
Peterborough City Council
Stuart House East Wing
St John’s Street
Peterborough PE1 5DD
Name of Organisation, Estate or Landholding:
Contact name: / Telephone No:
Post Code:
E Mail:
Please list all the items which are the subject of this application;
Please provide three quotes of costings for the items listed above including brand names of the items to be purchased and a total amount applied for.
(Please attach copies of three quotes to this application).
Please provide an introduction and description of your scheme/ charity/ organisation. Please note applications for this grant scheme are reserved for not for profit organisations.
Please outline how securing the Active Travel Community Grant Scheme will assist your organisation in promoting active travel modes.
As the individual applicant for this scheme, what is your position/ relationship/ interest in the project/ charity/ scheme?
It is important that the materials secured from this grant are used to their maximum potential and maintained for safe use. Who will be responsible for the security of the materials you are applying for and how will their safety be secured?

I understand that should my application be successful the following conditions apply to the scheme:

1. Any publicity about the Active Travel Community Grant Scheme in connection with my project needs to make reference to Peterborough City Council’s Travelchoice Team and the Department for Transport and should be agreed in advance with Travelchoice.

2. I must immediately inform Peterborough City Council if the charity/ scheme/ organisation is annulled and return any items purchased under the Active Travel Community Grant Scheme so that materials can be recycled appropriately else where.

3. It is my responsibility to maintain equipment/ materials/ resources funded through the Active Travel Community Grant Scheme

4. I will allow Peterborough City Council staff to inspect my project’s use of the grant materials at all reasonable times.

5. I will not accept grant aid or funding from any other source for the same items.

6. No items should be purchased prior to confirmation of and amount of funding by Peterborough City Council.

7. It is my responsibility to provide receipts to Peterborough City Council within two weeks of purchasing the items in order to receive reimbursement under the grant scheme. Under no circumstances will Peterborough City Council have any obligation to pay for items which exceed the agreed level of funding or which do not comply with the purpose for which funding was applied for and granted.

8. Payment will be made to [an individual/name of scheme or organisation].

Signature ______Date______