Physiology Midterm Study Guide

Cell Structure


Endocytosis Exocytosis


Be able to identify the parts of a cell and know their function.

Plasma membrane – how do gradients, osmosis, diffusion, and active transport operate across the membrane?

Properties of the phospholipid bilayer

Membrane proteins – types and functions

How does the tonicity of a solution affect a cell

Membrane Potentials


Action potential / impulse Stimulus Synapse

Neurolemma Nodes of Ranvier decremental conduction

summation Refractory period Propagation / conduction

Wallerian degeneration


Parts of a neuron – identify and know function

Myelination / types of cells that produce myelin

How is a resting membrane potential formed

Know the types of ion channels

Concetration gradient vs. electrochemical gradient

Graded potentials vs. action potentials

Depolarizing phase (what channels are open)

Repolarizing phase (what channels are open)

Sodium Potassium pumps (purpose)

Threshold / level of stimulus

Continuous vs. salutatory conduction

Factors that affect the speed of propagation

Differences between A, B, and C nerve fibers (size, myelin, speed of conduction, tissues innervated)

Electrical vs. chemical synapses

How are neurotransmitters removed from the synaptic cleft?

Types of neural circuits

Muscle Tissue


Sarcolemma Sacroplasm Myoglobin

Myofibril Sarcoplasmic Reticulum


3 Types of muscle tissue – Basic histological differences, where found, voluntary or involuntary

Functions of muscle tissue

Properties – electrical excitability, contractility, extensibility, elasticity

Isometric vs. Isotonic Contraction

Concentric vs. eccentric contraction

Connective Tissue – layers (epimysium, perimysium [fascicles], endomysium), tendon, aponeurosis

Atrophy vs. hypertrophy

Understand how the sliding filament mechanism works

What causes rigor mortis?

Neuromuscular junction – what is it?, what is the neurotransmitter?, what enzyme degrades the neurotransmitter?

Aerobic Vs. anaerobic respiration in muscle tissue

Muscle fatigue vs. central fatigue

Oxygen Debt

What is a motor unit? How do we recruit them?

Flaccid vs. spastic

Types of skeletal muscle fibers (slow oxidative, fast oxidative glycolytic, fast glycolitic) – Size, strength, resitance to fatigue, amount of myoglobin and capillaries, where found)



Reperfusion damage Autorhythmic fibers ectopic pacemaker

Systole Diastole cardiac cycle

Auscultation tachycardia bradycardia

Hypoxia Angina pectoris Arrhythmias

Cardiac arrest cardiomegaly cor pulmonale


Pericardium – know the layers and cavities / functions

Layers of the heart wall

Heart valve disorders

Be able to trace the path of a red blood cell through the chambers and valves of the heart / blood vessels

Coronary circulation

Histology of cardiac muscle tissue – branching, shorter in length, intercalated disc, gap junctions

Know the conduction system of the heart – SA node to AV node to bundle branches to purkinje fibers

Heart sounds S1-S4

Congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, ateriosclerosis, atherosclerosis

Blood Vessels


Precapillary sphincter vasomotion varicose veins

Anastomesis collateral circulation end arteries

Edema syncope


Types of blood vessels – arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins, metarterioles, vaso vasorum

Tunics of arteries

Vasoconstriction / vasodilation – what causes each

Elastic arteries / muscular arteries

Principles of capillary exchange (diffusion, transcytosis, bulk flow)

Skeletal muscle pump, respiratory pump

Cardiovascular center / Cardiac accelerator nerves / vagus nerve, vasomotor nerves

Baroreceptor reflexes / chemoreceptor reflexes



Hematocrit polycythemia hempoiesis

Erythrocyte reticulocyte count phagocytosis

Emigration chemotaxis lysozyme

Coagulation fibrinolysis


Functions of blood

Plasma proteins

RBCs, WBCs, platelets

Hormonal regulation of blood cell development

RBC anatomy

Types of WBCs / functions

Intravascular clotting