Board Meeting
Rowe Camp and Conference Center
April 2, 2006
In attendance : Fred Schoeps, Zack Leven, Simon Delekta, Holly Thompson, Doug Wilson, Felicity Pickett, Cathy Perkins
Guy moved that we accept the minutes from Feb meeting.
Motion approved unanimously.
Executive Director’s report:
(This is my condensed transcription of Doug’s comments)
Jefferey Fry was a maintenance person here 20 years ago and he had an idea that we tap into the knowledge of people who have worked here before so that things they know will get passed along. I took it to mean that he wanted to pass on his information. I brought a couple of articles – one from the sun magazine. And I made up a postcard for Julia Styles’s birthday.
Director’s report:
Things are busy. At the end of March our enrollment was 117 percent of our ten year average. It continues to grow. I expect the year to end well. We hired a new associate chef, Andy Earl. He was the summer cook two years ago and continued to do some conference center cooking, moved to the city which he hated, and now he’s back. He originally came from this area and he has taken Cade’s place. He is a great cook, and pays a lot of attention to details. Johno is leaving. He had submitted his notice and said that he would leave in October to be married. He met Elizabeth here. During work week in Feb he gave one month’s notice, and then rescinded it, and then he said he was leaving in a week. It has been too difficult balancing the needs of two “families.” We’re sorry to see him leave, He has been a good person to have around. Very helpful, and gotten great reviews from camp directors. Jane is leaving in mid may. She has been working as the marketing coordinator. Deb from maintenance lost her mother. Deb had been out and is now back.
We have a new roof on the chapel. It has 50 year shingles and custom fabricated copper edging. The leak we’ve been dealing with continues to leak, and the roofers will be coming back to look at it. A perk test is scheduled for Fromson house May 15.
We’re trying to get things moving with the new cabin. Things started out very well, we had an architectural design. We sent out the design which came back with a price at $100k, which is too high. We looked at pre-fabs, but they can’t make it a one-room house. Still looking for other contractors in the area. It’s difficult finding people to come up here. Deb is looking at it now.
We’re learning a little about planned gift annuities. Someone contacted us about giving us a planned gift. We do not have the ability to do a planned gift annuity through Rowe, but the UUA will administer planned gifts for UU organizations. The donor would give the gift now and receive a one-time tax deduction at the time of the gift. In addition, the donor receives a guaranteed annuity income, based on the age of the donor, the amount given, and a rate table suggested by the American Council on Gift annuities. The income from the gift is invested and at the time of the donor’s death, all remaining funds in the account are given to the beneficiary (RCCC.) The UUA does not charge anything for this service but does ask the donor to consider designating at least 25% of the gift to the UUA as one of the beneficiaries. The final distribution of the gift is entirely up to the donor.
Woodside benefit is happening April 29th in New York. We’re working on a campaign to send out a mailing.
Joan came up with a new idea for our donor gifts. We have a new T-shirt with a Rowe Angel for our Angel level donors. They won’t be available to buy.
Treasurer’s report:
Our income is up and our expenses are down and our staff is on target for our planning.
Kathe has been outstanding in holding down expenses. She has been consistent in keeping expenses down in the kitchen.
A number of us met and worked through investment policy. The next step is to edit them, and then they will be sent out. The moneys will be transferred to a Schwab account and operations of money management will reside here at Rowe.
We should complete the editing by the end of April.
Holly’s report:
Since we had our last meeting the focus group committee met twice. The meeting was attended by myself, Cathy, Bob Guy, Illana, a volunteer named Mimi, Doug and Felicity, and three other volunteers who have offered to post focused groups. It’s been productive. We’ve come up with a draft questionnaire. We’re getting ready to launch a mini research project. Within the next couple of months, each committee member will have a focus group with former campers or people in the area to find out what kinds of things people would like to have at Rowe. They are recording the interview and each moderator will submit a summary. So by the next meeting, hopefully we’ll have a lot of data to review.
Felicity presented a project to the board.
Discussion was held on the board meeting schedule:
Holly feels that the current schedule hinders momentum. She suggested meeting in October, Dec, Feb, April, and June, and then taking the summer off so that our break would be over the summer, instead of over November through February. And one retreat a year.
There will be a meeting Sept 30 - Oct 1. December 1st - 3rd will be the retreat.
Holly moves that we adjourn. Simon seconds.
Approved unanimously.