CHORLEY HOSPITAL: Please contact St Joseph’s, Harper’s Lane (262713). If you are scheduled for an operation and would like to receive the Sacraments while in hospital. In an emergency, the ward staff will bleep via switchboard whoever is the on-call priest.

BAPTISM PREPARATION COURSE: Would parents please contact Fr Marsden or Deacon Norman personally, after one of the weekend Masses, if they wish to enquire about baptism arrangements. Next Baptism Course 7.00 - 8.15pm is on 23rd May and then 6th June. (skipping Mon 30th because it is a Bank Holiday).

FR LAURENCE MAYNE celebrates his Diamond Jubilee of Ordination to the Priesthood with His Grace, Archbishop Malcolm McMahon on 26th May at 6.30pm Mass at St Oswald’s, Coppull. We thank God for giving us Fr Mayne. We thank Fr Mayne for his sixty years of dedicated work and pastoral service to the people in parishes of this Archdiocese. May God reward him!


28th May. It is led by Bishop Thomas Williams and the details are on the notice board.

OUR CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION: Sunday 29th May after the 10.30am Mass.

FATIMA PILGRIMAGE: If anyone would like to send a petition to Our Lady of Fatima at the end of this month please put it in a sealed envelope (by 29th May) and mark it Petition to Fatima. Please do not put any money in the envelope. Donations may be made separately. Thank you.

SAFEGUARDING TRAINING: at St Marie’s Parish (Our Lady of the Annunciation Hall), Almond Brook Road, Standish. WN6 OTB. Three module training from CSAS National Training Programme. Module 1 (25/6/16) Module 2 (17/9/16) Module 3 (15/10/16). Please could the following groups of people take note: Little Church Leaders and Helpers, EOM’s, Readers, Members of the SVP. More information available: . or on the notice board in the narthex.

Virtues are formed by prayer. Prayer preserves temperance. Prayer suppresses anger. Prayer prevents emotions of pride and envy. Prayer draws into the soul the Holy Spirit, and raises man to Heaven. -- St. Ephraem

OHoly Spirit, descend plentifully into my heart. Enlighten the dark corners of this neglected dwelling and scatter there Thy cheerful beams.--Saint Augustine

“When you are possessed by evil spirits, it is crafty manipulations that you follow; but when you are possessed by the Holy Spirit of God, it is wise discretions you pursue!”

Fr Francis Marsden 01257 262537

and Deacon Norman Arrowsmith

E-mail address:

Parish Centre: 270122 or 0797 1025 985 (Manager – Heather Roscoe)

Parish website:

Office hours Tues- Friday 9.00-13.00 (except Mass), 14.00-16.00


St Mary’s Catholic Church Chorley


15th May 2016

When Pentecost day came round, they had all met in one room, when suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven, the noise of which filled the entire house in which they were sitting; and something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak foreign languages as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech.

Now there were devout men living in Jerusalem from every nation under heaven, and at this sound they all assembled, each one bewildered to hear these men speaking his own language. They were amazed and astonished. ‘Surely’ they said ‘all these men speaking are Galileans? How does it happen that each of us hears them in his own native language? Parthians, Medes and Elamites; people from Mesopotamia, Judaea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya round Cyrene; as well as visitors from Rome– Jews and proselytes alike– Cretans and Arabs; we hear them preaching in our own language about the marvels of God.’


Rosary after daily Mass during May

Sun 15th May PENTECOST SUNDAY (C) (Mass book p.294)

Sat 18.15 Mass – Joan Mellody (LD)

08.00 Mass – Parishioners

10.30 Mass – Confirmations Year 4 – also Marie Worden (sick)

16.00-17.00 Holy Hour, with Evening Prayer (16.30) and Benediction

Mon 16th May St Brendan

12.00 noon Mass – LISCF

Tue 17th May St Paschal Baylon

12.00 noon Mass – Joseph Kuriyan Mayyottil (LD)

Wed 18th May St John I, Pope and Martyr

12.00 noon Mass – Kathleen Saurin (LD)

Thurs 19th May St Dunstan

12.00 noon Mass – Tim Breda Walsh (A)

Fri 20th May St Bernardine of Siena

11.45 Divine Mercy Chaplet

12.00 noon Mass – Harry Carter

Sat 21st May St Christopher de Magallanes

11.00-11.45 Confessions

12.00 noon Mass – McHugh Family


Sat 18.15 Mass – Sally Smith

8.00 Mass – Parishioners

10.30 Mass – Dorothy Holmes

11.45 Baptism: Nathaniel Parkinson

14.00 Msza swięta po polsku

16.30 Holy Hour, with Evening Prayer (16.30) and Benediction

Please pray for the sick and the housebound: Fr Bob Ellwood SMM, Lelia Addy, Rita Almond, Roland Anderton, Emily Atkins, Connie Atkinson, Frances Bond, Emma Beatty, Pauline Bennett, Brigid Cain, Marie Cannon, Michael Collins, Melville Coombes, Hughie Daly, Monica Donalds, Joan Doran, Sister Frances, Mavis Entwhistle, Yvonne Finlayson, Gerry Harrison, Martin Henry, Simon Holcroft, John Johnson, Joan Jones, Doreen Lang, Julie Lowe, Tusia Lynch, Debbie MacFarlane, Jude Mack, Kevin McCarrick, Frances McHale, Kathleen Mitchell, Veronica Mobbs, Canon Kevin Mullen, Catherine O’Donoghue, Anthony O’Malia, Kathleen Rae, Kathleen Reynolds, Margaret Rice, Sam Round, Paul Tiffin, Terry Tingey, Frank Waring, and parishioners in The Adelphi, The Gables, Westwood, Gillibrand Hall etc.

LATELY DECEASED: Margaret Bunting (82) of Whittle-le-Woods. Funeral was at St Joseph’s, Chorley on 5th May.

ANNIVERSARIES: Tim and Breda Walsh.

OFFERTORY COLLECTION last week was £859 of which £453 was gift aided. The collection for Provision for Priests in Retirement will take place next week. They gave their life to look after our spiritual growth and now we can look after them in their retirement. At the back of the church you can find envelopes for this. Many thanks for your great loyalty and generosity to St Mary’s and to the Archdiocesan Priests.

EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION are invited to renew their promises at each Sunday Mass on the weekend of Corpus Christi (28th/29th May).

READERS: 14/15th May: 18.15 Stan Wilson; 08.00 John Gunn; 10.30 Mr Smyth/ Parent 21th/22th May: 18.15 Angela Simm; 08.00 Anthony Calderbank; 10.30 Hilary Carter

CONFIRMATIONS: We warmly welcome Bishop Vincent Malone of Liverpool for the Confirmations Mass today. There are 34 candidates for Confirmation. Congratulations to all the Confirmandi and to their families. Thank you to the catechists: Mrs Singleton, Mrs Mark and Mrs Grzeczynska and to Mr Smyth and his staff.

CHANGE OF MASS TIMES: In order to allow the electricians to work straight through the day except for a lunch break, all the weekday Masses remain this week at 12 noon. There will not be morning Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, but there will be the Sunday Holy Hour at 16.00.

HEALTH AND SAFETY NOTICE: Connected with the above, a scaffolding tower has to be erected in some parts of the church. Please sit away from these areas. Roof work is commencing for the installation of lightning conductors. Roof contractors will be on site from 16-20 May. Please do not park around the back of the church at all. That area is totally restricted. Also, you will notice that the pews are dusty. We are trying our best to keep the dust under control but it is difficult. Sorry for any inconvenience.

ST MARY’S LEYLAND - Pentecost Sunday, May 15th: Afternoon of devotions in honour of Mary, the woman of the Holy Spirit and the Mother of Mercy 2.30 –5.00pm. Confessions/ Visit the Jubilee Stations/ Adoration/ Benediction/ Chance to chat about the present and the future of the Church and how to develop a relationship with Mary.

ST ANNE’S GUILD: Bingo this Tuesday 17th May 2016 at 19.45 in the Parish Centre.

FRIDAY AFTERNOON FILM SESSION: 20th May at 2.15pm in the presbytery large dining room.

CATHEDRAL HEALING MASS: Fri 20th May, 7.00 pm – 9.30 pm at Liverpool Cathedral. The evening starts with a number of hymns of praise and worship led by the music ministry and everyone is asked to join in. We sing praises to the Lord and ask for him to send the Holy Spirit upon all those present.Following the Mass the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for the healing part of the service. During this time of Adoration, the priests, deacons and members of the Prayer Teams will be positioned around the steps of the altar area and the people can come forward for prayer and a special blessing. While this is proceeding, priests will be available to hear confessions at various points around the Cathedral. Confession will also be available before the service from 6.30pm. This is a very important aspect of the Healing Ministry. Healing takes many forms…. spiritual, mental, physical, reconciliation, awareness and acceptance, everyone is affected in different ways and all receive some form of gift from the Holy Spirit. Some say they get a sense of peace during the service and leave uplifted.

ORGAN AND TRUMPET RECITAL: Saturday 21st May at 12.30pm at St George’s Church, Chorley. Please see poster on the notice board.

HAYDN'S CREATION with soloists and orchestra. The Guild Singers of Chorley present their summer concert. Soprano:- Angela Hicks Tenor:- James Hutchings Bass:- James Berry Saturday 21st May 2016 at 19.30 at St Laurence's Church, Union St, Chorley, Tickets £12

ST RITA OF CASCIA; Patron of the Impossible - Her feastday falls on 22nd May. We have ordered the Blessed Roses from St Rita’s Convent in Honiton, Devon. You will find them in the basket at Our Lady’s Altar. Please take a packet if you wish.