Demonstrates knowledge of how print is organized and read

  • 1.5b Match spoken word to print
  • 1.5c Identify letters, words, sentences and ending punctuation

Reads assigned sight words

  • 1.6h Read and spell commonly used sight words

Develops and expands vocabulary

  • 1.8b Develop vocabulary by listening to and reading a variety of texts

Applies phonetic principals

  • 1.6 Use beginning and ending consonants to decode and spell single syllable words

Uses multiple strategies when reading

  • 1.7a Uses words, phrases, sentences
  • 1.7b Uses titles and picture

Reads orally with fluency

  • 1.9i Read and reread familiar, stories, poems, and passages with fluency, accuracy, and meaningful expression

Comprehends fiction

  • 1.9a Preview the selection
  • 1.9b Set a purpose for reading
  • 1.9c Relate previous experiences to what is read


Demonstrates growth in the use of oral language

  • 1.1 The student will continue to demonstrate growth in the use of oral language
  • 1.1a Listen and respond to a variety of electronic media and other age appropriate materials.
  • 1.1c Participate in a variety of oral language activities, including choral speaking, reciting, short poems, rhymes, songs, and stories with repeated patterns

Continues to expand and use listening and speaking vocabularies

  • 1.2a Increase listening and speaking vocabularies

Adapts or changes appropriate oral language to fit the situation

  • 1.3a Initiate conversation with peer and adults. (Student cannot exceed a Mastered grade on this skill.)
  • 1.3d Follow simple 2 step oral directions

Writes to communicate ideas

  • 1.13a Generate ideas
  • 1.3g Share writing with others

Applies phonetic principals

  • LCLA01.001 Uses developmentally appropriate sound, pattern, and/or meaning units to spell in written work
  • 1.12c Use the alphabetic code to write unknown words phonetically

Uses correct capitalization and punctuation

  • 1.13e Begin each sentence with a capital letter and use ending punctuation in final copies (student cannot exceed a mastered grade in this skill.)

Spells sight words and vocabulary words correctly

  • 1.13f Use correct spelling for commonly used sight words and phonetically regular words in final copy


Number and Numbers sense

  • 1.1a The student will count from 1-100 and write the corresponding numeral
  • 1.1b The student will group a collection of up to 100 objects and write the corresponding numeral
  • 1.2 The student will count forward by 1’s and 10’s to 100


  • 1.11 The student will use calendar appropriately (ex. Names of the months, today, yesterday, next week, last week)

Whole Number Operations

  • 1.5The student will recall basic addition facts with sums to 18 or less and the corresponding subtraction facts.

Probability and Statistics

  • 1.14 The student will investigate, identify, and describe various forms of data collection (ex. Recording daily temperature, lunch count, attendance, and favorite ice cream) using tables, picture graphs, tally marks and object graphs
  • 1.15The student will interpret information displayed in a picture or object graph, usingthe vocabulary more, less, fewer, greater than, less than, and equal to.


Scientific Investigation, Reasoning, and Logic

  • 1.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which

d)simple tools are used to enhance observations;

g)a question is developed from one or more observations

h)predictions are made based on patterns of observations;

i)observations and data are recorded, analyzed, and communicated orally and with simple graphs, pictures, written statements, and numbers; and

j)simple investigations and experiments are conducted to answer questions.

Interrelationships in Earth/Space Systems

  • 1.6The student will investigate and understand the basic relationships between the sun and Earth. Key concepts include

a)the sun is the source of energy and light that warms the land, air, and water; and

b)the sun’s relative position in the morning is east and in the late afternoon is west.



  • 1.10 The student will apply the traits of a good citizen by

a)focusing on fair play, exhibitinggood sportsmanship, helping others, and treating others with respect;

b)recognizing the purpose of rules and practicing self-control;

c)working hard in school;

d)taking responsibility for one’s own actions;

e)valuing honesty and truthfulness in oneself and others;


Essential Health Concepts

  • The student will identify the basic components and functions of human body systems and the importance of safe practices, positive interpersonal relationships, and environmental health

e) D1.1 escribe behaviors that promote personal safety, to include bus and automobile safety, pedestrian safety, playground safety, fire safety, water safety, Internet safety, and safety when biking and using other recreational equipment.

i) Identify cooperative behaviors, respect for others, adherence to school rules, acceptance of responsibility, and respect for the property of others.

Advocacy and Health Promotion

  • 1.3 The student will identify specific rules and practices to promote personal safety and socially responsible behaviors.

b) Practice fire safety procedures.

d) Explain ways to stay safe when riding in a bus and automobile.

e) List playground safety rules, and report hazards on the playground.

m) Demonstrate cooperation with friends and classmates.

n) Demonstrate responsible behaviors when interacting with others