Mains Installation (OHW, HV Aerial Lines, HV & 1500V Cables)
Design Competencies – Self Assessment

RailCorp design personnel shall undertake a self assessment of their levels of competence against the skills required to undertake design tasks specific to the design discipline.

This assessment allows designers to assess their skills, qualification and experience with respect to their design discipline competencies. The self assessment shall be discussed with and signed off by their manager.

The result of the self assessment provides input into the assessment of competence. It can also be used to help identify gaps in competence when developing individual training plans.

Designers rate themselves against each competence or skill area according to the following scale:

Rating / Criteria / Outcome
1 / Possesses the competence already / No further development required
2 / Possesses partial competence / Needs further development or training
3 / Does not possess the competence / Needs development or training to meet further requirement
4 / Does not possess the competence / Competence or skill not required for future work
Internal employees or contractors
Employees Detail: / Reporting Manager Detail:
First Name: / First Name:
Last Name: / Last Name:
Permanent/Contract / Position Title:
Employee Number: / Position Number:
Position Title / Employee Number:
Position Number: / Reporting Manager signature:
Employees signature:
External contractors
Project Detail:
Project Name:
Project Number
Contractor’s Detail: / Reporting Manager Detail:
First Name: / First Name:
Last Name: / Last Name:
Company: / Position Title:
Contact No.: / Contact No.:
Design Competencies Categories / Self rating 1-4 / Manager’s rating 1-4 / Comment
Overhead Wiring Competencies
Proposed Sectioning Diagram
Tension Length Diagram
OHW Conductor Systems
OHW Structures Set Out
OHW Layout and Profile Drawings
Loading Diagrams/DV lengths and positions
OHW Support and registration Arrangements (including CCALC, cross sections, etc)
Dropper Calculations
Anchor Calculations
Weight Tension regulator Set Up
structures Bonding
Switching and Feeding Arrangements
New Arrangement/Fittings
Type Approval of Products
HV Aerial Lines Competencies
Proposed HV Operating Diagram
Conductor Systems
Structures Set out
Layout Drawings
Pole / Crossarms Strength calculation
Pole Top Arrangement
Guy arrangements
Pole Foundations
UGOH Arrangements
Interface with pole top transformers switches
Pole top bonding arrangements
New Arrangement / Fittings
Type Approval of Products
HV and 1500V Cable Competencies
Proposed HV Operating Diagram
Cable Specification
Cable Route Layout Drawings & Cross Sections (including Combined Services Route with HV & /or 1500V Cables)
Cable ratings
Cable Pits
Cable support Arrangements
Cable joints and terminations
UGOH Arrangements
New Arrangement/Fittings
Type Approval of Products

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Issued July 2011UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTEDEPE 0002 FM01 ver 1.0