Itasca Elementary School Week of:December 5-9, 2016Grade: ____1st Grade__

Subject: ELAR / Unit Title:
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … / I can segment and blend words with vowel sounds of y, I can associate the vowel sounds of long e and long I with the spelling y;segment and blend words with syllable pattern CV; read HF wordsunder, things, always, day, become, black, nothing, stays, everything, pretty;Identify sequence in a narrative text;identify action verbs; segment and spell words with the vowel sound of y.I can recognize features of a realistic story. / I can segment and blend words with vowel sounds of y, I can associate the vowel sounds of long e and long I with the spelling y; segment and blend words with syllable pattern CV; read HF words under, things, always, day, become, black, nothing, stays, everything, pretty; Identify sequence in a narrative text;identify action verbs; segment and spell words with the vowel sound of y. I can recognize features of a realistic story. / I can segment and blend words with vowel sounds of y, I can associate the vowel sounds of long e and long I with the spelling y; segment and blend words with syllable pattern CV; read HF words under, things, always, day, become, black, nothing, stays, everything, pretty; Identify sequence in a narrative text;identify action verbs; segment and spell words with the vowel sound of y. I can recognize features of a realistic story. / I can segment and blend words with vowel sounds of y, I can associate the vowel sounds of long e and long I with the spelling y; segment and blend words with syllable pattern CV; read HF words under, things, always, day, become, black, nothing, stays, everything, pretty; Identify sequence in a narrative text;identify action verbs; segment and spell words with the vowel sound of y. I can recognize features of a realistic story. / I can segment and blend words with vowel sounds of y, I can associate the vowel sounds of long e and long I with the spelling y; segment and blend words with syllable pattern CV; read HF words under, things, always, day, become, black, nothing, stays, everything, pretty; Identify sequence in a narrative text;identify action verbs; segment and spell words with the vowel sound of y. I can recognize features of a realistic story.
TEKS: / 1.2.D.1 Blend spoken phonemes to form one-syllable words, including consonant blends
1.3. A.1.ii.1Decode words in context by applying common letter-sound correspondences, including: single letters (vowels) y= long e.
1.9. A.2 Retell a story’s beginning, middle, and end, with attention to sequence of events.
RC-1.D.1 Make inferences about text.
1.5. A.1 Read aloud grade-level appropriate text with fluency (rate).
1.18. A.1 Write brief stories that include a beginning, middle, and end.
1.20. A.1.ii Understand and use verbs (present) in the context of reading, writing, and speaking.
Question of the Week: / How do places change?
Key Vocabulary: / Amazing Words:
Growth, population, public, shuffle, teeter, crooked, makeshift, spindly / High Frequency Words:
Under, things, always, day, become, black, nothing, stays, everything, pretty / Academic Vocabulary:
Sequence, action verb, setting, antonyms, summarize, realistic fiction
Materials Used: / Unit 3Volume 1Student Reading Street Book, Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook, Sing with Me Chart, Decodable Readers, Leveled Readers
Lesson Procedures: / Concept Talk: TE p. 12j -13, SE p. 12-13
Spelling: TE p. 16d, DVD 126
High Frequency Words: TE/SE p.17
Listening Comp.: TE p. 17a-17b (Sequence)
Conventions: TE p. 17c (Action Verbs) / Concept Talk: TE p.18a - 18b
Spelling: TE p.19e
High Frequency Words: TE p. 19
Vocabulary: TE p. 20a
Main Selection – First Read: TE 20c – 33b, SE p. 20-33
(A Place to Play)
Conventions: TE p. 33c WS 319(Action Verbs) / Concept Talk: TE p. 34a-34b
Spelling: TE p. 34f, WS 325
High Frequency Words: TE p. 34g
Main Selection – Second Read: TE p. 34h-35b, SE p. 20-33 (A Place to Play)
Fluency: TE p. 35b
Writing: TE p. 36-37
Conventions: TE p.36a (Action Verbs) / Concept Talk: TE p. 38a-38b
Social Studies in Reading TE p. 38i-41
Fluency: TE p. 41a
Conventions: TE p. 41b (Action Verbs)
Summative Assessments:
Spelling Test and
HFW test / Summative Assessments:
Unit 3 Volume 1, Story 1 “A Place to Play”
Action Verbs WS 328
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Differentiated Activities Unit 3 Volume 1 pg. 44h-44i
Small groups
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides
Decodable Readers / Differentiated Activities Unit 3 Volume 1 pg. 44h-44i
Small groups
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides
Decodable Readers / Differentiated Activities Unit 3 Volume 1 pg. 44h-44i
Small groups
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides
Decodable Readers / Differentiated Activities Unit 3 Volume 1 pg. 44h-44i
Small groups
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides
Decodable Readers / Differentiated Activities Unit 3 Volume 1 pg. 44h-44i
Small groups
Pearson Leveled Reader Guides
Decodable Readers
Technology Integration: / iStation
Lexia / White Board Vocabulary Games
Lexia / iStation
Lexia / iStation
Lexia / iStation
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Formative Assessment:Students can read words with vowel sounds of y. students can read words with syllable pattern CV. Identify sequence in narrative text, use HFW in a sentence, recognize action verbs
Summative Assessment: Unit 3, Story 1 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test, Action Verb Test / Formative Assessment: Students can read words with vowel sounds of y. students can read words with syllable pattern CV. Identify sequence in narrative text, use HFW in a sentence, recognize action verbs
Summative Assessment: Unit 3, Story 1 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test, Action Verb Test / Formative Assessment: Students can read words with vowel sounds of y. students can read words with syllable pattern CV. Identify sequence in narrative text, use HFW in a sentence, recognize action verbs
Summative Assessment: Unit 3, Story 1 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test, Action Verb Test / Formative Assessment: Students can read words with vowel sounds of y. students can read words with syllable pattern CV. Identify sequence in narrative text, use HFW in a sentence, recognize action verbs
Summative Assessment: Unit 3, Story 1 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test, Action Verb Test / Formative Assessment: Students can read words with vowel sounds of y. students can read words with syllable pattern CV. Identify sequence in narrative text, use HFW in a sentence, recognize action verbs
Summative Assessment: Unit 3, Story 1 Test, Spelling Test, HFW Test, Action Verb Test
Subject: Social studies / Unit Title: Goods and Services
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … / Identify and discuss Goods and Services / Identify and discuss Goods and Services / Identify and discuss Goods and Services / Identify and discuss Goods and Services / Identify and discuss Goods and Services
TEKS: / 8.A Identify examples of goods and services in the home and school and community
17. B obtain information about a topic using variety of sources
17.c Sequence and categorize information
18.B create and interpret visual and written material
19.B use a decision making process to identify a situation that requires a decision to gather information, generate options and predict outcomes take action to implement a decision and reflect on the effectiveness of that decision
Key Vocabulary: / Goods and Services
Manipulatives Used: / Student Jounrals foldable, my world book / Student Jounrals foldable, my world book / Student Jounrals foldable, my world book / Student Jounrals foldable, my world book / Student Jounrals foldable, my world book
Lesson Procedures: / Talk to students about goods and services ask questions to pull background knowledge from goods and services / Read pg 62 and circle the goods that people grow talk about how they can grow goods to help others / Read Pg 63 talk about the cause and effect and answer the question that is there.
Checking for understanding as why do people buy things? / Read page 64 and answer the questions on 65. On page 66 talk about the decision making that will take place / Magnet Review
Summative Assessment: Goods and services
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Have the students draw what they think goods and services looks like. / Have children write in the journal a job they can do and how it will help the school. / Have children describe what each person in a the text does. What would the community be like without them? / Ask children to tell about a time when they had to make a decision?
Technology Integration:
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Formative: Daily Observations – students can identify Goods and services
Stemscope Assessment:
Goods and services / Formative: Daily Observations – students can identify Goods and services
Stemscope Assessment:
Goods and services / Formative: Daily Observations – students can identify Goods and services
Stemscope Assessment:
Goods and services / Formative: Daily Observations – students can identify Goods and services
Stemscope Assessment:
Goods and services / Formative: Daily Observations – students can identify Goods and services
Stemscope Assessment:
Goods and services
Subject: Math / Module Title: Subtraction Strategies
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At the end of today’s lesson the student will be able to … / Break Apart a Number to Subtract / Use subtraction strategies to solve subtraction problems / Use subtraction strategies to solve subtraction problems / Use subtraction strategies to solve subtraction problems
TEKS: / 1.3.D – Apply basic fact strategies to add and subtract 2 within 20
1.1.A – Apply mathematics to problems
1.1.B – Use a problem-solving model
1.1.E – Create and use representations
Key Vocabulary: / Count back
Manipulatives Used: / Two color counters, Ten Frames / Two color counters, Ten Frames
Lesson Procedures: / Go Math Lesson 7.5
Pgs. 281 - 284
Homework – Pgs. 285 - 286 / Go Math Lesson 7.6
Pgs. 287 - 290
Homework – Pgs. 291-292 / Module 7 Review
Pages 293-294 / Module 7 Assessment
Differentiation/scaffolding: / RTI Lesson 41
Enrich 40
Have children use counters to break apart numbers / RTI Lesson 42
Enrich 41
Have children rephrase word problems to help with their understanding
Technology Integration: / Math on the Spot
Interactive Student Edition Lesson Opener
iStation Math
Math Facts in a Flash / Math on the Spot
Interactive Student Edition Lesson Opener
iStation Math
Math Facts in a Flash / Math on the Spot
iStation Math
Math Facts in a Flash / iStation Math
Math Facts in a Flash
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Formative:
Discussion and Observation
Module 7 Assessment, Unit 2 Test / Formative:
Discussion and Observation
Module 7 Assessment, Unit 2 Test / Formative:
Discussion and Observation
Module 7 Assessment, Unit 2 Test / Formative:
Discussion and Observation
Module 7 Assessment, Unit 2 Test / Formative:
Discussion and Observation
Module 7 Assessment, Unit 2 Test