Judith M. Wurtzler

Curriculum Vita


M.A., Library and Information Studies, August 1995, U.W. Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

B.S., Accounting, May 1981, Edgewood College, Madison, WI

Professional Experience

11/96-presentAcquisitions, Collection Development and Serials Librarian, Elton S. Karrmann Library. Duties include coordination and supervision of the Acquisitions, Collection Development, and Serials, supplies, and mail functions. I also work at the reference desk; prepare, monitor, and manage the library’s materials and supplies budgets; develop ALMA Analytics reports; coordinate vendor contacts during the electronic resource selection, licensing, and activation; prepare various fiscal reports upon request; and work collaboratively with internal staff, faculty, and vendors to provide the resources faculty and students need. Serve as the Division Librarian for Agriculture, Biology, and Industrial Studies, providing information and assistance with materials purchases, collection maintenance, and teach library research skills for these departments upon request. I represent the library on the U.W. System’s Collection Development Coordinators Committee which is responsible for the selection and management of a $1.7 million dollar electronic resource collection, as well as on several campus and System committees and commissions. I chair the UW Library System’s Disaster Planning subcommittee and am a member of the System Collection Development Coordinators Committee’s Management Subcommittee.

2/96-10/96Library Services Assistant-Senior, Elton S. Karrmann Library. Duties included

Supervision of student workers in Collection Development and Instructional Materials Laboratory Library (IML), IML reference assistance, circulation, Bindery, maintenance of the library’s print periodicals list, and other related library duties.

1993-1995Library Assistant, U.W.-Madison Plant Pathology Library. Duties included reference assistance, circulation, bindery, cataloging, and general library functions.

1995Reference Practicum, Steenbock Memorial Library, U.W.-Madison. Performed reference desk work, assisted practicum supervisor with various collection development activities and with bibliographic instruction preparation.

1987-1993Assistant Finance Director, Bethesda Lutheran Home. Responsible for the preparation of government reports, budget preparation and monitoring, journal entries, monthly general ledger closing, and payroll for a multi-million dollar organization. Maintained several subsidiary ledgers including the corporate investment schedule and restricted funds. Supervised eight accounting clerks in the areas of accounts payable, payroll, accounts receivable and general ledger along with one professional accountant.

Professional Association Memberships

American Library Association

Association for Library Collections & Technical Services

Association of College & Research Libraries

Wisconsin Library Association

Wisconsin Association of Academic Librarians

Southwestern Wisconsin Association of Libraries

North American Serials Interest Group

Selected Professional Development Activities

Wisconsin Library Association Conference

Wisconsin Association of Academic Librarians Conference

Southwestern Wisconsin Association of Libraries Conference

Various training sessions for the Voyager library systems modules

Voyager User Group Meeting

Various software training for MS Access, Quattro Pro, Windows, MS Excel, MS Word, RefWorks, Zotero, and Email programs.

Web Site Development Training

Franklin Planner Time Management Training

ALCTS E-Forums on various topics

SLIS online course for Electronic Resource Collection Development

Webinars offered by various online resource vendors

University Human Resource training sessions for supervisors

Responsibility Centered Budget webinars

Midwest Culturally Inclusive Conference

“Process Improvement Library Style” webinar

“How Learning Works” presentation sponsored by the Campus

Community of Science Training

Atomic Learning Training

Regularly review online conference proceedings from the Timberline Institute, Charleston Conference, ACRL, WLA, WAAL, and NASIG conferences

WHEEL Conferences

Presentation at the Annual CUWL Conference about the history of the Shared Electronic Collection and current challenges.

Presentation at the Annual CUWL Conference about the work of the Library Disaster Planning Committee.

Institutional and Professional Service

A. University Committees and Commissions

Academic Planning Council

Academic Information Technology Commission

Alcohol and Drug Advisory Committee

Student Health Care Committee

University Academic Budget Commission

United Way Committee

University Undergraduate Curriculum Commission

B.Library Committees

Library ad hoc Budget Committee - inactive

Library ad hoc Collections and Access Committee – Chair - inactive

Library Scholarships Committee

Library Web Committee (rotating membership) - inactive

Various Search and Screen Committees, including the one for the Information Literacy Librarian

Voyager Implementation Committee

New Integrated Library System Implementation Committee - current

C.U.W. System Committees

Acquisitions Interest Group

Collection Development Coordinators Committee. Served one year as chair. This group manages a collection of shared electronic resources, with a budget of almost two million dollars, current.

Collection Development Coordinators Committee Management Subcommittee, current

Library Disaster Planning Committee – Co-Chair, current.

Periodicals Vendor RFP Committee, Chair – two terms

UW System Document Delivery Task Force

UW System NetLibrary Procedures Subcommittee, chair

Wisconsin Academic Libraries E-Book Consortium Group

D.Other Service Activities

-Volunteered at activities such as Student Appreciation, Pioneer Previews, and Student Health Fair.

-Attend commencement and university convocation.

-Participated in 10,000 steps programs.

-Served as advisor for the St. Jude’s Up ‘Til Dawn student group

-Distinguished Lecturer Presentations

-Presentation by the campus Veterans Club

-Campus iPad User Group

-AED Training

-Campus Emergency Training Class

-Anne Hathaway Guild Treasurer 1999-2001

-St. Mary’s Human Concerns Committee

-Volunteer Tutor Even Start Family Literacy Program

-St. Philomena’s Women’s Society

-NAMI member

Selected Library User Education Classes Taught

-Individual research consultations with Biology and Agriculture students

-Agriculture Promotion and Merchandising

-Agricultural Consulting and Sales

-Agricultural Prices

-Agricultural Research Seminar in Animal Science and Biotechnology

-Business Research for Market Organization & Competition class

-Agricola Database Search Techniques

-Agricultural Law

-Companion Animals Web Evaluation Criteria and Techniques

-General Ecology

-RefWorks for Animal Science Class

-Agricultural Law

-Animal Science

-Biology Research Seminar

-General Biology Class Presentation

-Zoology Resources

-Information about MSDS reports for Industrial Studies

Significant Professional Accomplishments

-I have written over 200 Voyager Access queries and reports that were used to track expenditures, budget information, and information used to complete various library reports to outside agencies. This responsibility was added to my position without any corresponding reduction of other responsibilities.

-I set up a separate collection assessment MS Access database and have written numerous queries and reports that are used to assess various aspects of our collection activities.

-Served one year as the chair of the UW System Collection Development Coordinators group which manages the System’s collection of shared electronic resources with a budget of almost two million dollars.

-Served one term as chair of the UW System Periodicals Vendor RFP group.

-Coordinated the successful migration from Notis to Voyager acquisitions and serials module. This work was done using only current staff and involved no staff overtime.

-Helped coordinate the cleanup of damage to the library after a severe storm in 2004.

-Implemented the CORAL electronic resources management system in 2013.

-Coordinated the Acquisitions migration to the ALMA automated library system in 2015. This work was done using only current staff and involved no staff overtime.

-Wrote more than 200 ALMA Analytics reports for acquisitions, budget management, and collection development.

-Set up and maintained an MS Access database of our periodical holdings, generated regular periodical listings and other related reports. This information was also the basis for several periodical reviews.

-Consulted with the library’s Administrative Assistant on the updates to the library’s emergency and personnel manuals.

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