Tomball Memorial High School!

AP Physics

2017-2018Fall Semester

Instructor:Mr. DanielSautural


  • 2nd, 3rd& 4th AP Physics
  • 5th6th Level Chemistry
  • 7th(Swim & Dive)

Conference Period:

  • Blue 1st Period

Rooms: 2317



  • Physics Principles with Applications

Giancoli©2014Pearson Education Inc.

  • On-line Textbook:TBA

Website: TBA

Physics is the study of force and energy. Whether it is the force needed to accelerate an object, the energy contained in a ray of sunlight, or the electrical energy flowing through a wire, all of these events can be measured and described using physics.

Specifically, physics is the branch of science concerned with theproperties of matter and energy and the relationships between them. It is based on mathematics and traditionally includes mechanics, optics, electricity & magnetism, acoustics, and heat. Modern physics, based on quantum theory, includes atomic, nuclear, particle, and solid-state studies. It can also embrace applied fields such as geophysics and astronomy.

This semester we will begin by studying the branch of physics known as mechanics. This will include studying kinematics (one & two dimensional motion) and dynamic (forces, work, power, & energy). The latter part of the semester, we will finish mechanics with thermal energy (heat), electricity & magnetism, waves, acoustics, optics, & modern physics.


1stNine Weeks

Unit I – Nature of Science & Kinematic Motion in One-dimension

  • Chapter 1 – Introduction, Measurement, Estimating
  • Chapter 2– Describe Motion: Kinematics in One Dimension

Unit II – Kinematic Motion in Two-dimension

  • Chapter 3 – Kinematics in Two dimension; Vectors

2ndNine Weeks

Unit III – Dynamics & Newton’s Laws of Motion

  • Chapter 4 – Dynamics: Newton’s Laws of Motion

Unit IV –Work, Power, & Energy

  • Chapter 6 – Work and Energy

Unit V– Impulse, MomentumIt’s Conservation

  • Chapter 7 – Linear Momentum

Supplies for the Classroom: Please have all supplies in by the end of the 1stweek. Thank you.

1)1 x Facial tissue box (example: Kleenex ®)

2)1 x Packet of 4 or more Dry-board markers (ex: Expo ®)

3)1 x Canister of Disinfecting Wipes (ex: Clorox wipes ®)

4)1 x Roll of Paper Towel (ex: Bounty ®)

General Supplies to have for Class

1)1 x Three-ring binder 1” to 1 ½”& Loose-leaf paper

2)Pens, Pencils & Erasers

3)1 x Protractor

4)1 x Highlighters

5)1 x Color Pencils

6)Composition Notebook: Graph ruled anyassorted colors, 9-3/4" x 7-1/2"This will be your Lab Interactive Notebook.

7)Scientific Calculator: must be “Scientific”. Look for a calculator with buttons for “sin”, “cos”, and “tan”. The TI-30X IIS Scientific Calculator can be bought for $8.88. Certainly, a graphing calculator will be more than adequate. Be sure your name is on the calculator.

General Rules and Expectations

1. Expect to:

  • learn, so listen to the lectures and think about them.
  • stay alert and focused on physics.
  • ask questions and participate in the activities.
  • read the book for another perspective and resource


2. Expect to be in class, on time, with all your supplies, every time the class meets

3. Expect to work hard

-you can succeed in this class, but only if you put forward full effort

-do your own work. This is the only way you can learn!

4. Expect to come in for extra help

-everyone needs some one-on-one help sometime. If you are having physics trouble, come in for help.

5. Expect to enjoy physics

-I don't teach physics because it is a dull impossible course.

-I teach physics because it is an interesting and exciting to learn how thing work in our world. Simply, Fizix Rox!

Grading Policy

Major – 70% of the nine weeks grade.

  • Tests
  • Tests are important indicators of your understanding of what we are studying.
  • They indicate to both you and I how well you as an individual are learning the material.
  • Tests are typically a mixture of multiple choice, short answer, essay and math problems.
  • On test day, you must bring a calculator & pencils with erasers.
  • All test materials must be turned back in when the test is over.
  • Most tests will take the entire period. However, bring your supplies and a bookjust in case you finish early.
  • Reteach Policy
  • Remediation and corrections will be completedafter the test is return to the student.
  • All questions missed on the test will be corrected with a detail description of the error and proof of understanding.
  • Point will be award ONLY if 100% completion of test corrections.
  • Point will be based on square root of the raw grade X 10.
  • Formal Labs
  • Physics is more than reading about what others have done. Physics is personally observing, measuring and predicting the behavior of experimental objects.
  • Lab reports will usually given but some will be handwritten, following an outline that will be provided.
  • Lab reports will typically be due the day after the lab is completed.
  • Projects
  • Each semester AP Physics student will do a project.
  • There will be 3 spot check
  • Grades along with the completion of the project.

Daily Work– 30% of the nine weeks grade.

  • Homework Assignments
  • To help you practice applying new ideas and skills, and to help you prepare for tests, there will be homework assignments.
  • Reading the textbook is an important assignment. Time in class is very short. We will often concentrate on the math problems in class, while the textbook will give important background explanations.
  • Homework assignments will be graded daily. Many assignments will be graded in class.
  • Honesty in peer grading is expected, and dishonest acts will be treated as cheating & a ZERO will be assigned for that assignment for all students involved after parents have be contacted.
  • Quizzes
  • Quizzes are short assessments over parts of the unit.
  • The quizzes are random and are based on chapter reading, assignments, & labs
  • Daily work that is assigned as homework will not be accepted for full credit if turned-in/completed late.
  • Homework will be accepted for a maximum grade of 50% if turned in by the next class period.
  • Major will be accepted late for a 15%, 30%, & 50% penalty for each day accordingly to due date.

Respect Policy– At Tomball Memorial High School, respect is the cornerstone of all our interactions and behaviors. We acknowledge the dignity and worth of one another, and strive never to diminish another by our conduct or our attitudes.

  • Definition of misconduct: Any physical, spoken or written act of abuse, violence, harassment, intimidation, extortion, the use of vulgarity, cursing, making remarks of a personally destructive nature toward any other person, and any restriction or prevention of free movement of an individual. This prohibition applies whether the act is deliberate, intentional or unintentional or is directed toward an individual or group regarding race, color, creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, political or religious ideology. Federal law and State of Texas rules and regulations will apply.

Corrective Action:

  • Disciplinary actions may include: conference, parent notification, counseling, detention, In-School-Suspension, Out-Of-School-Suspension, Alternative Education Placement.
  • Police may be contacted; charges may be filed.