[Institution] First in [insert city/province/country] to Treat Atrial Fibrillation Patients with Unique, Second-Generation Freezing Technology

Arctic Front Advance™ Cardiac Cryoballoon System Provides Efficient Approach to Treating Common Heart Rhythm Disorder

Physicians at [insert institution] are among the first in [insert state/province/country] to treat patients who suffer from a common form of atrial fibrillation with the new Arctic Front Advance™ Cardiac Cryoballoon System. This innovative medical technology works by freezing the heart tissue around the pulmonary veins to help stop abnormal electrical activity that causes an irregular heartbeat.

The first-generation Arctic Front® Cardiac CryoAblation System, currently approved in both the United States and Europe, has become successful treatment option for patients who do not respond to therapy with antiarrhythmic drugs, such as beta blockers. Studies show that 73 percent of patients using Medtronic’s cryoballoon achieved freedom from atrial fibrillation at one year1, 2, a clinically significant increase in overall treatment success compared to drug therapy.3 Arctic Front Advance, the second-generation cryoballoon, builds upon the proven safety and effectiveness of the original technology, while providing a more efficient approach to treating this common, often debilitating condition.

Treatment with Arctic Front Advance involves a minimally invasive procedure that isolates the pulmonary veins using coolant rather than heat. Delivered through a catheter, the novel technology is associated with faster procedure times than other ablation techniques currently on the market. Additionally, the EvenCool™ Cryo Technology included in the new cryoballoon optimizes the delivery of the coolant and improves physicians’ ability to treat a wide range of patient anatomies.

(Draft physician quote for consideration) “Patients should feel confident that we are using a proven technology with a strong safety profile, along with additional therapeutic benefits. The next-generation Arctic Front provides greater treatment efficiency, a real-world advantage that can positively impact our patients,” said [insert name, title, affiliation].

Insert first implant patient information and additional physician comments on patient as appropriate

Atrial fibrillation is one of the most common and undertreated heart rhythm disorders in the world. Approximately [3 million Americans4/5 million Europeans5] are estimated to have the disease. Half of all diagnosed patients fail drug therapy,6 and if left untreated, patients have up to a five times higher risk of stroke and an increased chance of developing heart failure.7 Additionally, since atrial fibrillation is often age-related, as the [insert country affiliation] population continues to grow older, the need for more effective treatment options is escalating.

To date, the Arctic Front and Arctic Front Advance systems have been used to successfully treat more than 100,000 patients in more than 800 medical centers in 40 countries.


Include photo of patient and doctor

1 Andrade JG, Khairy P, Guerra PG, et al. Efficacy and safety of cryoballoon ablation for atrial fibrillation: a systematic review of published studies. Heart Rhythm. September 2011;8 (9):1444-1451.

2 Calkins H, Reynolds MR, Spector P, et al. Treatment of atrial fibrillation with antiarrhythmic drugs or radiofrequency ablation: two systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. August 2009;2(4):349-361.

3 Medtronic Inc., Arctic Front Cardiac CryoAblation Catheter clinical reports, in support of FDA premarket approval.

4 CardioSmart. The American College of Cardiology. Retrieved from http://cardiosmart.org/HeartDisease/CTT.aspx?id=222 on August 13, 2012.

5 CardioSmart. The American College of Cardiology. Retrieved from http://cardiosmart.org/HeartDisease/CTT.aspx?id=222 on August 13, 2012.

6 JAMA 2001; 285:2370-5.

7 Fuster et al. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2006; 48:854-906.