312 Camp Hope Road
Canton, NC 28716
Lisa Barros, Director
Fax: 828-473-3313
Dear Haywood County Family,
Wellspring Adventure Camp offerstwo 8-weekcamp scholarshipsforHaywood County residents to attend summer camp free of charge each summer!
This is a tuition value of $10,920 per scholarship recipient!
ProgramDates can be found at:
(Click on the “Wellspring Adventure Camp” tab).
* NOTE: Shorter 3 or 6 week session scholarships may be available, based on the overall scholarship funding and current accepted applicants. All session start dates can be viewed at by clicking on “Wellspring Adventure Camp.” Please contact Lisa Barros (contact information above) for more information.
Wellspring Adventure Camp is a residential therapeutic weight-loss and healthy-lifestyle camp located at Camp Hope in Canton, NC. We are seeing applicants for this scholarship who would benefit greatly from participating in our program. All specific details about our camp and participant requirements can be found on our website at:
This is a residential program, and camperslive in cabins on site for the duration of the camp program.
We highly recommend that families spend as much time as possible gathering information about the program on this website prior to applying. The scholarship covers all camp activities, including:
- All camp base and adventure activities, including weekly camping trips, whitewater rafting, rock climbing, stand up paddle boarding, canoe fishing, sports, swimming hole and games at base, and the big trips to Dollywood theme park and/or Dollywood/ Splash Country (depending on your session dates)!
- Two individual and two group CBT behavioral-therapeutic sessions each week with Master’s and Doctoral-level clinicians
- All healthy, low-fat food and of course lodging
- Personal Training, Yoga and Fitness Classes
- Nutrition Classes
- Culinary Classes
- Garden Program
- Opportunities to volunteer for or participate in the Lake Logan Sprint Relay Triathlon and other local events
- And more!
If you or someone you know would benefit from an exciting, fun and educational summer and are committed tolosing weight and learning how to live a healthy lifestyle, please apply!
Please send completed scholarship application attention Lisa Barros to:
Fax: 828-471-3306 828-473-3313
Mail: Wellspring Camps/ Haywood County Scholarship
PO Box 1437, Brevard, NC 28712
Applications must be returned no later thanMay 1st of each year.
After this scholarship application has been received, you will be notified within 10 working days whether your child has been accepted as a Haywood County Scholarship recipient. Once notified, an Enrollment Packet for camp will be sent to you via email. This must be completed and returned as soon as possible to secure enrollment and scholarship funding for Wellspring Adventure Camp this summer.
Thank you!
Personal and Health Information
Session dates desired (first and second choice): ______
How did you find out about the scholarship? ______
Parent’s Name (s):______
Street: ______
Primary phone: ______
City: ______State: _____ Zip/Postal Code: ______
Parent’s e-mail Address:______
Camper’s Name: ______
Camper’s Birth Date:______
Camper’s Current Weight: ______Camper’s Current Height: ______
Camper’s Est. Weight 12 mos ago:______
Camper’s Est. Height 12 mos ago:______
List Any Medical or Behavioral Issues Resulting From Weight:
Please answer the following questions on another sheet of paper and submit with this cover sheet.
1. What are some things that the prospective camper has tried previously to lose weight (e.g. diets, fitness trainers, therapists, dietitian)?
2. How do you think weight issues have affected the prospective camper physically, emotionally, and/or socially?
3. How do you think Wellspring will change prospective camper physically, emotionally and/or socially?
4. What are the changes you would be willing to make at home in order to support your child after he/she returns from Wellspring? Would you be willing to
get up 1 hour early each day to take a morning walk with your child?
1. On a separate sheet of paper, please describe why you want to come to Wellspring Adventure Camp this summer to learn a healthy lifestyle.
2. What would you be most excited about at camp this summer? What are you most nervous about?
3. What would this experience mean to you?
I hereby confirm that I am applying for Wellspring scholarship and certify that all the information provided herein is true, correct and complete.
Parent’s Signature and Date
Awards will be granted in the order received to applicants who can greatly benefit from attending Wellspring Adventure Camp. It is advisable to submit your application as early as possible. Only fully completed applications will be considered.
Also, please note that purchases for the camper to be well-prepared for the summer must be covered by the applicant (including clothing, hiking boots, athletic shoes, and any other required item on the packing list sent out in the Enrollment Packet). These specific personal items will not be covered by the scholarship, but it is very important that campers are properly prepared for the summer.
A Note on Commitment:
Please note that scholarship recipients may be required to meet with the Camp Director once prior to the start of camp in order to discuss the specifics of the program.
Also, please note that we ask that at least one family member of the scholarship recipient attend any one of our Family Workshops during the summer. These workshops occur on the following dates for 2012: June 14-16th, July 5-7th and July 26-28th.
The program includes a continuing care online program post-camp, accessible to you for the next year.