Aquarius Lesson Plan

Focus / Ocean Life
Grade Level / Kindergarten
Focus Question / What things are in the ocean? Can a human live under water?
Learning Objectives: / NC State Objective and Goal Being Addressed:
K.V.3.3 Use the processes of drawing, painting, weaving, printing, collage, mixed media, sculpture, and ceramics to create art.
K.V.1.4 Understand characteristics of the Elements of Art, including lines, shapes, colors, and texture.
K.SL.6 Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
K.G.1.2 Use globes and maps to locate land and water features.
Learner Objective(s): At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to:
At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to talk about plants, animals, and facts relating to the ocean.
Materials / The Magic School Bus: On the Ocean Floor
White screen
Arts and crafts materials
Audio/Visual Materials / YouTube video
Teaching Time / This lesson can take up to 1 hour, but can be done on two days depending on the attention span of the students.
Seat Arrangement / Opening activity, learning procedure, assessment: group in a reading area.
Closing activity & assignment: preferably in groups so that supplies can be shared.
Maximum Number of Students / 25
Key Words / Ocean
Background Information (Prior Knowledge) / Writing skills are necessary.
Opening Activity / Have students come to reading area. Begin the lesson with asking students questions such as, “What do you know about the ocean? Have you ever been to the ocean? What types of things do you do there/see there?” Having students answer these questions will give them a way to relate personal experience to the topic. This enables them to understand better what is being discussed and will make them feel like they are contributing to the lesson.
Learning Procedure ( Activity) / Read The Magic School Bus: On the Ocean Floor to students (be sure to skip any dialogue in the illustrations to be quicker and keep students interested in the task. After reading the book, have the students discuss the things the characters saw. After answering a few questions, ask students, “Do you think it is possible for people to live underwater?” Let a few students share answers and reasons then begin to educate them on Aquarius. The teacher can use a map to show the location of Aquarius. Share with students to let them view what Aquarius is. After the video, have the students tell you what they saw, and lead a short discussion that tells what researchers do in Aquarius and why it is so important.
Connections to Other Subjects / Science, Art, Social Studies, Reading/Writing
Closing Activity and Assignment / After discussing why it is so important, tell students they will get to draw/paint/color/create their ‘own’ Aquarius. They will need to draw a picture of what a home under the water would look like, what things you would see under the water, and then what things you could do under water. The closing activity could be done on a separate day from the other activities, but should be given 25-30 minutes depending on the students.
Assessment / Have students present their art project and read their 3 sentences to the class. The grading for this project will be a simple completion (picture and 3 sentences) grade where you check for effort.
Other Links and Resources / N/A