Online Order Entry And Validation (Sept 7, 2014)
1) Register your username/password preferences by sending an email to . Nothing vulgar and both fields are case sensitive. Spaces are allowed after the first character.
2) Enable pop-ups for your browser to the above website. After you successfully login, the next page is displayed in a new browser session so you will need to allow pop-ups to continue. No cookies are being saved by this program but your browser may save certain form data by default. You can disable or clear this through your browser security settings. No harm either way to your online orders.
3) Type in your orders on the form as appropriate. Be certain to enter a valid account number on top or your orders will not be properly processed. You may use the TAB key to traverse among the fields.
4) Press the VERIFY ORDERS button to validate your orders. Make any adjustments if needed and press this button until a successful no errors message is displayed. You may submit your orders with any outstanding errors if necessary (further explanation in the attached document).
5) Press the SUBMIT TURN button to save your orders to the game server. Just typing your orders on the form or pressing the VERIFY ORDERS button isn't enough, you have to press the SUBMIT TURN button to actually submit your orders for the turn. You may submit an unlimited number of corrections this way but try to have at least one copy of your orders submitted two hours before the deadline.
6) If you logout and wish to make a change to your orders, press the LOAD/CLEAR ORDERS button to automatically reload the data so you don't have to retype everything again. If you wish to start over, enter a higher turn number than your current game and press this button to clear the page (remember to reset the turn number back). If you wish to submit orders for multiple games, choose the appropriate selection from the dropdown list and press this button to clear the page (you don't have to logout to enter orders for another game).
7) Press the SAVE COPY OF ORDERS button to save a copy of your orders to your computer. [button currently disabled, still in development]
If you have any questions, please read the attached document first which explains what is being verified for every order/spell in the game.