Grampian Diabetes Professional Conference

11th September 2013


Workshop A: "Following the Diagnosis - Let the journey begin"

This session provides an opportunity for health care professionals to understand the patient journey following the diagnosis of diabetes (either Type 1 or Type 2). It discusses pathways encouraging the patient to develop skills to self manage their diabetes.

Lead Presenters:

Trish McDonald and Norma Alexander, Diabetes Specialist Nurses, NHS Grampian.

Workshop B : "Helping Patients Improve their Health Behaviours: What’s in ourToolbox?"

Successfully managing diabetes often involves patients making major lifestyle changes. The good news is that we can help our patients improve their health behaviour, from stopping smoking, to changing diet or cutting down on alcohol. In this interactive workshop you’ll experience some of the main techniques known to be effective for helping others live more healthily. The workshop will also point you in the direction of key referral services designed to support practitioners.

Lead Presenter:

Eleanor Bull, Health Psychologist in NHS Grampian Public Health Directorate.

Workshop C: "CarbohydrateCounting for Type2 Diabetes"

While carbohydrate counting fell out of favour for some time, it has recently come back into vogue, particularly in patients on intensified (basal-bolus) insulin regimens. However, with an ever-increasing number of patients with Type 2 Diabetes proceeding to insulin therapy, it is appropriate to consider the potential impact of dietary carbohydrate content on glycaemic control in patients on less intensive (e.g. twice daily) insulin regimens. In this workshop we will discuss the potential and practice of raising carbohydrate awareness among patients with Type 2 diabetes on insulin.

Lead Presenter(s):

Kathryn Bruce and Ailsa Wildgoose, Community Dietitians, NHS Grampian.

Workshop D: "Diabetic Nephropathy"

Diabetic nephropathy is a physiologically complicated and multi-faceted disease process. In this workshop we will try to demystify some of the confusion surrounding the diagnosis and appropriate treatment for diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease

Lead Presenter:

Helen Rose, and Mary Simpson, Chronic Kidney Disease Nurses, ARI.

Workshop E: Conversation Maps - “Its Good to Talk”

Learning retention rates have shown that people remember 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear and 30% of what they see. When people take an active role in their own education they are likely to retain up to 70% of the information learned.

Come along and find out how we currently use the conversation maps for education and how they may be used to empower your patients.

Lead Presenter:

Kay Rosie and Sharon Wright, Diabetes Specialist Nurses, NHS Grampian.

Workshop F: "What to Consider in a Patient with Newly Identified Hyperglycaemia"

What tests should we be using currently in Grampian to diagnose diabetes?

We know that the majority of patients have type 2 diabetes (~88%) but when should we consider other types of diabetes?

This workshop will discuss the diagnosis and classification of a patient with newly identified hyperglycaemia. The workshop will be structured around case presentation and there will be plenty of opportunity for lots of discussion and debate.

Lead Presenter:

Dr Jane Dymott, Specialist Registrar, Diabetes Centre, Aberdeen.

Workshop G:"Diet and QOF"

Much of the management of people with diabetes, particularly people with Type 2 diabetes, happens in primary care. The Community Dietetic Team, along with the wider DM team, work hard to support practices to do this. With the introduction of the new QOF indicators, the dietetic team have devised a new and easy checklist to help with annual review (DM013) and newly diagnosed patients (DM014). Come and see how this resource can help you.

Lead Presenter:

Leanne Gardner, Community Dietitian, NHS Grampian.

Workshop H:"Diabetes and Driving" or "I'm in Love With my Car"

In the last 3 years there have been a number of changes to the regulations for drivers with insulin-treated diabetes. This workshop will review these regulations and discuss the impact on patients and also the processes involved for licensing drivers with diabetes which involves all health professionals looking after insulin-treated patients.

Lead Presenter:

Dr Ann Gold, Consultant in Diabetes and General Medicine, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.

Workshop I: Educating Professionals - ‘What do we need to know and when do we want it?’

As part of our healthcare professional team we have all experienced a variety of teaching and learning opportunities related to diabetes management and care. This workshop allows us to learn about the variety of opportunities available; be you a novice or somebody more experienced. What do you want to see on offer? How can it be delivered? What are our challenges? How can professional education be supported throughout Grampian? A workshop to share ideas, open up opportunities or introduce a learning opportunity near you!

Lead Presenters:

Dr Wendy Watson and Dr Ken McHardy, Consultants in Diabetes and General Medicine, NHS Grampian.

Workshop J: "Erectile Dysfunction – Nurse Led Clinics"

Erectile dysfunction is a well-known complication of diabetes which is still probably a substantially undeclared problem during diabetes consultations. In this workshop we will describe and discuss:

Main causes of erectile dysfunction, assessment and investigations carried out at the Specialist Erectile Dysfunction clinic, and treatment options available.

Lead Presenter:

Yvonne Paterson/Ally Sleigh, Urology Specialist Nurses, NHS Grampian.

Workshop K: 'Sit Less and Walk More' ….How to Get the Message Across in a Busy Clinic

The increasing physical activity message is great but how can we fit in more to talk about during busy clinics? This workshop will give an overview of some of the techniques used to help patients increase their physical activity and some resources which could be useful.

Lead Presenter:

Mary McCallum, Chartered Psychologist and Public Health Specialist.

Workshop L: "Gizmos & Gadgets"

This is a interactive session to give you an opportunity to roll up your sleeves and try out a selection of meters and injectable pen devices used in Grampian.

Lead Presenter:

Sandra Wilson, Diabetes Specialist Nurse and Joyce McLean, Senior Staff Nurse, Diabetes Centre, Aberdeen.

Workshop M:" Improving Care for the Housebound Patient with Diabetes "

The transfer of care from hospital to the community has been the diabetes success story of the last 10 years. A notable exception to this, however, has been the care of frail, housebound, elderly patients. We are now seeing a pattern where existing GP clinic patients are entering this phase of their journey through life and beginning to require ongoing care at home. Jill Strathdee, DN/DSN in Aboyne, has been developing a programme of structured education for community nurse teams to improve communication and equality of care for this vulnerable group. In this workshop we will informally examine the problem – clinically, administratively, contractually and educationally

Lead Presenter:

Dr Gordon Wilson, GP, Bucksburn/Dyce and Jill Strathdee, Diabetes Specialist Nurse.

Workshop N: "Don’t Let The SciFall – A Guide To SCI-Diabetes"

In this workshop you will be given an overview of the revamped SCI-Diabetes system. We will show how the system can help you look after people with diabetes under your care. The aim of this workshop is to provide some guidance and assistance in helping you to find the information you need when you need it. There will also be an opportunity to discuss other diabetes related IT information.

Lead Presenter:

Dr Sam Philip. Consultant, and Robert O'Donnell, MCN Support Manager, NHS Grampian.

Workshop O:"Demystifying Insulin Pump Therapy"

Insulin pump therapy for Type 1 diabetes has recently attracted media attention and government backing. While it can have definite advantages for some, the intensity and complexity of pump therapy will make it unsuitable for many. This session aims to show you what pumps are all about and to separate fact from fiction so we are all better able to respond to enquiries about this treatment from our patients.

Lead Presenter:

Hilary Yule, In-Patient Diabetes Specialist Nurse, ARI and Lisa Stephen, Dietitian, ARI.

Workshop P: "Fatty liver and diabetes: when fat and sugars collide and collude!"

It seems paradoxical but diabetes results in excessive fat deposition in the liver. Liver function test abnormalities are the norm rather than the exception in patients with diabetes. Interpretation of these tests is challenging especially in the setting of acronyms like ASH and NASH flying around (alcoholic steatohepatitis and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis). This workshop is aimed at evaluating this complex relationship and simplifying our understanding on how to manage patients with abnormal liver function tests in our day to day practice.

Lead Presenter:

Dr Ashis Mukhopadhya, Consultant, Gastroenterologist/Hepatologist, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary

Workshop Q:"Decision Making for the Patient with Type 2 Diabetes"

This workshop will explore the increasingly complex therapeutic strategy for managing type 2 diabetes. Using evidence from clinical trials and case based discussion we will aim to rationalise making choices for the individual patient using old and new therapy options.

Lead Presenter:

Dr Fiona Strachan, Consultant Physician, and Sharon Wright, Diabetes Specialist Nurse,NHS Grampian.

Workshop R: "Quality of Life"

What is Quality of Life? How can Quality of Life be maintained and even improved in the face of advanced and advancing illness?

Lead Presenter:

Dr Gordon Linklater, Consultant in Palliative Care, NHS Grampian.

Workshop S:What to do when your Patient says "I have a bad foot"

What do you do when patients raise concerns about foot complaints, from itching to blisters and ingrowing toe nails to hard skin etc. Stop look and listen, consider your options and act appropriately. An interactive workshop about common complaints and how to triage and manage them appropriately. Why it is important to act promptly with the diabetic foot.

Lead presenter:

Nicole Barclay, Highly Specialist Podiatrist, NHS Grampian.

Workshop T: Young People with Type 1 Diabetes “Thinking Outside the Box"

Interactive workshop, to discuss some of the issues that impact directly or indirectly on young people’s ability to manage their diabetes.

The work shop will include scenarios of some challenging cases and you are invited to bring along a case which you would like to share

Lead Presenter:

Edna Stewart, Young Person's Diabetes Specialist Nurse, and Alison Wilson, Paediatric Diabetes Specialist Nurse.