Community of Interest

Handbook 2013

Table of Contents

1 Introduction / 3
1.1 Your Information / 3
1.2 Metro South Health / 3
2 Participating / 4
2.1 Your Role / 5
2.2 Participation Process / 5
2.3 Training / 6
3 Your Conduct / 7
3.1 Queensland Public Service Code of Conduct / 7
3.2 Conflict of Interest / 7
3.3 Confidentiality / 7
4 Supporting You / 8
4.1 Support Staff and Debriefing / 8
4.2 Reimbursement / 8
4.3 Complaints and Concerns / 9
5 Resources / 10
6 Glossary / 10
Appendix 1 / 11

1 Introduction

This guide has been developed to assist members of the Community of Interest (COI) understand their role, expectations and processes when participating in Metro South Health activities.

1.1 Your Information

Volunteering to be part of the Metro South Community of Interest means that your personal details will be added to the Community of Interest database. Your personal details will remain confidential, and will only be used for the purposes of consumer engagement activities co-ordinated by Metro South Health.

Furthermore, your details can be removed from the Community of Interest database at any time on your request.

1.2 Metro South Health

As a member of the Metro South Community of Interest (COI), you have the opportunity to receive information and participate in a wide range of topics relating to Metro South health services including acute facility based care, oral health, mental health and community based care.

Metro South Health’s major services comprise:

·  Princess Alexandra Hospital / ·  Beenleigh Community Health Service Centre / ·  Logan Central Community Health Service Centre
·  QEII Hospital / ·  Browns Plains Community Health Service Centre / ·  Eight Mile Plains Community Health Service Centre
·  Logan Hospital / ·  Coorparoo Community Health Service Centre / ·  Redland Health Service Centre
·  Beaudesert Hospital / ·  Inala Community Health Service Centre / ·  Redland Residential Care
·  Redland Hospital / ·  Wynnum Health Service Centre / ·  Marie Rose Centre Dunwich
·  South Brisbane Dental Hospital / ·  QEII Hospital Dental Clinic / ·  Logan Central Dental Clinic
·  Redland Dental Clinic / ·  Logan Hospital Dental Clinic / ·  Yeronga Dental Clinic

For more information please refer to

In addition, details of relevant facilities and services will be provided prior to your involvement in their activities.

Metro South Health is working with the Greater Metro South Brisbane Medicare Local (GMSBML) to ensure that consumers and communities have the opportunity to provide informed feedback regarding health services in this area. To ensure that our efforts are co-ordinated, we will, at times send you information and requests on behalf of the GMSBML. The GMSBML is an organisation which has a role in coordination and integration of services, as well as supporting General Practitioners.

For more information on the GMSBML please refer to

2 Participating

You can accept or decline any offer to participate, or the change the level of COI membership at any given time. There are 3 main levels of engaging:

Information provision / You will receive information such as service updates and newsletters via e-mail where an e-mail address has been provided. If you do not have an e-mail account, we will post a hard copy to you.
Time limited activities
(Participation) / These activities may be one-off activities or may require involvement over a defined time period. Time limited activities may include
·  focus groups
·  publication reviews
·  working parties
·  information sessions
Depending on the type of activity, an Expression of Interest (EOI) or invitation will be forwarded to you via e-mail where an e-mail address has been provided. If you do not have an e-mail account, we will post a hard copy to you.
Committee Representative
(Participation) / Through membership on committees, you will provide input into service improvement activities, service design, quality and safety reports and monitoring and evaluation activities.

By registering to participate in ‘Time Limited Activities,’ or as a ‘Committee Representative,’ you will automatically receive information updates and invitations to participate in time limited activities.

2.1 Expectations of COI members participating in activities

The role of a consumer representative is to provide a consumer perspective. This often differs from a bureaucratic, service provider, industry, academic or professional perspective. If you are participating in a Metro South Health ‘Time Limited Activity’ or as a ‘Committee Representative,’ your role is to:

·  Protect the interests of consumers, service users and potential service users

·  Present how consumers may think and feel about certain issues

·  Contribute consumer experiences

·  Understand the political, economic and other constraints impacting on the health system

·  Provide feedback to the community regarding the activity

·  Act as a watchdog on issues affecting consumers

·  Upholding the Queensland Public Service Code of Conduct (see section 3.1)

·  Participate in any relevant mandatory training (see section 2.3)

·  Maintain confidentiality (see section 3.3)

·  Express any grievance, concerns or dissatisfaction to Metro South Health Community & Consumer Engagement Team in the first instance (see page 8)

2.2 Participation Process

For less formal ‘Time Limited Activities’ you will have the opportunity to be involved in various activities without responding to an ‘Expression of Interest,’ such as online surveys and information sessions. For formal ‘Time Limited Activities’ or any ‘Committee Representation,’ generally an Expression of Interest (EOI) will be circulated to members. The process of selecting a consumer to participate is as follows:

Step 1: Expression of Interest forwarded to COI members

The expression of interest may include information such as:

·  The purpose, aim and scope of the committee’s work

·  Time commitment

·  A brief application form

Step 2: Selection of COI member/s to participate

·  Metro South Health Consumer & Community Engagement Team compile EOI applications

·  COI members that best meet selection criteria are contacted and invited to attend a brief informal interview

Step 3: Completion of requirements and checks

·  Consumer & Community Engagement team carries out a Criminal History Check for the successful COI member/s

Step 4: Induction and Orientation with Metro South Health

·  Training (see section 2.3) will be provided once your Expression of Interest has been successfully completed.

·  You may also be required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement during orientation (see section 3.3).

Step 5: Participate

·  Depending on the type of activity you are participating in, there will be different support methods to assist you (see section 4).

Step 6: Evaluation

·  At the end of the time period specified in the EOI, an evaluation will be conducted to determine your level of satisfaction with participating in the Metro South activity. This evaluation will help to inform how we undertake future engagement processes.

2.3 Training

If you have been selected to participate following an Expression of Interest process, you may be provided with the following training which will take around 3 hours at a Metro South facility – location can be negotiated.

Metro South Health Training

a)  Health and Safety Orientation (mandatory)

b)  Code of Conduct (mandatory)

c)  First Response Evacuation Instruction/Fire Safety (mandatory)

Committee Specific Information

You will also be provided specific orientation for the activity or committee you will be working with. This may include:

·  The purpose, aim and scope of the committee’s work

·  Terms of reference

·  Meeting schedule

Other training and professional development opportunities for COI members may also be available. COI members will be informed of these opportunities as they arise and be provided with the necessary details.

3 Your Conduct

In addition to the key functions of your role, there are expectations relating to how you participate in Metro South Health. By working with, or in Metro South Health, either in a paid or volunteer role, you are bound by the Queensland Public Service Code of Conduct and the Confidentiality Guidelines (Part 7) of the Health and Hospital Network Act 2011.

3.1 Queensland Public Service Code of Conduct

It is important to familiarise yourself with this Code and it’s expectations for integrity and impartiality, management of conflicts of interest, delivery of a high standard of behaviour and personal conduct, maintenance of appropriate relationships and use of official resources appropriately. Prior to formal participation in an activity, you will receive training that provides an overview of the Code as part of your orientation.

The Code is available here

3.2 Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest can occur when there is a real or perceived conflict between a person’s duties and responsibilities and their private interests or the interests of other roles they may hold in the community. A conflict of interest may prejudice or be seen to prejudice a person’s ability to perform their duties and responsibilities objectively. A conflict of interest can also be based on a perception or an appearance that a participant’s own interests could improperly influence the performance of their duties, and whether or not this is in fact the case.

While conflicts of interest cannot always be avoided, they do need to be identified and disclosed. The minimum requirement for all conflicts of interest is that they must be openly and formally voiced.

3.3 Confidentiality

As a consumer representative, there is particular emphasis on confidentiality because being involved in committees and other work with health services means you may come into contact with patient details and other information which must remain confidential.

No information must be given to any other person, whether directly or indirectly, that can identify another person who may have been, or is, a patient of a public sector health service.

In addition, it is expected that other information that is not publicly available be treated as confidential by consumer representatives.

To participate in certain activities you may be required to sign a confidentiality agreement. If you do not wish to sign the agreement, this will exclude you from being able to participate in that particular activity.

Upon ceasing work as a consumer representative, the expectation continues that you must not give to any other person, directly or indirectly, any information which you were prohibited from passing on during your role as a consumer representative.

4 Supporting You

4.1 Support Staff and Debriefing

Opportunities will be provided for debriefing with the committee, activity organisers and/ or Consumer and Community Engagement Team. The Consumer and Community Engagement Team are also available to answer any questions you have regarding your participation or any other aspects relating to membership of the COI.

4.2 Reimbursement

If you participate in a Metro South Health activity as a member of the COI, you may be eligible for reimbursement of travel expenses. You may also be provided with professional development/training to It is Metro South Health’s position that no consumer or community member should be financially disadvantaged as a result of participating in engagement activities.

To claim reimbursement of your travel expenses, you must provide details of your travel. This can include:

·  Distance (in kilometres travelled) - if by car

·  Receipt of public transport ticket

·  Receipts for parking expenses

Please refer to Appendix 1 for more details, including rates per kilometre payable to you for car travel.

4.3 Complaints and Concerns

You have the right to express grievances, concerns or dissatisfaction to health service staff with the operations of the health service or consumer representative program without the fear of reprisal of adverse consequences.

If you have a concern or complaint about a task, another consumer representative, patient or staff member:

·  discuss the matter immediately with the relevant program coordinator

·  if the program coordinator is unable to resolve the matter they will seek input from the Consumer & Community Engagement Team

·  feedback on the outcome will be provided to you

If a complaint is received about your performance:

·  the relevant program coordinator will discuss the issue of complaint with you and seek to resolve any problems

·  should issues still exist, or feel you are not receiving fair treatment, the Consumer & Community Engagement Team may become involved to seek an appropriate resolution

For any complaints, concerns, or positive feedback regarding direct patient care, the Metro South Consumer Liaison Service is available. If you need to make a complaint or wish to provide positive feedback about healthcare provided at a Metro South facility, contact the Community & Consumer Engagement Team (see page 8) and we will refer you to the appropriate department.

5 Resources

Resources for Consumer Representatives – Consumers Health Forum of Australia

Consumer Representatives Handbook - Health Consumers Queensland

6 Glossary

Activity – an organised opportunity for you to be involved in Metro South Health. It may include, but is not limited to, information sessions, meetings, discussion groups, phone interviews/surveys, online surveys, committee representation

COI (Community of Interest) – a collection of people who have chosen to register with Metro South Health; they will be forwarded information and updates regarding Metro South Health, as well as opportunities to provide feedback and participate in health service design and evaluation activities

Debriefing – you discuss with another individual your feelings about an activity or process that has just occurred

EOI (Expression of Interest) – a process whereby you register your interest in participating in an activity by submitting the necessary application

Participation – when you choose to be involved in a Metro South Health activity as a member of the COI

Appendix 1