IMPORTANT: Complete FRONT & BACK of this page and return by Tuesday, October 3rd. The packet is also on the NEE website: http://northeastelem.ms.lde.schoolinsites.com/

v  Only projects for which completed Participation Forms have been submitted by the Tuesday, October 3rd deadline will compete in Reading Fair judging. All others will be scored only in the classroom.

CHOOSE YOUR BOOK AND CATEGORY CAREFULLY. TITLE or CATEGORY changes WILL NOT BE ALLOWED after this form is submitted on Tuesday, October 3rd. Book Title or Category changes will result in the project being scored only in the classroom.

3rd and 4th graders ONLY may report on a FICTION or NON-FICTION book.

If you have questions, contact Angela Grace at 601-485-4882; or email

STUDENT: ______Phone: ______

( Please PRINT neatly )

CIRCLE GRADE: 3 4 Teacher ______


(Do NOT submit this form without the BOOK TITLE: Please PRINT neatly)

CATEGORY: ______Individual ______Group

If Group, list names & teachers ______


( Please PRINT neatly )


INFORMATIONAL NON-FICTION PROJECTS must be entered as INDIVIDUAL. Groups are not allowed for non-fiction reports.


(Do NOT submit this form without the BOOK TITLE: Please PRINT neatly)



CATEGORY: ______Individual ______Group

If Group, list names & teachers______

If you need further information about this category, please contact Angela Grace.

Mississippi Department of Education

Reading Fair Photograph/Video Permission Slip

Note: This form will advance to each level of competition.

Student’s Name: ______

(Please Print)

Parent/Guardian’s Name: ______

(Please Print)

School: ______

District: ______

Title of Book:______

Select Category student will represent. (Check ONE category.)

Individual Group

Division_____ Division_____

Note: Check all that apply

______Permission is given for the above named individual(s) presenting at the State Level Reading Fair to be photographed and/or videotaped.

______Permission is not given for the above named individual(s) presenting at the State Level Reading Fair to be photographed and/or videotaped.

______Child requires special accommodations. Please attach Appendix J form to this form.


Parent/Guardian’s Date



School Representative Date



District Representative Date



Regional Representative Date




** Tuesday, October 3rd—Last date to submit completed Participation Form

** FRI, October 13th —Completed Reading Fair Projects due in classrooms

** MON, October 16th—Setup and registration in the gym.

** TU, October 17th—NEE Reading Fair Judging.

** TU, OCT 17th—Reading Fair Awards

Thank you for returning you child’s completed Participation Form. If you have questions, please email them to .

*A tri-fold project board is REQUIRED (projects on poster board will be disqualified)

The board must be 36”H x 48”W. Project depth may not exceed 14” deep. TOTAL PROJECT HEIGHT, INCLUDING A HEADER, CANNOT EXCEED 36”.

*Boards will be sold in the NEE library. All boards are $6 each. See Mrs. Pat Nelson or Mrs. Angela Grace to purchase a tri-fold board. (Remember to check the size of your board so that it doesn’t exceed the height requirements.)

*You will NOT need a card table for the NEE Reading Fair.

*Storyboards should be colorful and interesting. Models, shadowboxes, and illustrations that fit in the MIDDLE of the display are encouraged. The total project should not exceed the width or depth of the standing display board (approximately 36” wide x 14” deep). No items should hang over the edge of the table or be placed on the floor. However, students may hold or wear items that coordinate with the project, if desired. Items used for the project are not to be alive, valuable, or dangerous. Electrical cords may not be used.

Categories: Individual: K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th

Individual NON-fiction: 3rd and 4th only

Group: K-2nd and 3rd -4th

Narrative Non-fiction:3rd and 4th only ( these projects follow the

fiction components are judged with the fiction projects)

At LCSD competition, 4th and 5th grade winners are judged together.

* Nonfiction books are allowed only for 3rd and 4th individual students (no group).

* For K, 1st, and 2nd, ONLY FICTIONAL books are allowed for all categories.

*Items on board may be handwritten or computer printed. Younger students may require assistance in writing, spelling, typing, cutting, etc. Assistance is permissible.

*If students enter a project at NEE as a group, the project will be entered in the category based on the age of the oldest child that participated at NEE.

*Identifying info such as name, grade, teacher, division, school and district should be labeled on the BACK of the board. If this info is on the front, it can be disqualified.

*Please do not use bought Reading Fair Kits. The projects should be original. Remember we want this to be a great learning experience for our students!

*FICTION components / *NONFICTION components
1.  Title
2.  Author
3.  Publisher & Publication Date
4.  Main Character
5.  Setting
6.  Plot Summary (few sentences only)
7.  Conflict
8.  Solution
9.  Author’s Purpose
10. Tone or Mood / 1.  Title
2.  Author
3.  Publisher & Publication Date
4.  Student Prediction
5.  Text Structure
6.  Graphic Organizer
7.  Summary
8.  Student-made Connection
9.  Author’s Purpose
10. Follow-up questions you have for author

Even though Kindergarten and 1st grade students are NOT required to participate, we encourage and welcome their participation as well!

*Parents are not allowed in the gym during the Tuesday, October 17th judging.

*Please refer to the READING FAIR link at:
