Dear Parent/Carer After School Football club: (For Boys and Girls) St LeonardsSchool

Brighton & Hove Albion FC’s award winning Albion in the Community (AITC) scheme is running an after school football club for boys and girls of all abilities at your school. All sessions are fully structured and age related, and they are designed to encourage youngsters to learn or develop basic footballskills in a fun and safe environment.

Join our Facebook page at Albion in the community – East Sussex

Dates :Fridays:Apr 17th,24th,May 1st,8th,15th,22nd / Time: 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Course includes: / Cost: £24.00 for 6 Weeks
  • Basic techniques, fun games, drills, small-sided matches
/ Children just need to bring:
  • Confidence building, Teamwork
  • Outdoor PE kit/ appropriate clothing/ sunhatsunscreen

  • Agility Balance Coordination techniques
  • Trainers /football boots

  • Coaching by qualified coaches
  • Plenty to drink

If you would like your child to attend the course, please complete the booking form and return it to your School Office with your cash/cheque. Please make cheques payable to “Albion in the Community”and write your child’s name and school on the back. Children are permitted to join midterm, simply adjust the payment according to the weeks left to run

NOTE: Due to health and safety reasons we regret that no child will be permitted to attend the course until a signed form and full payment have been received at the school

IMPORTANT NOTES & BOOKING CONDITIONS:Booking confirmations are not issued by AITC: your place is secured if you book via your School All courses will be run subject to a minimum number of 12 enrollingThe School will hold all forms and cheques and will pass these to our staff before the course startsFor availability/queries about places until this time please contact the school directly. All sessions will be run and AITC staff will attend all sessions unless the School ask us to cancel a session, in which case we cannot provide any refundsIf any participant behaves in an unacceptable manner, we reserve the right to exclude or remove them from the course.

We regret that refunds are not possible in any circumstances unless AITC cancel a course due to lack of numbers.

For additional information please contact Andy Stoodley 07818434064 or email:

Andy Stoodley: Development manager – East Sussex


Dates: Fridays:Apr 17th – May 22nd

/ Time:3.30pm – 4.30pm / Cost: £24.00 (6 weeks)

Child’s First Name: …………………………………….. Child’s Surname: …………………………………….. Male/Female: ……....…..

Age (start of course): ……..… Date of Birth: ……………... Ethnicity: ……..……………………………..…………….……..


Any Medical Condition/Allergies: Yes / No (If yes please detail, attach separate sheet if necessary)…………………………………….……..

Any Disabilities/Learning Difficulties: Yes / No (If yes please detail, attach separate sheet if necessary)……………………………..…….…..

Address: ………………………..…………………………….………………………..………....….. Postcode: ……………………..……….….

Home Tel: …………………………….…………………… Parent’s Email: …………..…………………………………………………………

Emergency Contact Name: …………………………. Relationship to child: ……………… Emergency Contact Tel: ………………………

Parent / Guardian Consent & Agreement:

  • I wish my child to be accepted on the above course and I have read and accepted the conditions on this booking form and AITC’s Privacy Policy. I understand that AITC may contact me about the booking.
  • I acknowledge and accept that Albion in the Community and their representatives shall not have any liability in respect of any injuries sustained by my child or in respect of any loss or damage occurring to my child’s belongings whilst attending the course.
  • In the event that my child is injured whilst attending the above course, and where both the emergency contact(s) and I cannot be contacted on any of the above number(s), I hereby give my consent for my child to receive any necessary medical treatment.
  • I give my consent for my child to be photographed for AITC/BHAFC promotions/communications Yes  No 
  • If you no longer wish to receive communications from AITC by email or by post please tick here 
  • If you do not wish to receive communications from BHAFC by email or by post please tick here 

I enclose cash/cheque for: £………………………………………Date: ……………………..……………………………………

Signed: ………………………………………….………………..….Print Full Name: …………..………………….………………

After School Club: St Leonards school

Albion in the Community

Registered Charity No. 11109878