Mrs. Howard’s American Cuisine Calendar MP 3 16-17

All lesson and due dates are subject to change at any time.

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
  1. Maddie Burgess for BCHG food pantry talk and food pick up
  2. Josie Wolfe-JWU presentation and demo
  3. Christina Fava – Giant - Teen nutrition and healthy wraps
/ Day 1Jan. 26
  • Introduction to Course (PPT?)
  • Syllabus/Packet/Procedures
  • How to access my webpage
  • Getting to Know You Activities – Team Trivia, Find the Fibs & My life is like a/an… (tool) because…
  • Complete Tool Identification Activity in pkt. in kitchen groups.
  • Go over all answers.
HW: Get packet signed by Day 3 / Day 2 Jan. 27
  • Check for signatures, due day 3.
  • Assign Seats
  • Complete Tool ID info. Be sure to get both the correct name and the purpose.
  • Review safety information from packets. Pkt. pg. 3
All this will be on Intro Test and on the final exam.
Start list on board showing pages on test. Add to it each day.
Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection:
Day 3 Jan. 30
Check for signatures.
  • Go over pkt. pg. 4 for abbrev. and equiv.
  • Go over pg. 5-8 for Tool ID, check for correct info, and change if not.
  • GothroughKnife SkillsPPT take notes on knives and techniques on ___.
  • Have all st.dice ¼ onion and mince 1 glove garlic. Save in freezer for future use. Make Veggie Dip for tomorrow’s veggie cutting lab.
  • ShowHistory of American Cuisine Video, st. complete note sheet in pkt. Go over answers.
All this will be on Intro Test and on the final exam. / Day 4Jan. 31
  • Check for signatures, due today
Pre Lab: Review knife skills and dangers.
  • Review terms in pkt. Go over all techniques and terms for lab with Veggie Cutting PPT.
Lab - Cutting Veggies: Pass out group sheet, each st. completes the sheet for their task. Have each st. cut the veggies in front of me for accountability. Present all veggies and dip on platter before eating. Bonus for best one.
Post Lab: Discuss making dips and dressings rather than buying – fresher, better, healthier.
All this will be on Intro Test and on the final exam. / Day 5Feb. 1
Check for late signatures.
  • Have st. go throughBaking Basics infoScreencast/Lab Procedures PPT
  • St. complete pkt pg. ___ to go with this.
  • St. complete note sheets in _____ together to make sure all have correct info regarding measurements.
  • All this will be on Intro Test and on the final exam.
/ Day 6 Feb. 2
  • Pre Lab: Review how to get ingredients from table, all at once and only one person does it per lab.
  • Reminder for all lab procedures and front table clean up procedures, including showing all food before eating and independence during lab. Read and follow all directions and check each other, it’s a team effort.
Everyone needs to read recipe before beginning and assign jobs every time. I will ask.
Lab – 3 kinds of -muffinsSHAREWhile they bake, clean up all dishes.DONATE EXTRAS
Post Lab:Write cooking reflection in pkt. on pg. ___.
Reminder - Intro Test / Day 7 Feb. 3
Pre Lab: Review all lab procedures and front table clean up procedures, including showing all food before eating and independence during lab. Read and follow all directions and check each other, it’s a team effort.
Everyone needs to read recipe before beginning and assign jobs every time. I will ask.
Lab – 3 kinds of cookies- SHAREWhile they bake, clean up all dishes.DONATE EXTRAS
Post Lab:Write cooking reflection in pkt. on pg. ___.
Reminder- Intro Test
Message: pay attention to what you put in your mouth, eat as much whole food as possible and limit packaged foods.
Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection:
Day 8 Feb. 6
Library – Computer lab for whole block
Additive Research time for project
These will be presented later in the course. St. will have to know them for the final.
Due Day 9 by end of class. / Day 9 Feb. 7
Library – Computer lab for whole block
Additive Research time for project
  • Complete Additive poster/PPT/Mix. Due today by end of class.
/ Day 10 Feb. 8
  • Review for intro test, measuring, lab procedures, terms so far.
Show 5 additive videos, st. take notes in packet. / Day 11 Feb. 9
  • Play my Jeopardy Review game before taking test.
  • Intro Test – on Quia, in library, whole block if necessary 
  • Must pass test with 70% or better to cook.
Show 5 additive videos, st. take notes in packet. / Day 12Feb. 10
Go over all techniques and terms for lab with Northeastern PPT. St. write notes in pkt. Must be accurately filled in for each section.
Show PPT for demo of Shepherd’s Pie
Discuss the heaviness of a meal like this, why It would be good for the region. Would anyone make either dish at home and why?
Meanwhile, st. who need to take retest will do so separately, wait for grade.
Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection:
Day 13Feb. 13
Pre Lab: Go over all techniques and terms for lab with NE PPT. St. write notes in pkt.
First team with ready dough, I knead and show how to make pretzel.
Lab – Philly Soft Pretzelsst. need to demonstrate kneading/rolling/shaping of pretzels. DONATE EXTRAS
Post Lab: Write cooking reflection in pkt. on pg. ___. / Day 14 Feb. 14
Pre Lab: Go over all techniques and terms for lab with NE PPT. St. write notes in pkt.
  • Explain ½ class lab procedure – ½ class makes one dish the other ½ makes the other and then dishes are presented and shared with the other side of the room.
Lab – Red side makes 8 Whoopee Pies, Green side- makes Potato Bacon Chowder
Post Lab: Write cooking reflection in pkt. on pg. __. / Day 15Feb. 15
  • Show Etiquette Hotline Video, st. fill in wkst. in pkt. Info will be on final.
  • St. will be setting table from here on out for eating. Use all plates and utensils nec. No using tin foil or paper towels for plates or eating with your hands.
  • Maddie Burgess from BCHG to discuss Food Pantry and Homelessness in BC
Show 5 additive videos, st. take notes in packet / Feb. 16
In-Service Day / Feb. 17
In-Service Day
Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection:
Feb. 20
OFF – Presidents’ Day Holiday / Day 16Feb. 21
Show PPT for Southern Info. Go over all recipes’ info for whole unit.
  • St. write notes in pkt.
Show 5 additive videos, st. take notes in packet. / Day 17Feb. 22
Pre Lab: Go over all techniques and terms for lab with Southern PPT. St. write notes in pkt.
Lab –Sausage Gravy & Biscuits
  • Discuss difference in mouth-feel and flavors for these recipes compared to Northeastern recipes.
Post Lab: Write cooking reflection in pkt. on pg. ___. / Day 18 Feb. 23
Pre Lab: Go over all techniques and terms for lab with Southern PPT. St. write notes in pkt.
Lab –2 Kitchens make Shrimp Pilau, 2 Kitchens make Crab Cakes, 2 Kitchens make BeignetsDONATE EXTRAS
  • Discuss the dish, why it represents the region. Would anyone make this dish at home and why?
Post Lab: Write cooking reflection in pkt. on pg. ___. / Day 19Feb. 24
Show Amazing Grains Video (20 min.) and st. complete wkst. in pkt.
Intro Midwestern Unit, show Midwestern PPT. St. write notes in pkt.
Show 5 additive videos, st. take notes in packet.
Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection:
Day 20Feb. 27
Pre Lab: Go over all techniques and terms for lab with MidwestPPT. St. write notes in pkt.
Lab – Green side - Farmer’s Breakfast & Red side Pop Tarts
  • Discuss the dish, why it represents the region. Would anyone make this dish at home and why?
Post Lab: Write cooking reflection in pkt. on pg. ___. / Day 21Feb. 28
Pre Lab: Go over all techniques and terms for lab with MidwestPPT. St. write notes in pkt.
Lab –Red Side Pierogis, Green Side Chicken Pot Pie
  • Discuss the dish, why it represents the region. Would anyone make this dish at home and why?
  • Post Lab: Write cooking reflection in pkt. on pg. ___.
  • HW: bring in 3 food labels.
/ Day 22Mar. 1
Pre Lab: Go over all techniques and terms for lab with MidwestPPT. St. write notes in pkt.
Lab –Red side Apple Pie-Eat tomorrow, Green side –Mac & Cheese.
  • Discuss the dish, why it represents the region. Would anyone make this dish at home and why?
Post Lab: Write cooking reflection in pkt. on pg. ___.
  • HW: bring in 3 food labels.
/ Day 23Mar. 2
Show 5 additive videos, st. take notes in packet.
Eat Apple Pie
Show Food Labels Video (15 write 10 notes from video; turn in for credit.
  • Complete first part of Comparing Food Labels Worksheet
  • Intro food label graphing activity. Project will be completed tomorrow.
  • Create graph.
/ Day 24Mar. 3
  • Finishfood label graphing activity. Project will be completed ½ through the block today and presented during the rest of the block.
  • Present the graphs and post in hall.
Report on the following:
  1. Name products and give 2 pieces of info about each.
  2. Explain healthiest product, give 2 reasons.
  3. Explain unhealthiest product, give 2 reasons, include reference to additive info.
  4. Explain (each person) what you have learned from doing this project.
Discuss how this information should/could influence what foods st. choose every day.
Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection:
Day 25 Mar. 6
  • Intro Dessert Competition, hand out directions, pick groups, and complete recipe search. Review what makes a good recipe; be careful of what you find of the internet.
/ Day 26Mar. 7
  • Find a recipe that meets all the rules. Get basic supplies from me, extra/costly st. may bring in.
  • Discuss what makes a good recipe. All components must be present and make sense.
  • Whole block library time to search for recipe.
/ Day 27Mar. 8
  • Bag & tag all ingred. except liquids, then create shopping list. Due today. Must be accurate.
  • Place all ingred. in back pantry, and label all cold ingred. in fridge.
  • Work on nutritional statements
Start 3-D model if time. / Day 28Mar. 9
  • Finish bag and tag of ordered ingred.
  • Go over reflection requirements and reminder that is due Thurs.
Finish 3-D model of dessert for judging table. Must have whole food item represented or at least 3 3-D samples plated for presentation. / Day 29Mar. 10
Dessert Competition
Whole Block
Reflection due next day, first thing OR email tonight.
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Day 30Mar. 13
Collect reflections.
  • Show Fed Upand st.complete note sheet.
Go over notes taken.
Show 5 additive videos, st. take notes in packet.
Christina Fava from Giant to discuss teen nutrition with banana sunflower seed butter wraps. ½ block / Day 31Mar. 14
  • Intro all Southwestern info using PPT. St. take notes in pkt.
Show 5 additive videos, st. take notes in packet. / Day 32Mar. 15
Pre Lab: Go over all techniques and terms for lab with Southwest PPT. St. write notes in pkt.
Lab –Make Torilla Chips/Dorritos
Salsa Demo – Share with all to go with chips.
  • Post Lab: Write cooking reflection in pkt. on pg. ___.
/ Day 33Mar. 16
Pre Lab: Go over all techniques and terms for lab with Southwest PPT. St. write notes in pkt.
Lab –Vegetarian Quesadillas, Tacos or Burritos and Mexicali RiceDONATE EXTRAS
  • Post Lab: Write cooking reflection in pkt. on pg. ___.
/ Day 34Mar. 17
Pre Lab: Go over all techniques and terms for lab with Southwest PPT. St. write notes in pkt.
Lab –Huevos Rancheros and Cornbread
Post Lab: Write cooking reflection for cornbread or rice AND chili in pkt. on pg. ___.
Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection:
Day 35Mar. 20
Show Obesity in a Bottle PPT. St. fill in pkt. notes. Go over ans.
Make starter for sourdough bread.
Show 5 additive videos, st. take notes in packet. / Day 36Mar. 21
  • Go over all techniques and terms for lab with Pacific Coast PPT. St. write notes in pkt.
Stir starter for Sourdough Bread / Day 37Mar. 22
Pre Lab: Go over all techniques and terms for lab with Pacific Coast PPT. St. write notes in pkt.
Lab –Red side = Stir Fry Lab, Green side = Lo Mein
Stir starter for Sourdough Bread AND mix and shape loaf – refrigerate overnight.
Post Lab: Write cooking reflection in pkt. on pg. ___. Discuss how students can adapt this recipe.
Tell students they may bring in items for their burgers. Drop all items off in the morning. / Day 38Mar. 23
Pre Lab: Go over all techniques and terms for lab with Pacific Coast PPT. St. write notes in pkt.
Lab – Everyone bakes Sourdough Bread & Red side makes Broccoli Cheese Soup, Green Side makes Tomato Basil SoupDONATE EXTRAS
  • Discuss the dish, why it represents the region. Would anyone make this dish at home and why?
Post Lab: Write cooking reflection in pkt. on pg. ___.
Reminder for items for burgers and fries Day 37.
Final Test is on Day 41. / Day 39Mar. 24
Pre Lab: Go over all techniques and terms for lab with Pacific Coast PPT. St. write notes in pkt. Discuss Fry options, crab fries, spicy fries, etc. and Burger options.
Lab – Everyone makes Burgers & FriesDONATE EXTRAS
Post Lab: Discuss how different ingredients make a difference in the taste. Write cooking reflection in pkt. on pg. ___.
Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection:
Day 40Mar. 27
Prep for final cooking. 100 points, 25 are for reflection, be sure to do.
Go over all directions, and rubric.
Students will type reflection, due the day after.
Game creation for final test review.
Show PPT and all questions are due today.
Creation of game starts today and finishes tomorrow.
Final Test is on Day 42. / Day 41Mar. 28
St. will complete a recipe assigned to them within one hour, plate and present the dish for grading and then share and clean everything up.
Reflection for cooking part of the final is due next day.
Final Test is on Day 42. / Day 42Mar. 29
Collect reflections. End of MP – Only 2 day late policy in effect. Friday is LAST day to turn in.
Test review – 30 minutes to finish game, 60 minutes to play games in groups.
Final Test is on Day 42. / Day 43Mar. 30
Collect reflections for late credit.
Play my Jeopardy Review game before taking test.
Final Test – Quia Final Test, in library, whole block if necessary  / Day 44Mar. 31
Collect reflections for late credit, last day as it’s the end of the MP.
Go over Final Exam grades.
Prep for Iron Chef show PPT
  • Pick teams
  • Commit to Ing. Getter/Rec. Writer
  • Complete prep sheet

Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection: / Lesson Reflection:
Day 45Jan 23
Iron Chef Competition
St. must use the secret ingred. and create an original dish. Judges will come in. / Day 46Jan 24 Last (full) day
  • Last day of course
  • All items must be cleaned, inventoried and painted for next MP. St. clean according to assigned jobs, jobs must be checked off and this is worth a double lab.
  • Show all course grades w/each st.
  • Complete surveys, concluding discussion of what was learned, liked, disliked, and what st. suggest we add.

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