Deans Community High School – Student Council

Minutes of the meeting on 30/01/12

Chair- Nicholas Kisitu

Minute Taker- Aimee Fletcher

Staff attending-

J Beveridge

Apologies -

Chloe Barrowman, Lewis Strachan, Lewis McAdam, Georgia Borthwick, Julie Fletcher

Previous Minutes- Accepted

Matters Arising

  • Nicole (S4) spoke with PE staff to discuss the idea of getting more activities such as free running during CorePE lessons and the idea was favourable with the department.

Action Ross and Nicholas were invited to have a meeting with the PE staff to discuss the idea further.

  • Regarding the Rights Respecting school interview it has been confirmed that Aileen, who has been promoted to Angela Constance’s old role, will meet with the sub group and take part in the interview about our rights during the Thursday before the Easter holiday.

ActionThere shall be a meeting and rehearsal prior to the interview.

  • The issue of the back gate remaining locked at lunchtimes was brought up again. The point was brought up that having smokers in the school grounds goes against the schools policy and the law, however, there is also a fear that opening the gate could lead to more complaints from local residents.

ActionSara and Aimee are planning to speak with Mrs Cook about the matter.

  • Mrs Cook has asked the council for ideas of how we think the school can celebrate Livingston’s 50th anniversary on the 18th of April and what kind of events we believe the school should hold in celebration.

ActionIt was decided that we should think more about suggestions and ask our years for more ideas.


  • The diversity group are currently planning an event which will be part of the three events being planned to help inform people about disability, age discrimination and race discrimination. Ross explained what each event has planned to do and is looking for the council’s support and interest in the event. Nicole (S4) also brought up the idea of holding a poster competition to raise awareness of race discrimination.
  • It was brought to our attention that the new uniform posters were still not distributed to tutor teachers.

ActionThe council has decided to speak to Alison again about getting the posters out soon.

  • The new fire alarm layout for the basketball courts has not been posted yet due to concerns over the spacing between numbers being too small.


  • It was brought to the council’s attention that the left side rule in the halls needs to be reinforced as congestion on the stairs and pushing has increased.

ActionRoss will inform the prefects they must work on reinforcing this rule.

  • There has been an issue with the floors, particularly in the street, being slippy and has led to some students falling. The council were concerned about the hazards which could be caused by the wet floors and wish to deal with it immediately.

Action Cameron will speak to Robert Fleming to discuss possible solutions to this problem.

  • Many members of the council expressed an interest in being able to play basketball during break and lunchtimes but not having access to basketballs.

ActionCameron will also go to reception to ask about the possibility of basketballs being available.

  • It has been confirmed that great progress has been made on the construction of Meldrum Primary’s new school and, if all goes well, they shall be moving into their new school sometime after the Easter holiday.

Next Meeting-Wednesday 22ndFebruary P6 in the Gallery

Agenda for next meeting

(1)Attendance and apologies

(2)Matters arising - Report back from reps

(3)Topics for discussion


(5)Date of next meeting