Mayuko Katsumura, the young Japanese violinist, was born in Tokyo and began to study the violin at the age of six, displaying an exceptional talent. She studied with Prof. Yasuro Sumi in Tokyo and graduated from the Music High School, attached to the faculty of music at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. In 1997 Mayuko was invited to the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London to study with Prof. Yfrah Neaman, where she obtained First Class Distinction for her Final Recital. Following a period of lessons with Prof. Krzysztof Wegrzyn in Hannover, Germany, Mayuko also studied with Eugene Sarbu in London.
Very early on, Mayuko distinguished herself in national music competitions in her native Japan, winning the First Prize in the Japan Soloist Contest already in 1995. In 2002 she captured the First Prize in the Ivan Sutton International Chamber Music Prize in London. In November 2003, Mayuko won the Second Prize in the Michelangelo Abbado International Violin Competition in Italy and the Paolo Borciani Prize for her interpretation of the 3rd Sonata “ in the Romanian character “ by George Enescu, and in March 2004 she won the First Prize in the A. Miserendino International Competition in Palermo, Sicily.
During the 2004-2005 season Mayuko performed extensively with major Romanian orchestra including Timisoara ( “ Banatul “ Philharmonic ), Brasov and Craiova ( “ Oltenia “ Philharmonic ). Also, she gave a highly acclaimed recital at the “ Ateneul Roman “ in Bucharest. In August 2005 the young artist performed live on the Romanian National Radio – Chausson Poeme and Enescu’s 3rd Sonata.
In April 2006 Mayuko made her London Orchestral Debut at St. John’s Smith Square with the London Soloists Chamber Orchestra performing the Beethoven Violin Concerto with enormous success. This led to Mayuko’s invitation to perform with the Milton Keynes City Orchestra in November 2006 and in the prestigious London’s Wigmore Hall on February 25, 2007 – recital Debut. Both sold-out performances delighted the audience and critics alike. The Strad Magazine writes:
“ Mayuko Katsumura immediately went for a round, vibrant projection in Grieg’s Violin Sonata no.3 that took on a plastic quality at higher volume.” …” She captured a trance-like torpor in the exotic first movement ( George Enescu Violin Sonata no.3 ‘dans le caractere populaire roumain’) and there was an ethereally glassy tone to the harmonics of the Andante sostenuto e misterioso.” …” Katsumura is a confident and technically accomplished player.”
Immediately after her successful Wigmore Hall Debut, Mayuko performed Prokofiev Violin Concerto no.2 with the English Chamber Orchestra at Cadogan Hall on April 25 2007 with an astounding success.
In the 2007-2008 season, she performed with the Orchestra Sinfonica del Friuli Venezia Giulia in Udine and Trieste in Italy, and she was re-invited by Wigmore Hall in April 2008, which musical magazines wrote; “ Her natural rich tone promising wondrous things…..a performance of notable stature and musical cohesion.” ( Musical Opinion Magazine May-June 2008 ), “ Shone out like blazing beacon.” (Bill Newman – Music and Vision )
In the 2009-2010 season, she tours in Romania with National Orchestras including Sibiu Philharmonic and Bacau Philharmonic. She also makes Orchestral Debut in Croatia with Zagreb Philharmonic and having recitals in Italy and England including Wigmore Hall in London.
Although young, the brilliant Japanese Violinist has performed in Japan, Great Britain, Italy, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Croatia, Denmark and Romania.