Create your own title page with pictures, etc. It must have the basic information.
Grade 12 Healthy Active Living Portfolio Evaluation
The portfolio is an integral and required evaluation of the course and failure to demonstrate achievement of key expectations may affect the grade or jeopardize the earning of the credit. Throughout the term, each student will monitor, record and reflect on different aspects of healthy active living principles affecting his/her lifestyle. A final portfolio submission is required within the last month (hard due date of January 22, 2016) of the course to meet these expectations. Written communication is an important component in the evaluation.
30 % Final Summative Evaluation
20% Portfolio + 10% Exam (Final Fitness Level & Written)
Portfolio Evaluation
Fitness Appraisals30
Checklist 100
Evaluation 70
Total_ 200
Checklist items are to be placed in the order as they are listed below. You must complete all items from the compulsory checklist.
Title page
Fitness Appraisals (3)
_____ Lifestyle Questionnaire
_____ Introduction
_____ Fitness Programs & Equipment Safety
_____ Lifestyle Follow-up (3)
_____ Conclusion
_____ TOTAL (100)
*The checklist items will be evaluated for completeness, accuracy and detail reflected in the Portfolio Rubric*
Personal Lifestyle Program
_____ Clear statement of goals
_____ Description of how program achieves goals
_____ Calculation of training weight
_____ Use of diagrams/charts
_____ Identification of muscle groups/actions
_____ Safety concerns/proper technique
_____ MonthlyMonitoring Logs (activity, nutrition, stress, heart rate, strength, etc.)
_____ Demonstration ofunderstanding and principles of FITT principles
_____ Total (50)
Article Response
_____ Article included
_____ Title page
_____ Four key points
_____ Opening paragraph/description of article/source/date/publication
_____ Connection to personal lifestyle program
_____ Use of specific details to support connection
_____ Very clear connecting statements between information and lifestyle program
_____ Conclusion/summary of article and personal thoughts
_____ TOTAL (20)
Lifestyle Questionnaire
Name ______Date #1____/____/____
1.Indicate the physical activities in which you have participated over the last month during you leisure time.
Exercise Type
/ # of Occasions over the Last Month / Average # of Activity Minutes Spent on Each Occasion / Slight Change from Normal State / Some Perspiration, faster than Normal State / Heavy Perspiration, Heavy BreathingFrequency / Duration / Intensity
1-15 / 15-30 / 31-60 / 60+ / LIGHT / MEDIUM / HEAVY
Walking for Exercise
Home Exercises
Ice Skating
Cross Country Skiing
Popular Dance
Alpine Skiing
Ice Hockey
Exercise Classes
- How long have you been doing some physical activity in your leisure time at least once a week?
I don’t do an activity each week
For less than 3 months
From 3 months to just under 6 months
6 months to just under1 year
From 1 year to just under 3 years
From 3 years to just under 5 years
Five or more years
3. If you want to participate more in physical activities than you do now, why aren’t you able to? (Check at most 3 reasons.)
I don’t want to participate more
Lack of time because of other leisure activities
Requires too much self-discipline
Ill health
Cost too much
Lack the necessary skills
Injury or handicap
No facilities nearby
Lack of energy
No leaders available
Available facilities are inadequate
Lack of time because of work/school
- If you wanted to participate more in physical activities, which of he following would increase the amount of physical activity you do? (Check at most 3.)
Organized sports available
More leisure time
Better or closer facilities
Organized fitness classes
Having necessary equipment
Different facilities
Fitness test with personal activity program activity
More energy
Less expensive facilities
People with whom to participate
More self-discipline
More information on the benefits of doing physical activity
Common interest of family
Better health
Common interest of friends
- From this list of reasons why some people do physical activities during their leisure time.
How important is each of these to you?
Very Important / Of some Importance / Of little Importance / Of no ImportanceTo feel better mentally and physically
To be with other people
For pleasure, fun or excitement
To control weight or to look better
To move better or to improve flexibility
As a challenge to my abilities
To relax or reduce stress
To learn new things
Because of fitness specialist’s advice for improving health in general
Because of doctor’s orders for therapy or rehabilitation
- How important are each of the following to you in gaining a feeling of well being?
Very Important / Of some Importance / Of little Importance / Of no Importance
Adequate rest and sleep
A good diet
Low calorie snacks between meals
Maintenance of proper weight
Participation in social and cultural activities
Control of stress
Regular physical activity such as exercise, sports, or games
Using alcohol moderately or being a non-drinker
Being a non-smoker
Adequate medical and dental care
Positive thinking/meditation
- Compare yourself to other of your own age and sex, would you say you are…
More Fit Less Fit As fit
- In the past year, what physical activities have you stopped doing? (Do not include those stopped due to a change in the season.)
None or
Why did you stop doing this activity?
Why did you stop doing this activity?
- What physical activities would you like to start in order to improve you fitness and health?
None or Activity______
What is the main reason you have not yet started this?
What is the main reason you have not yet started this?
What is the main reason you have not yet started this?
- With who do you/would you usually do your physical activities in your leisure time?
No-one Friends Immediate family or relatives
Co-workers Classmates at schoolOthers
- At what time do you/would you usually do your physical activities? (Indicate more than one if you usually do activities more than once a day.)
In the morningAt lunchtime In the afternoon
In the eveningAt no special time
- a) How would you describe your state of emotional well being?
Very good Good Adequate Poor Very poor
b) How do you think this might affect your physical activity/fitness goals?
Aid Hinder No effect
Please explain______
- What do you usually eat for breakfast? (Usually means at least four day a week.) Check all that apply.
I don’t eat breakfast Bread, Danish or donut Fruit or fruit juices Yogurt
Eggs At least 6 ounces of milk Tea or coffee Granola
Bacon or other meat,Other cereals Cheese
fish or poultry
- In the last year have you been eating
/ Less / Same Amount as BeforeSweet food and candies
Fruit and vegetables
Fats and fried foods
Salt and salty food
Meals on a regular basis
The same amount of food or calories
- a) About how many hours of sleep do you usually get each day?
Six hours or less Eight Ten Seven Nine Eleven +
b) Do you think you are getting enough sleep?
Always Usually Seldom Never
a) About how often do you usually drink alcohol?
More than once a day 1 to 3 times a week Less than once a month
4 to 7 times a week 1 to 3 times a month I don’t drink alcohol
Go to question 17
b) About how many drinks do you usually have at a time?
Where one drink is:One pint of beer – 12 ounces
One small glass of wine
One shot of liquor or spirits
One Two or three Four or five Six or seven Eight or more
- Which of the following best describes your experience with tobacco. Check all that apply.
I have not smoked
I stopped smoking
I currently smoke:
cigarettes occasionally
cigarettes recently
cigarettes over a year ago
less than half a pack of cigarettes daily
about a pack of cigarettes daily
two or more packs of cigarettes daily
A pipe, cigars or cigarillos recently
A pipe, cigars or cigarillos over a year ago
a pipe, cigars or cigarillos occasionally
a pipe, cigars or cigarillos daily
- In general, how would you describe your state of health:
Very good
Very Poor
Lifestyle Inventory Follow Up Questions – Physical Activities
Review your responses in the Lifestyle Questionnaire for questions number 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in order to help you put together your ideas for this section.
- What percentage of your physical activities is:
(a) Connected to school activities______%(b) Connected to activities outside of school_____%
- What intensity do you normally perform the majority of these physical activities at?
Light Medium Heavy
- Will finishing high school change your level or intensity of physical activity? Why or Why not?
- Will your answer above have an impact on your overall level of health?
- List activities you could do to maintain a physically active lifestyle after grade 12.
- List possible barriers to maintaining a physically active lifestyle after grade 12.
- Explain how your activities have reflected a holistic balance of the social, emotional, physical, and intellectual realm of personal fitness.
Lifestyle Inventory Follow Up Questions – Nutritional Fitness
Review your responses in the Lifestyle Questionnaire for questions number 13 and 14 in order to help you put together your ideas for this section.
- What percentage of your food intake is controlled by:
(a) You ______%(b) Family______%(c) Friends______%
- Do you feel these percentages will change in the next few years? Why or Why not?
What do you feel is the worst part of your nutritional fitness?
- What do you feel is the best part of your nutritional fitness?
- What changes do you feel you are capable of making to your nutritional fitness?
- List possible barriers to maintaining nutritional fitness in a healthy active lifestyle after grade 12.
- List ideas to overcome these barriers to maintaining nutritional fitness after grade 12.
Lifestyle Inventory Follow Up Questions – Emotional Fitness
Review your responses in the Lifestyle Questionnaire for questions number 6, 12, 15, 16, and 17 in order to help you put together your ideas for this section.
- What do you feel are the three main factors that affect your emotional fitness? Rank these three factors.
- How will improved physical fitness help you “control” these emotional fitness factors?
- What changes are you capable of making to social factors that affect your emotional fitness?
- List possible barriers to maintaining emotional fitness in a healthy active lifestyle after grade 12.
- List ideas to overcome these possible barriers to maintaining emotional fitness after grade 12.
Fitness Test / Goal1 / Result
1 / Fit
Index / Goal
2 / Result
2 / Fit
Index / Goal
3 / Result
3 / Fit
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
12 minute run (m)
Muscular Endurance
Push ups (60 sec)
Sit ups (60 sec)
Chest Raises
(30 sec)
Double Leg Raises (30 sec)
Sitting Tucks
(60 sec)
Bench Jumps (60 sec)
Static Push Up (sec)
Flexed Arm Hang (sec)
Max. Pull Ups (Total #)
Muscular Strength
Basketball Throw (m)
Standing Long Jump (m)
Sit-Reach-Hold (cm)
Shoulder Flexion (cm)
Groin Flexion (degrees)
Back Extension (cm)
40 m Shuttle Run
Making the Connection
- What are the physiological benefits of being physically active?
- Why do I need to train (weight train, aerobics) to supplement my involvement in activities?
- List the factors that influence the activities you get involved in.
- What are the factors that affect your level of fitness? Can you control any of these factors? If so, give suggestions as to how you might control these factors.
- List as many ideas as you can in two columns; Physiological Factors improved by being fit, and Psychological Factors improved by being fit.
- Why is it important to have a high level of health related personal fitness?
- Reflect on the personal amount of physical activity you do outside of school. What challenges do you face in keeping physically active? How might you overcome these challenges?
- State ways that “being fit” or “being unfit” will help/hinder you throughout this school year.
Minimum one typed page, double spaced, font no larger than 12
The four major areas of overall well-being, definition of healthy active living.
The role physical fitness, nutrition and mental health play in a positive healthy active lifestyle (i.e. benefits). Make reference to the Making Connections worksheet.
Check the internet to compare Teens your age in terms of activity level, self-esteem, nutrition, substance use, obesity, etc.
Identify strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement from the first fitness appraisal, activity log, nutrition log and mental health journal.
Review the Life Skills Survey and make at least 5 reflective comments about your current health scores.
How will this portfolio help to make positive change in your life choices?
How important is each of the following in achieving a health, active lifestyle?
extremely important / very important / important / not so important / of little concern1. adequate sleep
2 a good diet
3. low calorie snacks between meals
4. maintenance of proper weight
5. participation in social and cultural activities
6. control of stress
7. regular physical activity such as exercise, sports or games
8. being a non-smoker
9. adequate medical and dental care
10. positive thinking
11. having a better self-image
12. being more successful in sports
13. having more strength
14. increased energy
15. contributing to my health
16. having greater resistance to illness and disease
17. improve cardiorespiratory function
18. increased flexibility
19. improving my posture
20. improving my social outlook
21. increasing my social outlets
22. having an outlet for frustration/anger
23. increased efficiency for study, work, and other responsibilities
One thing about my lifestyle I would like to change i
Minimum one typed page, double
spaced, font no larger than 12
Review the fitness appraisals, Life Skills Survey, activity logs, nutrition logs, mental health journals and the Fitness Goals Self-Assessment.
List the changes made to improve healthy active living, give examples from above record-keeping to support those changes
Explain the results of the changes made (i.e. Scores on fitness tests, health score, less stressful incidents, etc.). Are you where you wanted to be at the end of the term (see SMART Healthy Active Living Plan)? Comment on your success in achieving the goals you set out for yourself throughout the course. List reasons for successes and/or possible failures.
Reflection of what was learned from this portfolio. What were your favourite fitness activities and/or workouts? Explain. Did the workout component have any bearing on your mental/emotional state, either during, after or throughout the semester? Explain. Did the course have any impact on your attitude and knowledge towards fitness and Healthy lifestyles?
How do you plan to maintain or continue to improve your healthy active lifestyle in the future? You will want to be specific about record-keeping, monitoring, progression, etc. Identify and explain aspects of the course (theory related or activity based) that you will apply to your fitness routine or lifestyle in the future. What activities or workout program do you see yourself continuing with in your future, i.e. jogging, aerobic classes, weight training, etc.? List and explain realistic strategies on how you will motivate yourself in the future to stay in shape and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
More reflective questions:
- What activities are you interested in pursuing to maintain/improve your level of personal fitness?
- What factors will affect whether or not you participate in these activities?
- As you get out of the teenage years all of your fitness test results will start to decline. List ways that you can counteract the effects of ageing and continue to maintain or improve your fitness level.
- What do you see yourself doing to stay active after high school is over?
- Introduction containing the following information: (15 marks)
- A. Clear statement of 5 goals, one from each of the following areas: cardiovascular fitness, emotional fitness, muscular strength OR muscular endurance, flexibility and nutrition.
- Using the SMART principles of goal setting, identify the specific steps you will implement to achieve each goal. Be sure to identify time frames.
- Explain how and why your SMART plan will achieve each goal.
- Identify and include the ways in which you will monitor each goal. These should include resting heart rate logs, nutrition logs, stress logs, muscular strength or muscular endurance test results, and flexibility test results.
- Main Body of Program should include a program description, following the FITT PRINCIPLES, of each goal: (25 marks)
- Cardiovascular – how often, measurement of training intensity, how long, and the type of activity
- Emotional Fitness – explain the areas needing improvement, the techniques you will use to make positive changes
- Flexibility – how often, how long, the type of activities, intensity
- Nutrition – explain the area needing improvement, the plan for change
- Muscular strength or muscular endurance – identify the exercises to be performed, brief description or diagrams, safety concerns, proper technique – show how your maximum weight for each exercise was calculated/predicted – identify the training weights – include number of repetitions and sets.
- Conclusion containing the following information (10 marks)
- A comparison of test results in each area from the beginning to the end.
- Identify success and failures
- Explain motivating factors/barriers that helped or prevented the achieving of your goals.
- Overall summary of personal reflection of your program
Physical activity that contributes to all health-related components of physical fitness