Office of Doctoral Studies
Box 172 ● 324 Thorndike Hall ● 525 West 120th Street
New York, NY 10027
Phone: (212) 678-4050 ● Fax: (212) 678-3005
Directions for Applying for Advanced Seminar
To: Ph.D. Candidates Applying for Advanced Seminar
From: The Office of Doctoral Studies
1. You MUST have completed all requirements for the M.Phil. degree and have submitted your Dissertation Proposal and IRB approval letter under the your name.
2. Please complete all information as requested on the attached forms.
3. The date and time which you set for the seminar must be one which has been definitely confirmed with each member of your committee. The committee should consist of one committee member in addition to the Seminar Chairperson and the Dissertation Sponsor. Important: at this stage, two of the three Teachers College faculty members must be on the list of Ph.D. Advisors (See Ph.D. Requirement Bulletin).
4. If you need a room outside of your department, contact Room Assignments using the online form at http://www.tc.columbia.edu/administration/room-assignments
5. Be sure to give the correct and full title of your dissertation where it is requested, as it will facilitate the assignment of the most appropriate faculty member to serve as chairperson of your seminar. The appointment of the Chairperson of the Advanced Seminar is the responsibility of the Dissertation Sponsor who should recommend someone to serve in this capacity. You should submit that name with your application, after having confirmed that faculty member’s availability.
6. The application must be signed by your Dissertation Sponsor at least one week before the date of the Advanced Seminar.
7. You must prepare at least (4) FOUR copies of the outline of your dissertation for use at the Advanced Seminar. Tables showing data most directly relevant to your hypotheses should be attached. Give one copy to each member of your committee at least (1) one week before the seminar. Upon successful completion of the Advanced Seminar, please submit a pdf version of your manuscript to .
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Office of Doctoral Studies
Box 172 ● 324 Thorndike Hall ● 525 West 120th Street
New York, NY 10027
Phone: (212) 678-4050 ● Fax: (212) 678-3005
Application for the Advanced Seminar
Student Name (Please print)TC ID#
Date of the Dissertation Proposal Hearing
Month / Day / Year
The following faculty members have consented to appear at the Seminar on the date and time indicate below:
Seminar Chairperson / 1.Dissertation Sponsor: / 2.
Committee Members: / 3.
The Date and Time for the Advanced Seminar is
Month / Day / Year
The time of the Seminar is / to
Dissertation Title:
Student Signature
E-mail Address
this application is approved by / , Dissertation Sponsor
(REV. 8/14)
Advanced Seminar Report
Candidate’s NameTC ID#
Department / Program
Dissertation Title
Date Held
In deciding the acceptability of the report on the study, faculty members should consider the extent to which the candidate has shown evidence along lines such as the following:
1. Background of scholarship relative to the area of the study.
2. Thoroughness in gathering pertinent data.
3. Awareness of issues.
4. Broad competence in techniques appropriate to the area.
5. Effective defense of the study.
Check one:
1. Study is approved
2. Study is approved with minor revisions
3. Study is not approved
1. ______, Seminar Chairperson
2. ______, Dissertation Sponsor
3. ______, Committee Member
4. ______, Other Committee Member (if any)
Please file (1) one copy of the report with a pdf copy of the candidate’s study to the Office of Doctoral Studies at .
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