Welcome to 7th Language Arts

Ms. Swartz ~ Room 208

I have very high expectations for each of you.

Respect is one of the most critical qualities to have in life.

I will treat you with respect, and I expect to be treated with respect.

My goal is for you to learn and have an enjoyable learning environment.

I am willing to help you in any way, but first you must be willing to help yourself.

I am excited about this new school year, and I look forward to lots of learning and success! 

Classroom Procedures

  • You must be inside my classroom when the tardy bell rings. Your belongings in the classroom do not make you on time.
  • Come with materials you need for class every day, and beprepared to work when the bell rings.
  • The bell does not dismiss you. I dismiss you.The bell only signifies that our time is up.
  • Please do not interrupt the class. If you have a question, raise your hand and wait to be addressed before speaking. Do not leave your seat without asking permission. Things needing to be thrown away can wait until the end of class.
  • Your first and last name should go in the upper right-hand corner of every assignment. Some papers will need to be folded, and I will give instructions on this.
  • If you complete your work early, you MAY be given free time. You are required to have a book to read. You may also complete work from another class, draw, study, or do homework. You MAY NOT talk or disrupt others.
  • Homework will not be given often; therefore, it is imperative that you complete these assignments. LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
  • Special projects will be assigned throughout the school year. I will provide you with written instructions at least two weeks in advance.
  • Students are not allowed to go to the restroom during class unless it is an emergency. Make it a priority to go to the restroom during break times.
  • The office phone is for emergencies only. Please do not ask to use the phone for any other reason. (Forgetting lunch money is not an emergency.)
  • Dress code will be followed at all times. Period.

Classroom Behavior

  • Please keep your hands, feet, objects, and unkind words to yourself. If it does not belong to you, do not touch it.
  • If you are out of dress code, you are not allowed to enter my classroom. You may stand outside my door to fix your clothing. If this results in a tardy, that is your responsibility.
  • Cell phones, iPods, or any other electronic devices are not allowed in class. They will be taken and sent to the office.
  • The trash cans in my classroom are NOT basketball hoops. Therefore, do NOT shoot your paper to the trash can. Ever.
  • Please refrain from blowing your nose at my desk. You may do so by the trashcan at my door or step out into the hall.
  • Do NOT groom yourself in my class! It is rude and not allowed by anyone. ITEMS THAT SHOULD NOT BE IN CLASS: brushes, combs, mirrors, lip gloss, make-up, perfume/cologne.

Supply List

  • Pencils
  • Wide rule loose leaf notebook paper
  • Handheld pencil sharpener
  • Colored pencils
  • Post It notes
  • 2 composition notebooks
  • Highlighters
  • Erasers
  • 1 inch binder
  • Dividers with tabs
  • Flash drive

Wish List Items: these are commonly used items in all classrooms that teachers would love to have, but are NOT required.



Dry erase markers

Paper towels

Clorox wipes

Colored copy paper

Band aids