Chapter 18:

Allah guides whom He wills


In this lesson/chapter we will learn, insha Allah:

Allah guides whom He wills

Whether or not we can ask forgiveness for kuffar relatives

How even friends and family can influence us to do things that are not good for us

Terms to Know

Memorize the Arabic for the following terms:

Words from the هدىroot can be related to guiding/guidance

Learn the following words:

guidance / هدى / he guides / يهدى
you (male) guide / تهدى
(tahdee) / those that are guided / مهتدين


  1. Read the following pages in the text: pp. xxxxx
  2. If you do not have the text, please refer to the summary at the end of this lesson.
  3. Additional suggested reading: Tafsir for ayaat: 28:56, 9:113


True or false. Write T for true and F for false. If the answer is false, provide the correct answer in the space provided. Give proof for your written responses if possible.

T/F / Question / Correct Statement, if false
1. It is ok to ask for forgiveness for a kafir that has died if they are a relative.
2. Abu Talib was not forgiven by Allah despite the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) initially asking for forgiveness for him.
3. Abu Jahl and Abdullah encouraged Abu Talib to utter the kalimah
4. Abu Talib died as a Muslim.


Column A / Write the correct letter from column A here / Arabic
a. guidance / يهدى
b. you (male) guide / مهتدين
c. he guides / هدى
d. those that are guided / تهدى


Given the following situations, how would you respond as a friend?

Situation A:

Ridwan’s grandmother, a disbeliever, died. Ridwan asks Allah to forgive his grandmother Write a short response addressed to Ridwan (e.g. start with Dear Ridwan…..) telling him whether or not this is ok or not and why, giving proof for your response.

Situation 2

Your friend Layla is sad because her brother, despite all her attempts at dawah, will not accept Islam. Write a short message to Layla explaining why she should not feel guilty that her brother will not accept. Use proof from the Quraan.


Allah guides whom He wills

Verily, you (O Muhammad [sal-Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam]) guide not whom you like, but Allâh guides whom He wills. And He knows best those who are the guided. 28:56

It is not permissible to ask forgiveness for disbelievers after they have died even if they are family

It is not (proper) for the Prophet and those who believe to ask Allah’s forgiveness for the Mushrikin even though they be of kin, after it has become clear to them that they are the dwellers of the Fire (because they died in a state of disbelief). 9:113

Family and Friends can influence us to do things that are not good for us

The following story is related in the text:

End of Summary/Lesson 18

Lesson 16: Page 1 of 4

Kitab al Tawhid Lessons © 2006. All rights reserved.

The House of Mecca Sadaqa Group, Inc. © 2006