Animal Science & Technology, AdvanceDisclosure Statement

Teacher: Mrs. Ege1und Room: Al00 Phone: 452-4000 Contact Time: 2:30-3:15

Mission Statement:

The mission of agricultural education is to provide students with the opportunity to develop life long skills needed for career opportunities associated with agriculture. This program will provide the chance to learn through a number of different learning experiences. It will acquaint students with the importance of science and its agricultural applications to animals, plants, themselves, and the world they live in. Basic skills covered will be useful in: preparing students for future agriculture occupations and bringing about an awareness of how food and fiber is produced and marketed. To better understand the classroom instruction, two other concepts will also be used. First is lab work which gives the students hands on experience. Second, agricultural education is unique because it allows students to practice what they learned through participation in FFA and a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) Project and/or Modified Exploratory Term (MET) Project (required by all students, worth 300 pts. each term). FFA is the intra-curricular student organization that uses leadership activities to build the next generation of leaders. The FFA and SAE are good motivational tools because it allows students to participate and compete in contests on the area, state, and national levels. All agricultural science students will be strongly encouraged to join and participate in FFA.

Grading Policy

Grades will be determined on the points system, from in-class reading, activities, worksheets, assignments, quizzes, tests, notebooks (100pts) and learning log (100 pts.) , and term projects (300pts.), and at the end of the term the total points will be given a percent score as follows:

100% -94% = A 86% -84% = B76% -74% = C66% -64% = D

93% -90% = A-83% -80% = B-73% -70% = C-63% -60% = D-

89% -87% = B+79% -77% = C+ 69% -67% = D+59% and Below = F

Students will be expected to do all assignments given by the teacher and turn them in on time. If the student should be absent, THEY are RESPONSIBLE for getting the notes, assignments, handouts, etc. DO NOT EXPECT the teacher to catch you up. If for some reason you are absent on the day an assignment or a test is given and the absence is excused, he/she will have three

days for each absent day to make up the missed assignment or test during EO Hour or before and/or after school. Students should bring an excused absence slip from the attendance office. If a student is truant they will take a zero for any assignment or test that day. It will be the students responsibility to make sure all work or tests are made up.

Classroom Rules:

1.Students who are causing a disruption or hindering the learning of other students will be disciplined according to Fremont High School and Weber School District policies.

2. Each student should have a notebook with 8 dividers. The notebook is worth 200 points each quarter (100 pts. for all work completed during the term and 100 pts. for the learning log). The Notebook Policy is posted in the classroom.

3. Each student will be required to have a pencil (with an eraser) or pen, paper, a book of their choice, and their notebook at the beginning of each class period. These materials will be used daily and will not be provided.

4. Attendance: The current school attendance policy will be enforced. 98% of all work is done in the classroom.

It is vital that students be in class everyday. If the student misses 50% of the class periods (10 classes) they may not pass the course.

5. Participation: All students will be required to be in attendance and participate in class exercises and activities.

6. Assignments:

a. All assignments have a due date. Those not turned in on time will be penalized at 10% per day (your grade

could be lower if work is unsatisfactory) unless prior arrangements have been made.

  1. Each assignment will have the following information on them or they will not be graded.



c. Unless specified, all assignments are the student's own work! In other words, when given an assignment, students are expected to work to quietly until all are finished. Copying will result in both assignments being trashed! The teacher also has the right to refuse unacceptable work.

dExtra credit will be accepted only after all previous assigned work has been turned in.

7.Citizenship and Attendance: The Fremont High School / Weber School District policies will be enforced.

8. Hall Pass: A student will be allowed to use the hall pass 4 times each term to make trips to the office, bathroom, or locker. Only one student at a time can use the hall pass.

Code of Conduct

A. Class will begin immediately after the bell rings. Please be in your seats to start your silent reading, and get ready to start your learning experience.

B. If you are tardy, PLEASE enter the class quickly and get in your seat immediately -DON'T DISRUPT THE CLASS


C. Swearing, teasing, abusive language, blurting out (raise your hand to be recognized), creating a distraction, being out of your seat without permission, and asking questions that are inappropriate will result in citizenship point deductions.

D. There is only a classroom set of textbooks, please do not take them out of the classroom. Make arrangements with the teacher to use texts at another time. All textbooks and materials must be returned to the bookshelf or proper place before any students leave the classroom.

E. The clock just keeps time, it does not dismiss the class; I will dismiss the class.

STUDENTS WHO TREAT THE TEACHER AND OTHER STUDENTS WITH RESPECT WILL BE RESPECTED, therefore you are expected to treat people the way you want to be treated.

Lab Fee: $9.00

Course Outline:

  • FFA and SAEP
  • Small Animal Care Industry
  • Animal Anatomy and Physiology
  • digestion,
  • nutrition,
  • reproductive and genetics,
  • circulatory,
  • respiration,
  • skeletal,
  • muscular, etc.)
  • Science and management
  • beef cattle,
  • dairy cattle,
  • swine, equine,
  • poultry, etc.
  • Handling and Disposing of Animal Waste