The following relates to pages 24 & 25 of the 2000-2002 MCC catalog. The following needs to replace the present statement.

The Business Careers program provides:

1) Certificates of Competence (Cert.Co.) in Supervision, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, and Leadership Training, designed for students and community members who wish to acquire or upgrade their skills and knowledge.

2) A one-year Certificate of Achievement (CA) in Business Careers provides essential skills and knowledge in business, communication, writing, and mathematics.

3) A two-year Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Business Careers. The AAS program is articulated with UH-West Oahu's BA in Business Administration (BABA), which is available in Maui County. The AAS can also provide the first two-years for the proposed BAS in Applied Business and Information Technology (ABIT).

4) Transferable courses for four-year business programs at UH-Manoa, UH-Hilo, and other colleges and universities in conjunction with the Associate of Arts degree program,.

Students planning to transfer to business programs at UH-Manoa, UH-Hilo, UH-West Oahu or other colleges and universities, or planning to continue with the proposed ABIT program at MCC, should see a counselor or the Program Coordinator about the specific requirements for entrance to the baccalaureate programs. Not all Business Careers program courses will fulfill these requirements or are transferable.

Students entering the Business Careers program need to complete the admissions requirements for the college and take the assessment and placement tests for English and Mathematics. Many courses require a specific English placement score. For a student interested in transferring to a baccalaureate program it is important that he/she start taking the appropriate Mathematics sequence immediately so that the required mathematics course(s) needed for transfer can be completed. If a student does not meet the prerequisites for the required courses the following courses are suggested as preparation: English 19 or other appropriate English course(s); appropriate Math course(s); IS 105, LSK 30 or 110; and/or computer or computer preparation course(s). The student should consult with a counselor or the Program Coordinator.

Graduation requirements for the CA are 32 or more credits with a 2.0 or higher GPA and no more than 15 credits taken for CR/NC grades. (*) Required course included: 3 credits of ENG 55 or higher with a grade of C or better; 3 credits of COMUN 145 or BUS/COMUN 130 with a grade of C or better; 3 credits of accounting with a grade of C or better; and 3 credits of BUS 155 or an appropriate higher Mathematics course.

Graduation requirements for the AAS are 60 or more required credits with a 2.0 or higher GPA with no more than 30 credits taken for CR/NC grades (*) including: the CA requirements above and 3 additional credits of English with a grade of C or better.

* Students planning to transfer to a baccalaureate program should elect letter grades (e.g. A, B, C, etc.) for all courses. Baccalaureate degree programs have specific GPA requirements for entrance, which may be higher than 2.0. Check the specific program’s GPA requirements.

Requirements for Certificates of Competence: 3 to 9 credits as listed

Entrepreneurship I (3 credits): BUS 125 (3)

Entrepreneurship II (9 credits): MGT 124 (3), ACC 124 or 201 (3), BLAW 200 (3)

Perquisite to Entrepreneurship II: Entrepreneurship I

Marketing (3 credits): MKT 120

e-Marketing (9 credits): BCIS 161 (3), BCIS 261(3), BCIS 262 (3)

Supervision I(3 credits): MGT 118 (3)

Supervision II(9 credits): MGT 118 (3), MGT 122 (3), BUS/COMUN 130 (3)

Leadership Training: IS 101 (3), IS 105C (1), IS 105D (1), BUS/COMUN 130 or COMUN 145 (3), CASE 193V (1) or SOSER 193V (1)or ED 191V (1)

Requirements for Certificate of Achievement (C.A.): 32 credits

Interdisciplinary Studies 106: College Orientation I (2)

Accounting 124 and 125

or Accounting 201 and Business Elective (6)

Business 120 (3)

Business/Communication 130 (3)

Business 155 (3)1

Business Computing and Information Science 161 or Information Computing Science 100 (3)

English 55 or 100 (3)

Management 122 or PSY 100 or SOC 100 (3) 2

Marketing 120 or approved alternative (3) 2

Business Elective (3) 2

1Or other appropriate Mathematics course. Consult the catalog and/or a counselor or the Program Coordinator for the appropriate Math sequence for your specific degree.

2Consult a counselor, the Program Coordinator, or appropriate faculty member.

Requirements for Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.): 62 - 66 credits, depending on Option selected

C.A. courses plus:

Business Law 200 or approved alternative (3) 2

English 100 or 209 (3) 3

Humanities elective (3) 2

Natural Science elective (3) or (7), depending on option selected2

Social Science elective (3) 2

Program Electives (15)2

2Consult a counselor, the Program Coordinator, or appropriate faculty member.

3The preferred English course combinations are: 1) ENG 55 and 100 or 2) ENG 100 and 209. Students who are planning to transfer must complete ENG 100 and 209.


There are three options based on a student’s educational goal. Option I: AAS Business Careers Option, for students seeking a general two-year business program. Option II: AAS Business Careers/BABA UH-West Oahu, for students planning to transfer to UH-West Oahu’s BA in Business Administration program. Option III: AAS Business Careers/ proposed BAS ABIT, for students planning to enter MCC’s BAS in Applied Business and Information Technology (ABIT).

Option I: AAS Business Careers Option (62 - 63 credits)4

A full-time student who is planning on a two-year general business program leading to an AAS in Business Careers degree would take courses in this sequence:

First Semester (Fall) Second Semester (Spring)

53 ACC 124: Princ. of Account. I 53 ACC 125: Princ. Account. II

or ACC 201: Financial Accounting or Business Elective: See Business Elective List

3 BCIS 161:Intro. to Business Computing 13 BUS 155: Mathematics for Business

or ICS 100:Computing Literacy & Applications 23 MGT 122: Organizational Behavior

3 BUS 120:Intro. to Business or approved alternative

33 ENG 55: Business Communication-Written 23 MKT 120: Intro. to Marketing

or ENG 100:Expository Writing or approved alternative

2 IS 106: College Orientation I 23 Business Elective: See Business Elective List

3 BUS/COMUN 130: Business Communications – Oral

17 Credits 15 Credits

Third Semester (Fall) Fourth Semester (Spring)

23 BLAW 200: Legal Environment of Business 23 Humanities Elective

or approved alternative 23 Social Science Elective

23 ENG 100:Expository Writing 29 Program Electives

or ENG 209:Managerial Writing

23 or 4 Natural Science Elective

26 Program Electives


1Or other appropriate Mathematics course. Consult the catalog and/or a counselor, the Program Coordinator, or appropriate faculty member for the Math requirements and sequence for your specific degree.

2Consult a counselor, the Program Coordinator, or appropriate faculty member.

3The preferred English course combinations are: 1) ENG 55 and 100 or 2) ENG 100 and 209. Students who are planning to transfer must complete ENG 100 and 209.

4The sequence of courses mapped out by semester for OPTION I can be used as a guideline for course sequencing in Option II.

5If a student takes ACC 124 and 125 and transfers to West Oahu or enters the proposed ABIT program, he/she will need to take ACC 202; however, only 6 credits of accounting will be accepted for transfer.

NOTES: 1) Courses may be offered in a different semester or in both semesters.

2)Follow OPTIONS II below if you are planning to transfer to UHWO. Follow OPTION III below if you planning on entering the proposed ABIT degree.

Business Elective - Choose 1 course from the following (3 credits)*:

ACC 202: Managerial Accounting*

BUS 125: Starting a Small Business (3)

BCIS 261: Web Construction Fundamentals and Marketing

BCIS 262: e-Commerce Web Construction and Marketing

MGT 118: Introduction to Supervision (3)

ECON 130: Principles of Economics: Microeconomics (3)

ECON 131: Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics (3)

Or other course approved by Program Coordinator or appropriate faculty member. (3)

* If ACC 201 is taken, then there will be 6 credits in Business Electives. A student planning on transferring to a baccalaureate degree program will need ACC 202.

Program Electives: - Choose 5 courses from the Business Elective list above and/or from the following list (15 credits):

ACC 132: Payroll and Hawaii General Excise Taxes (3)

ACC 150: Using Computers in Accounting (3)

ACC 155: Using Spreadsheets in Accounting (3)

ACC 190v: Special Topics in Accounting (1-3)

ACC 137: Business Income Taxation (3)

BUS 90v: Special Topics in Business (1-3)

BUS 193v: Cooperative Education (3)

BUS 290v: Advanced Topics in Business (1-3)

BUS 295: Case Studies in Business (3)

BCIS 162: Intermediate Business Computing (3)

BCIS 180: Office Computer Troubleshooting and Maintenance

COMUN 145: Interpersonal Communication I (3)

COMUN 210: Intercultural Communications (3)

ECON 120: Introduction to Economics (3)

ICS 102: Internet Resources

MGT 124: Human Resources Management (3)

MKT 160: Advertising and Promotion (3)

PSY 100: Survey of Psychology (3)

PSY 170: Psychology of Adjustment (3)

PSY 250: Social Psychology (3)

SP 151: Personal and Public Speaking (3)

SP 251: Principles of Effective Public Speaking (3)

Or other course(s) approved by Program Coordinator or appropriate faculty member. (3)

OPTION II: AAS Business Careers/BABA UH-West Oahu (62-66 credits)4

A student may use the sequence map for OPTION I above as a guideline for taking courses. Substitutions must have prior approval. A maximum of 66 lower division 100+ credits may be transferred. See a MCC counselor, the Program Coordinator, or the University Center-Maui counselor for specifics about the BA in Business Administration offered by UH-West Oahu to help you plan the your courses and the sequence in which to take them.


5ACC 201: Financial Accounting (3)

5ACC 202: Managerial Accounting (3)

BCIS 161: Introduction to Business Computing or ICS 100:Computing Literacy & Applications (3)

BLAW 200: Legal Environment of Business (3)

BUS 120: Principles of Business (3)

BUS/COM 130: Business Communications - Oral (3)

COM 145: Interpersonal Communication I, COM 210: Intercultural Communications, or SP 151: Personal and

Public Speaking (3)

ECON 130: Principles of Economics: Microeconomics (3) (Fulfills the Social Science Elective)

ECON 131: Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics (3)

ENG 100: Expository Writing (3)

ENG 209: Managerial Writing (3)

ENG 210: Advanced Expository Writing (3) (With a C or better, waives West Oahu course HUM 310)

IS 106: College Orientation I (2)

MATH 115: Statistics (3)

MGT 122: Organizational Behavior (3)

MKT 120: Principles of Marketing (3)

PSY 100: Survey of Psychology, SOC 100: Survey of General Sociology, POLSC 110: Intro. to Political

Science or ANTH 100+ level course (3)

Business Elective: BUS 125: Small Business Management, MGT 118: Introduction to Supervision, MKT 160:

Advertising and Promotion, BCIS 261: Web Construction Fundamentals and Marketing, or BCIS 262:

e-Commerce Web Construction and Marketing(3)

Humanities Elective : PHIL 100 or 101 or a history course (3) (Not a COM, ENG or SP course)

Natural Science Elective: (100+ level) (3-4)

Mathematics/Natural Science Requirement: Mathematics or Natural Science 100+ level course (3-4)

1Or other appropriate Mathematics course. Consult the catalog and/or a counselor, the Program Coordinator, or appropriate faculty member for the Math requirements and sequence for your specific degree.

2Consult a counselor, the Program Coordinator, or appropriate faculty member.

3The preferred English course combinations are: 1) ENG 55 and 100 or 2) ENG 100 and 209. Students who are planning to transfer must complete ENG 100 and 209.

4The sequence of courses mapped out by semester for OPTION I can be used as a guideline for course sequencing in Option II.

5If a student takes ACC 124 and 125 and transfers to West Oahu or enters the proposed ABIT program, he/she will need to take ACC 202. However, only 6 credits of accounting will be transferable to the baccalaureate programs.


See a counselor, the Program Coordinator, or a faculty member in the PROPOSED Applied Business and Information Technology baccalaureate program for information and counseling. Selecting the correct courses is important to efficiently completing the AAS/BAS option. The BAS in Applied Business and Information Technology is only PROPOSED. There is no guarantee that the PROPOSED degree will become a reality.

Students planning on continuing with the PROPOSED BAS in ABIT should take the following courses.

A full time student would take the courses in this sequence:

First Semester (Fall) Second Semester (Spring)

2 IS 106: College Orientation I 3 ECON 131: Princ of Econ: Macroeconomics

3 ENG 100: Expository Writing 3 MATH 135: Pre-Calc: Elementary Functions

3 BUS 120: Intro. to Business 3 PSY 100: Survey of Psychology

3 BCIS 161: Intro. to Business Computing or SOC 100: Survey of General Sociology

or ICS 100: Computing Literacy & Applications 3 BCIS 162: Intermediate Business Computing

3 BUS/COM 130: Business Com - Oral or ICS 115: Microcomputer Applications

or COM 145: Interpersonal Communication I 3 HWST 107: Hawaii: Center of the Pacific

or COM 210: Intercultural Communication I or HWST 231: Hawaiian Culture

3 Elective or HIST 284: History of Hawaii

3 Natural Science Elective

17 credits 18 credits

Third Semester (Fall) Fourth Semester (Spring)

3 ACC 201: Financial Accounting 3 ACC 202: Managerial Accounting

3 ECON: 130: Princ of Econ: Microeconomics 3 MATH 115: Statistics

3 SP 251: Princ of Effective Public Speaking 3 ICS 102: Internet Resources

3 ENG 209: Managerial Writing 3 BCIS 180: Office Computer Troubleshooting

4 Natural Science Elective 3 Elective: BLAW200 or BUS125 recommended

16 credits 15 credits


1) A student who has at least 60 credits and all the courses listed in this option can apply at any time for an AAS in Business Careers degree whether he/she plans to complete the ABIT degree or not.

2) A student who has at least 60 credits and is not planning on completing the BAS in ABIT may apply for an AAS in Business Careers (See Option I). The following substitutions are allowed: BUS 155 or any approved math course may replace MATH 135; MATH 115 may be replaced with an approved elective; and the 4 credit Natural Science elective is not required.

3) A student who wish to continue in the PROPOSED ABIT program will need 55 allowable credits and a 2.5 GPA to move onto that PROPOSED program.

1 Bus Car Map November 25 2003.doc