The above Orders, made on 27 April 2017, undersection 3(1) of the Cycle Tracks Act 1984 (‘the Act’), will convert half the width of the following lengths of public footpath into cycle track:

Roebuck Hotel to Caversham Bridge - that length of footpath which commences at the south eastern boundary of Roebuck Ferry Cottage and runs in a south-easterly direction for 85 metres following the Thames Towpath to the foot of the steps leading to the Roebuck Hotel. It then continues in the same direction for 1100 metres to a point and then runs in south–easterly and easterly directions for 625 metres to a point at the northern end of Scours Lane. The path continues in north easterly and easterly directions for 1330 metres to a point at the western end of Thameside Promenade. The path then continues in an east south-easterly direction along Thameside Promenade for 1285 metres to a point by the north western corner of the boathouse and then for 70 metres between the boathouse and the river to the slipway at the northern end of Thameside Promenade. The path then follows the pavement alongside Thameside Promenade, then the riverside path along the northern side of Caversham Hotel and through the underpass beneath Caversham Road for 129 metres the eastern end of the underpass.

Caversham Bridge to Reading Bridge - that length of footpath situated at the eastern end of the underpass beneath Caversham Bridge and running in a south-easterly direction along the southern bank of the River Thames for 160 metres. It then deviates from the river’s edge running past Caversham Wharf for 145 metres to the north-eastern end of Brigham Road. Thereafter it continues in the same direction adjacent to the river for 526 metres to the western end of the underpass beneath Reading Bridge. It then continues through the underpass to the eastern side of Reading Bridge.

Reading Bridge to Kennet Mouth – that length of footpath which commences on the southern bank of the River Thames and the eastern side of Reading Bridge and which runs in an easterly direction along a wide, gravelled track, past Caversham Lock and following the River Thames towpath for 356 metres to the entrance to King’s Meadow recreation ground. It then runs over the recreation ground following the river bank for 540 metres to a point at the eastern boundary of the recreation ground. It then continues in the same direction alongside the river for a further 790 metres along a gravelled track to a point on the western bank of the River Kennet and northern side of the railway line. Finally, it runs over the wooden footbridge adjacent to the railway and northwards to the borough boundary at to a point at Kennet Mouth.

A copy of the Orders and the Order Maps has have been placed and may be seen free of charge at the Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading RG1 2LU from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.

Any representations about, or objections to, the order may be sent in writing to the undersigned quoting ref: CMS/003727 by no later than 25 May 2017. Please state the grounds on which they are made. If anyone requires any further information please contact Emma Baker on 0118 9374881.

If no such representations or objections are duly made, or if made are withdrawn, Reading Borough Council may confirm the Orders as unopposed Orders. If the Order is sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment for confirmation, any representation or objections which have not been withdrawn will be sent with the order.

Dated: 27 April 2017C J Brooks

Head of Legal and Democratic Services

Reading Borough Council

Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading, RG1 2LU

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