Task Sheet
STAGE 2 Mathematical StudiesName of assessment task: Designing a Rollercoaster / Assessment type: Folio Task
Date Issued: 9th April 2014 / Draft Due Date: 5pm 27th April 2014 / Due Date: 11:00 pm 8th May 2014 Electronic
9:00am 11th May 2014 Hardcopy
Student’s Full Name: / Task Weighting: 12.5%
Task Description:
This assessment allows you to show your understanding of the mathematical concepts and relationships in the following topics, and the algorithmic and problem solving skills needed to solve a range of calculus questions.
2.4: Rate of Change
2.6: The Derivative
2.7: Differentiation
2.8: Using Derivatives
Assessment design criteria and specific features:
Mathematical Knowledge and Skills and Their Application
The specific features are as follows:
· MKSA1 Knowledge of content and understanding of mathematical concepts and relationships
· MKSA2 Use of mathematical algorithms and techniques (implemented electronically where appropriate) to find solutions to routine and complex questions
· MKSA3 Application of knowledge and skills to answer questions set in applied and theoretical contexts.
Mathematical Modelling and Problem-solving
The specific features are as follows:
· MMP1 Application of mathematical models
· MMP2 Development of solutions to mathematical problems set in applied and theoretical contexts.
· MMP3 Interpretation of the mathematical results in the context of the problem
· MMP4 Understanding of the reasonableness and possible limitations of the interpreted results, and recognition of assumptions made
· MMP5 Development and testing of conjectures, with some attempt at proof
Communication of Mathematical Information
The specific features are as follows:
· CMI1 Communication of mathematical ideas and reasoning to develop logical arguments
· CMI2 Use of appropriate mathematical notation, representations, and terminology
Assessment conditions:
· Time: 2 weeks plus homework time.
· This is a partially supervised assessment.
· Provide complete working for all.
· Use electronic technology where appropriate.
This assignment contains no material which has been submitted for another SACE assessment and to the best of my knowledge and belief it contains no material previously published or written by another person except when due reference is made in the text.
Performance standards for Stage 2 Mathematical Studies
Mathematical Knowledge and Skills and Their Application / Mathematical Modelling and Problem Solving / Communication of Mathematical InformationA / Comprehensive knowledge of content and understanding of concepts and relationships
Appropriate selection and use of mathematical algorithms and techniques (implemented electronically where appropriate) to find efficient solutions to complex problems
Highly effective and accurate application of knowledge and skills to answer questions set in applied and theoretical contexts / Development and effective application of mathematical models
Complete, concise, and accurate solutions to mathematical problems set in applied and theoretical contexts.
Concise interpretation of the mathematical results in the context of the problem
In-depth understanding of the reasonableness and possible limitations of the interpreted results and recognition of assumptions made.
Development and testing of valid conjectures, with proof / Highly effective communication of mathematical ideas and reasoning to develop logical arguments.
Proficient and accurate use of appropriate notation, representations, and terminology
B / Some depth of knowledge of content and understanding of concepts and relationships.
Use of mathematical algorithms and techniques (implemented electronically where appropriate) to find some correct solutions to complex problems.
Accurate application of knowledge and skills to answer questions set in applied and theoretical contexts. / Attempted development and appropriate application of mathematical models.
Mostly accurate and complete solutions to mathematical problems set in applied and theoretical contexts.
Complete interpretation of the mathematical results in the context of the problem.
Some depth of understanding of the reasonableness and possible limitations of the interpreted results, and recognition of assumptions made.
Development and testing of reasonable conjectures, with substantial attempt at proof
/ Effective communication of mathematical ideas and reasoning to develop mostly logical arguments.
Mostly accurate use of appropriate notation, representations, and terminology.
C / Generally competent knowledge of content and understanding of concepts and relationships
Use of mathematical algorithms and techniques (implemented electronically where appropriate) to find mostly correct solutions to routine questions
Generally accurate application of knowledge and skills to answer questions set in applied and theoretical contexts / Appropriate application of mathematical models.
Some accurate and generally complete solutions to mathematical problems set in applied and theoretical contexts.
Generally appropriate interpretation of the mathematical results in the context of the problem.
Some understanding of the reasonableness and possible limitations of the interpreted results and some recognition of assumptions made.
Development and testing of reasonable conjectures, with some attempt at proof. / Appropriate communication of mathematical ideas and reasoning to develop some logical arguments.
Use of generally appropriate notation, representations, and terminology, with some inaccuracies.
D / Basic knowledge of content and some understanding of concepts and relationships
Some use of mathematical algorithms and techniques (implemented electronically where appropriate) to find some correct solutions to routine questions.
Sometimes accurate application of knowledge and skills to answer questions set in applied or theoretical contexts / Application of a mathematical model, with partial effectiveness.
Partly accurate and generally incomplete solutions to mathematical problems set in applied or theoretical contexts.
Attempted interpretation of the mathematical results in the context of the problem.
Some awareness of the reasonableness and possible limitations of the interpreted results.
Attempted development or testing of a reasonable conjecture. / Some appropriate communication of mathematical ideas and reasoning
Some attempt to use appropriate notation, representations, and terminology, with occasional accuracy.
E / Limited knowledge of content
Attempted use of mathematical algorithms and techniques (implemented electronically where appropriate) to find limited correct solutions to routine questions.
Attempted application of knowledge and skills to answer questions set in applied or theoretical contexts, with limited effectiveness. / Attempted application of a basic mathematical model.
Limited accuracy in solutions to one or more mathematical problems set in applied or theoretical contexts.
Limited attempt at interpretation of the mathematical results in the context of the problem.
Limited awareness of the reasonableness and possible limitations of the results
Limited attempt to develop or test a conjecture / Attempted communication of emerging mathematical ideas and reasoning.
Limited attempt to use appropriate notation, representations, or terminology, and with limited accuracy.
Designing a Rollercoaster
Suppose you are asked to design the first ascent and drop for a new rollercoaster. By studying photographs of your favourite coasters, you decide to make the slope of the ascent 0.7 and the slope of the drop -1.3.
You decide to connect these two straight stretches y= L1x= m1x+k1 and y= L2x= m2x+k2 with part of a parabola y= fx= ax2+bx+c, where x and fx are measured in metres.
For the track to be smooth there can’t be abrupt changes in direction, so you want the linear segments L1 and L2 to be tangents to the parabola at the transition points P and Q.
To simplify the equations, you decide to place the origin at P. Furthermore the horizontal distance between P and Q is 40 metres.
Your task is to:
§ Find the equation of each segment, showing all appropriate steps of logic, namely:
L1x= m1x+k1 for x<0
fx= ax2+bx+c for 0≤x≤40
L2x= m2x+k2 for x>40
§ Design the section immediately before this one joining the track at L1. Determine polynomial equations (minimum of 3, and at least one cubic) for this section ensuring a smooth transition between points. Show detailed working, equations, constraints, etc.
§ Using FX Graph or Geogebra draw a detailed, fully labeled, smooth graph showing what this section looks like.
§ Calculate the second derivative function for each section of your rollercoaster and discuss the implications of these functions on the shape of that section. Generalise your results for all functions.
§ A discussion of any assumptions, limitations, improvements and suggestions of further work.
Your report should be word processed and structured to include:
§ Introduction
§ Mathematical Investigations
§ Analysis/Discussion
§ Conclusion
Note: your report should be in past tense, third person and have a passive voice e.g. “ The analysis…” rather than “When I analysed” or “When you analyse”
A completed folio task should include:
§ An introduction that outlines the problem to be explored, including its significance, its features and the context.
§ The method of solution in terms or the mathematical model or strategy to be used
§ The appropriate application of the mathematical model or strategy including:
v The generation or collection of relevant data
v The analysis and interpretation of results
v Reference to the limitations of the original problem as well as appropriate refinements and/or extensions
§ A statement of the solution and outcome in the context of the original problem
§ Appendices and bibliography as appropriate.