AP Environmental Science -- Summer Assignment

Current Events Scrapbook and Vocabulary List

Create a scrapbook of current events that relate to environmental science and policy. Over the course of the summer, find six (6) magazine or newspaper articles and write a one to two page description of the article. The scrapbook will be turned in on the first day this class meets in August 2014. This assignment will be counted as a project grade for first advisory. The scrapbook must meet the following:

-  The scrapbook must include six (6) newspaper or magazine articles regarding environmental science collected from over the summer.

-  No two (2) articles can be from within the same week.

-  The scrapbook will take the form of a small three-ringed binder that only has this assignment in it.

-  Articles will be printed out from their on-line source or taped to an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper and included in the scrapbook.

-  A typed description of the article will be included for each article. The one to two page description will include:

n  A brief description of the topic or controversy

n  A description of the people involved in the article and their stake in the issue

n  An explanation of why the article is related to the themes in environmental science

n  Your opinion on any controversy that might be in the article or a description of something new that you learned from the article


Advanced (4) / Proficient (3) / Basic (2) / Below Basic (1)
Scrapbook contains more than 6 articles from 6 different weeks. Each article is printed or neatly taped to 8.5 x 11 paper. / Scrapbook contains 6 articles from 6 different weeks. Each article is printed or neatly taped to 8.5 x 11 paper. / Scrapbook contains less than 6 articles. Two or more articles are from the same week. Each article is printed or neatly taped to 8.5 x 11 paper. / Scrapbook contains less than 4 articles. Two or more articles are from the same week. Articles are not printed or neatly taped to 8.5 x 11 paper. Three or more are
Each article has a typed, well-written description that relates to one or more of the themes in APES. / Each article has a typed, well-written description that relates to one of the themes in APES. / Each article has a typed, well-written description. / Articles are not typed. Description of one or more articles is missing or incomplete.
Scrapbook is in a three-ring binder. / Scrapbook is in a three-ring binder. / Scrapbook is in a three-ring binder. / Scrapbook is not in a three-ring binder.

Vocabulary list:

On the first day of class, you will have a vocabulary test on the words included on the other side of this paper. Look them up in books and the internet over the summer and be ready for a vocabulary test in any format.

Vocabulary List

Acid detritivores metabolism

Atomic number ecology molecule

Atoms ecosystem nitrogen cycle

Base elements omnivores

Biological community energy organic compounds

Biomass entropy pH

Carbon cycle enzymes phosphorus cycle

Carbon sink first law of thermodynamics photosynthesis

Carnivores food chain population

Cells food web potential energy

Cellular respiration heat producer

Chemical energy herbivores productivity

Chemosynthesis hydrologic cycle scavengers

Compound ions second law of thermodynamics

Conservation of matter isotopes species

Consumers kinetic energy sulfur cycle

Decomposers matter trophic level

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) anthropogenic