March 2011 The Rev. Dr. Scott Strohm

Scott’s Thoughts

I have been intrigued by an approach to organizational management and change which is known as Appreciative Inquiry. What is most striking about this approach is that it begins not with a problem to be solved, but rather with a strength to be enhanced. That is how our four strengths for growth came into being — Sharing our Space, Empowering the Schools, Supporting our Troops, and Encouraging the Arts.

The basic reality on which Appreciative Inquiry works is that our words create our worlds and that the instant we ask a question, change begins. That is where the word inquiry comes in — we choose what questions we will ask and the way we shape the question makes all the difference. This is where the word appreciative comes in. We ask the question in a positive way — a way that appreciates the opportunities and people involved — rather than in a negative way.

Using this method when we talk about our educational program, we do not frame the questions: “Why do we have difficulty finding teachers to teach, and why do our children stop attending?” That all-too-familiar approach would have us stuck in trying to “solve” a problem. Instead, if we frame the question this way: “You have been granted three wishes for our education program. Describe what the program would look like if those wishes came true.” This is an invitation to imagine a future world in which our teachers are called, equipped, and empowered and our children are engaged by the biblical stories.

Our questions about stewardship have perhaps borne the most fruit with 53 families raising their support, and even more impressive, moving the median support from $1300 to $1650 in one year. The overwhelming response to our stewardship campaign for 2011 indicates that our words are creating a world wide open with possibility.

I also appreciate the way that our story has been linked with the larger story of God’s love as revealed in scripture. I invite you to look at all of our ministry through the lens of Appreciative Inquiry. With that in mind, I offer you this question: If you had a magic wand, and could have any three wishes granted to heighten the health and vitality of this community of faith, what would they be? I would like to hear your ideas.

Joyfully, Scott

Inquirers’ Group

If you are considering a new church home, an Inquirers' Group will soon be gathering during Lent. This is an opportunity for you to ask any questions you might have about what membership in the Presbyterian Church (USA), and First Church in particular, might mean. If you are interested, please speak to one of the pastors or call the church office (642-5651).

Maundy Thursday

April 21st

We will gather around the Lord’s Table at 7:00 p.m. We will also receive new members, including our Confirmation/Commissioning Class, that evening. Please plan to join us for this meaningful time of worship.

Good Friday

April 22nd

We will be hosting the community Good Friday service at noon. Of course, you are invited to attend, but we will also need greeters for inside and outside the building that morning. If you are willing to help, please call the church office, 642-5651.

Thank you so much for our Christmas Gift!

You are always so kind. Because of you, we will enjoy the gift of time with a few days away at the Castle Inn Bed & Breakfast in Circleville, and money towards area entertainment of our choice. We will enjoy the gift of beauty of the arts with a CAPA gift certificate, allowing us to attend two events. We've already enjoyed a Columbus Symphony Pops concert and are looking forward to another CSO concert in a few weeks. Most of all we will enjoy the gift of working for Christ with as our partners as we seek to make First Church the place God has called it to be.
Scott & Kathy Strohm

Special Thanks

The Hicks family would like to thank everyone for their generous gifts this past Christmas. We have been able to eat out many times from all the gift cards, cuddle closer with homemade gifts, and we were VERY surprised to find a Nintendo Wii under our tree. This game system is the gift we received from the entire church and Heather has really been enjoying it, as she now gets to play all the fun games she watches the kids playing during MidWeek. Thank you all again, and may God bless you this year!

The Deadline for the next Pulpit and Pew is April 5th for ALL Spring - Early Summer programming.

From Heather……

A Word from The Youth Pastor

“When Evening came, the boat was out on the sea, and he was alone on the land. When he saw that they were straining at the oars against an adverse wind, he came towards them early in the morning, walking on the sea. He intended to pass them by. But when they saw him walking on the sea, they thought it was a ghost and cried out; for they all saw him and were terrified. But immediately he spoke to then and said, “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.” Then he got into the boat with them and the wind ceased. And they were utterly astounded.” -Mark 6:47-51

These last few months have seemed like a raging sea. Jobs have been lost and gained. New babies have been born and good friends have passed away. There has been excitement, sadness, hope, despair, fear, anxiety, etc. Most of our calendars have been empty one minute and so full the next that we do not know if we will be able to do everything. There's GOOD NEWS!

Jesus is walking to us on this raging sea. He is not tossed about by the huge waves that are swamping our boat. The wind does not affect anything but his shining garments. He calls to us as if from across an empty room. Do we see him? Do we look up from all the bailing? When we do see him, are we frightened? Do we doubt ourselves? Jesus says to us “Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid.”

As the world continues to spin around us, find stillness in the one, Jesus, who controls it all.

Prayer: Lord, Bless us with stillness. Amen

Youth and Christian Education Events through the Summer of 2011

Please mark your calendars for these important events coming up for our youth and Christian Education programs.

March 8, 2011 Pancake Supper

March 16, 2011 @ 5:30pm Swimming at the Amerihost Inn (You can drop your child off at either the church or the hotel)

March 19, 2011 @ 10am Teacher's Retreat (MidWeek teachers)

April 16, 2011 Cosi Trip

May 21, 2011 Laser Tag?

May 29, 2011 @ 9:15am Teacher's Thank you Breakfast (all teachers)

June 6-11, 2011 Heather on Spiritual Retreat

June 12-18, 2011 Middle School Camp (Heather as AD)

July 10-15, 2011 Transformation Zone

July 11, 2011 @ 6pm Teachers' Retreat (VBS)

July 18-22, 2011 VBS

August 20, 2011 Frisbee Golf (Bring your own Frisbee)


Attention Seniors: Award and Scholarship Information now available

As you look forward to the end of your high school career and envision the hopes and dreams of your life beyond, remember that church awards and scholarships are available. If you do not already have an application packet, pick one up in the church office. They are due March 15.

VBS 2011

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be back in Jesus' time? What did they eat? How did they make clothes and shelter? How did they store things? What was it like to move around without cars, or live without cell phones!? Come and find out this July 18-22 during our Vacation Bible School. Mark your calendars because it will be unlike anything you have ever seen!

Coming Soon to your local PresyPlex:

The King’s Speech, True Grit and The Secret Life of Bees

Don’t miss these opportunities for fun and fellowship at First Church! Special showings available in our own PresbyPlex! The first or second Saturday of each month at 6:30, a movie (not a totally NEW release, but something that has been released to DVD) will be shown at the PresbyPlex Theater on the second floor. Babysitting will be available in the nursery, so bring the kids and some money for the sitter (we will find high school students willing to cover). We will view the movie and those who wish will meet in someone’s home on Sunday at 7:00 for discussion and light food—maybe just dessert.

Attendance will be as flexible as you want to make it. If you want to watch the movie on your own, rent or buy it, watch it, then join the group for discussion. If you want to see only the movie, but don’t care about discussion, join us in the PresbyPlex, just skip the discussion. If you want to do both—just show up at the right place at the right time! If you have no interest in a certain month’s movie, just take the month off. If you have never attended but all of a sudden see a title that you like, join us.

Our next attractions will be The Secret Life of Bees on March 12, True Grit on April 9, and The King’s Speech on May 7. Locations for discussion will be announced.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

March 8, 2011

Our very popular Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will again be sponsored by our MidWeek youth. All you can eat pancakes, sausage, applesauce and beverages will be served. Adults are $7.00, and children under 10 are $3.00. Please plan to join us for great food and fellowship that benefits our youth. Proceeds from the meal will be used for camps, conferences and upcoming activities.

MidWeek Youth Update

Our MidWeek Youth program will soon be coming to an end for this school year, but it is not too late for …..

March 2nd January – June Birthday Celebration Night

March 8th Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

March 9th No MidWeek

March 16th End of Year Celebration Pool Party

If you would like to join us, dinner for all participants begins at 6:00 pm. Grades 1-3 arrive at 5:30 pm for Bible Study and leave at 7:15 pm after worship. Grades 4-12 arrive at 6:00 pm and leave at 7:45 after Bible Study.

We invite all youth of FPC to help celebrate the end of the year at the Pool Party!

*Please remember, when Marysville Schools are canceled, MidWeek is canceled.


Thanks again……

To all of you that baked cookies for the Military at Christmas, we sent 48 dozen from our Church. What a wonderful, thoughtful thing to do at a very busy time of the year. Thank you all so much. But, as you can see below …

Cookies, Cookies………

It is that time again when we send our “LOVE” to our Military personnel with HOMEMADE cookies. We are in need of 35 dozen. If you can, put two cookies back to back and wrap them in “Press and Seal”. If you cannot and can just bake cookies, we will wrap them for you. These need to be brought to the Church on Sunday, April 3, and put on the table in Kennedy Hall. Wilma Miller will take them to The Decker’s on Monday morning, April 4th for the final preparation for mailing. Thanks again to all.

Wrapped in Warmth

We have a quilt in the quilt frame in the Wrapped in Warmth Room, Second floor of the Church. Anyone who is interested in quilting on a frame is more than welcome to come and work on the quilt at any time. We meet the Third Wednesday of each month from 1:00 – 3:00 PM. We will also be working on our Lap Robes during that time, so, if you are a quilter or want to learn, please come and join us.

Supplies needed for lap robes

We are in need or cotton material for the backing of the robes. Each lap robe takes 2 yards of cotton material. We can always use left over pieces of yard goods, that can be used for our quilts. They need to be clean pieces.


Wilma Miller is asking that anyone or any group that sends her pictures for the Archives, please identify the people, the date of the picture, and the occasion. That would help her in the process of where she needs to put them. Have you been to the Archives Room? Ask her to show it to you. You will be surprised at what she has in that room.

Updates and corrections for the NEW Church Directory

Like any New Directory, it is OLD before it comes off the press! We are busy, moving about people. So make the following changes:

Page 13 Disbennett e-mail correction, spelling of “Battelle”

Dodd spelling of “Halcyon”

Page 14 Hakola, Robert new address The Inn at Halcyon

1565 London Avenue

Room 403, Special Care

Marysville, OH 43040

Page 16 Morse, Kermit and Ruthanne Last name spelled wrong “Morse”

Navin, Imo new address Carriage Court

717 S. Walnut Street

Marysville, OH 43040

Phone correct

Pager 17 Walker, Lou is now Yocum, Lou. Husband is Dean Yocum.

Address and phone correct

Any additional corrections, please send to Margo Lane, Jean Kearns or the Office.

Coffee Hour

We are now to the last three months of this calendar part of the year for the Coffee Hour. If you see a Sunday that you would like to help out, please contact Jean Kearns. We will be off for the summer months and back in September. Thank you to all who have helped with the Coffee from September to now. It is greatly appreciated. Remember, all you need to do is bring 2 dozen doughnuts of your choice. Everything else is provided, including the instructions! Thanks again.