Winfield Township Supervisors Meeting
Minutes of June25, 2015
The regular monthly meeting of the Winfield Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairman MatthewKlabnik at 6:59 p.m. The other Supervisor presentwas Glenn Nagle.The Township Solicitor Michael Hnath was also present.
Public Comment Period: Mrs. Matthews of Clearfield Road was in attendance and commented about the speed of vehicles on Clearfield Road and asked that speed limit or Watch Children signs be put up. Mr. Hartwig explained that Clearfield Road is a state road but he would relay the message to PennDot.
Mr. Klabnik made a motion to approve the minutes from the Supervisors Meetings on May 28, 2015 and June 17, 2015. Mr. Nagle Seconded the motion. With two yes votes, the motion carried.
Mr. Klabnik made a motion to pay all bills and payroll. Mr. Nagle seconded that motion. All were in favor and the motion carried.
New Business:
Requisition #07-2015:Mr. Klabnik made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Nagle to approve disbursements of funds to Dillon McCandless King for $1,402.50, Malcolm Pirnie for $2,642.44 & Penn Vest for payment of $14,753.48.
Correspondence: A letter from Two- Six was read about their Early Warning System Testing. A letter from the Butler Freeport Community Trail was also read inviting the Board to a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the Fellowship Crossing Bridge.
Zoning Officer’s Report: The report was read and accepted with Four Zoning Certificates and Four Building Permits.
Sewage Officer's Report: There was nothing to report at this time.
Road Department Report: The report was read and accepted as submitted.
Township Solicitor: Mr. Hnath spoke to the transfer of Assets and the PennVest obligation to MABT with was approved by PennVest. Mr. Klabnik made a motion to transfer the remaining sewage funds to MABT one proof of the transfer has been received. Mr. Nagle seconded that motion. With a roll call of two yes votes the motion carried.
Planning Commission- Mr. Nagle made a motion to accept the Neubert Lot Line revision as presented. Mr. Klabnik seconded that motion. With two yes votes, the motion carried.
Public Safety-the Fire Company was read and accepted as submitted. It was decided that Mr. Klabnik would attend the July Meeting.
South Butler Community Library- Ms. Stivason spoke about the tall puppets that are on hand at the Library as well as the repair of the Air Conditioning unit at the Library and the status of the grant.
With no further business before the board, on motion of Mr. Robb with a unanimous roll call, the meeting was adjourned at 7:13 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Adam Hartwig