Technology Plan: The World to our Students

Cloverport Independent School District

Cloverport, Kentucky

Revision Date: December 13th, 2010

Plan Start Date: July 1, 2011

Plan Expiration Date: September 30, 2012

Approved Date: Pending Commonwealth Approval


District Technology Staff
Curtis E Grant, Chief Information Officer
Additional District Contributors
Dr. John Millay, Superintendent
Dwayne Bishop, Principal
Laura Shultz, Gear Up Coordinator
Sheri Merrifield, Director of Student Support Services

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments i

Table of Contents ii

Technology Vision and Goals 3

Staff Training/ Professional Development Goals 6

Evaluation 7

Budget 9

Technology Vision and Goals

1.  The vision of the Cloverport Community Public Schools is to provide each student with what they need to become educated, successful citizens of our community, nation and world.

2.  The vision for the use of technology in the Cloverport Community Public Schools is to provide another set of tools with which teachers can successfully teach and each student can successfully learn to the best of their ability.

3.  Within the classroom it is our goal to provide teachers with the appropriate technology tools to provide appropriate individualized instruction for each student through an integrated multimedia system {Multimedia projection system attached to teacher workstation, VCR/DVD player, etc. to provide large-group access to electronic resources.

4.  Within the classroom it is our goal to provide students with the appropriate technology tools to learn through small-group and individual instruction through access to student workstations connected to electronic instructional resources {Successmaker, Cognitive Tutor, etc.}

5.  To fully utilize the resources of the TRT and to provide the necessary training so that in-house PD can be developed and implemented to fully utilize the “smart classroom” equipment in K-12.

6.  Provide cellular communication devices to key personnel in the district to allow for faster and more reliable communication.

7.  Provide up to date servers for our financial software and a server to run the proxy software and the soon to be released Microsoft Forefront..

Goal 1

Improve network infrastructure to better enable the integration of technology and electronic resources into instruction.

Action Plan: Strategies/Activities

Strategy/Activity / Instructional Outcome / Begin Date / End Date / Cost / Funding Source
Upgrade, implement, and maintain the network structure in the existing elementary school. / Provide faster network speeds and better reliability for instructional programs {Successmaker} and web applications {Cognitive Tutor, Online Assessment} / July 1, 2011 / June 30, 2012 / $13,000.00 / USF, KETS, General Funds, & SFCC construction funds

Goal 2

Improve communication between school and homes through maintenance of classroom telephone systems, school website, Infinite Campus Parent Portal, and the use of the One Call Now system.

Action Plan: Strategies/Activities

Strategy/Activity / Instructional Outcome / Begin Date / End Date / Cost / Funding Source
Upgrade, implement, and maintain school website with teacher-friendly interface for updating of information / Improve instruction through improved parent-teacher and student-teacher communication / July 1, 2011 / June 30, 2012 / $550.00 / USF and General Fund
Maintain the One Call Now Telephone Notification Service. / Improve communication between our schools and our parents and students. / July 1, 2011 / June 30, 2012 / $2.50 per student / General Funds

Goal 3

Improve instruction through increased availability of instructional devices to students throughout the school building.

Action Plan: Strategies/Activities

Strategy/Activity / Instructional Outcome / Begin Date / End Date / Cost / Funding Source
Upgrade, implement, and maintain student and teacher computer workstations with new units that meet the KDE standards. / Improve instruction through increased student access to instructional software {Successmaker, Cognitive Tutor, Accelerated Reader, etc.} and Internet resources. Improve access for online formative assessment {KCCT} / July 1, 2011 / June 30, 2012 / $6000.00 / KETS and General Funds

Goal 4

Implement smart classrooms in all classrooms in K-12 and train our teachers how to fully utilize these tools via in-house PD from our Technology Resource Teacher.

Action Plan: Strategies/Activities

Strategy/Activity / Instructional Outcome / Begin Date / End Date / Cost / Funding Source
Provide all classrooms in K-12 with smart interactive tools, such as document cameras, wireless slates, and projectors. / Improve instruction of technology and how our students learn. / July 1, 2011 / June 30, 2012 / $10,000.00 / KETS and General Funds
Utilize the resource of our TRT, technology resource teacher, to train our teachers how to use the smart tools available to them. / Train our teachers how to utilize the smart tools that we are investing in. / July 1, 2011 / June 30, 2012 / $22500.00 TRT Salary
And additional teacher PD. / EETT Grant and local funds.

Goal 5

Provide cellular communication devices to key district personnel to improve communication and response times to important issues in our district.

Action Plan: Strategies/Activities

Strategy/Activity / Instructional Outcome / Begin Date / End Date / Cost / Funding Source
Provide cellular communication devices to key district personnel to improve communication and response times. / Improve communication and response times of important issues in the district. / July 1, 2011 / June 30, 2012 / $3,600.00 / KETS and General Funds

Staff Training/ Professional Development Goals

The district will continue to provide all school personnel with a variety of professional development opportunities that are necessary to support the continued growth and development of our teaching and support staff. This will include current and future technologies such as the student information system, interactive classrooms, Internet based learning programs, and many more.

Utilize the resources of our TRT, technology resource teacher to provide professional development to all our teachers, so we can best utilize our smart classroom tools.

These opportunities will be available during the four required Professional Development days as well as offsite opportunities at KySTE, KATC, and LMS.

Current Technology and Resources

The Cloverport Schools is working hard to build the backbone to support a platform that will enable our students to excel in this technological world. Some of our current resources are:

·  The elementary lab has 30 up-to-date computers. We can accommodate the largest elementary classrooms.

·  The middle school and high school share a computer lab with 31 up-to-date computers.

·  The elementary lab has a document camera and a wireless slate that is available to teachers for training and instructional uses.

·  All elementary classrooms have a wireless slate and document camera.

·  All middle school classrooms have a document camera and an overhead projector.

·  All high school classrooms have an overhead projector and a document camera.

·  All classrooms in K-12 have an Apple iPad that is used for instructional purposes.

·  The middle and high school lab has a document camera and a wireless slate that is available for training and instructional uses.

·  All primary through 12th grade classrooms have a multimedia projection system hooked to the teacher’s workstation and a VCR/DVD player to use in classroom presentation of electronic resources.

·  All classrooms and staff offices have telephone access through a centralized telephone system..

·  Several of the elementary classrooms have interactive whiteboards for use in interactive demonstrations.

·  The overwhelming majority of student workstations now meets or exceeds the minimum standards set by KDE.

·  All teachers have their own home-page on the school website, which they can edit with a user-friendly interface which makes it easy to post class information, photos, student work and informational documents.

·  The school has a wide variety of software programs available for instructional use:

o  Accelerated Reader, Accelerated Math, STAR Reading, STAR Math, Math Facts In A Flash, all from Renaissance Learning

o  SuccessMaker Mathematics for grades K-8 from Pearson Learning

o  Carnegie Cognitive Tutor for Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry for grades 6-12

o  Read 180 program for high school English Students

·  Currently have 5 adult education computers. These provide the latest technology for the adult patron to utilize to improve their job skills.


Evaluation of both student and teacher progress toward technology literacy will be the cornerstone by which we determine our needs, the direction we will take for program implementation and our eventual success in improving the academic and overall achievement of our students.

Students will be evaluated to collect baseline data for technology literacy. The students will be assessed using the “Simple Assessment” Tool or a similar program. Any assessment tools that KDE makes available to school districts to assess student technology literacy will become first priority if such an opportunity arises. We will also use annual KCCT scores and EXPLORE assessments to determine improvements in academic achievement.

After the initial assessment of students, quarterly assessments will be given to ensure that proper progress is being made. The overall goal is to have each student perform at a proficient level in technology literacy by the 8th grade. For EETT evaluation purposes, our goal is to increase by 50% the K-8 students who are proficient in technology literacy from the current estimated 20% of K-8 students.

Teachers will be evaluated on the integration of technology into classroom instruction. The TRT will be responsible for evaluating teachers in collaboration with school administration. In order to accurately assess the extent to which the smart classroom technology is being utilized, teachers will be evaluated quarterly using a similar rubric to the follows below.

*The extent to which the teacher demonstrates knowledge, skills and understanding of concepts related to technology:

Novice / Apprentice / Proficient / Distinguished
Teachers identify functions of the computer describing access, control, & use of classroom computer hardware including input devices (e.g., keyboard,
track-pad, mouse), output devices (e.g., monitors & printers), & internal & external storage options (e.g., hard drive, floppy drive, portable drive, compact disks). / Teachers identify & use common peripheral devices found in the classroom (e.g., printer, monitor, scanner, digital camera, video projector) and describe how to locate information on uses, care, and basic maintenance of these classroom technology resources. / Teachers compare & evaluate hardware components & software resources used to provide access to local area networked curriculum materials, Web resources, and multimedia resources (e.g., computer system, printers, monitors, video projectors, external drives, scanners, digital cameras, speakers, browsers, plug-ins, media players, movie, photo, and music utilities). / Teachers know how to connect & use common peripherals, identify & describe uses, advantages, & challenges for advanced resources (e.g., digital probes, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, simulations) & advanced network resources (e.g., compressed video, video server, video conferencing software, and Web casting).

Our goal for classroom integration of technology is to increase by 50% the number of teachers who are performing proficiently in providing technology enhanced classroom instruction. This would be an increase of 50% from our current 5% of teachers who are proficient at integrating technology into classroom instruction.

After the EETT funding period ends, portions of the TRT salary will be absorbed into Title I and Professional development funds. The initial 18 month process of training teachers and acquiring equipment through district funds will be a strong start for our teachers to continue through the data bank and continued professional development. This will also show to our community the district’s strong commitment to provide students with advanced and individualized instruction.


The technology budget is made up of local funds, EETT Grant, KETS funds, USF or E-RATE funds, and occasionally various grants. Typically, the Universal Service Fund or USF is the biggest contributor to our budget. This fund helps us to pay for the telephone systems, network connection, internet access, etc. This program is a rebate program and is done at an 80% to 85% rate typically.

EETT grant funds is also available in the amount of $22,500.00. Approximately $15,800.00 would be required from local board funds to fully implement the use of the grant. The majority of the grant will be paying the salary of our TRT.

Annual Budget Summary School Year 2011-2012

Note: duplicate this page for each year as needed

o  List the professional development and technologies to be acquired during each year of the agency’s plan.

o  Note: At least 25% of the funds allocated to an LEA through the Title IID ED Tech Program (Competitive and Non-Competitive), must be allocated for professional development activities.

Acquired Technologies and Professional Development / Ed Tech Competitive Title IID / Ed Tech Formula Title IID / E-Rate / NCLB/other than Title IID / KETS / Other (Specify)
Professional Development Technology materials for faculty and staff and technology supplies / $700
Telecommunication Services, Internet and Telephone. / $4000.00 / $1400.00 (Local)
Update the existing elementary school network infrastructure. / $10400.00 / $2600.00 (Local)
Update MUNIS Server / $5000.00 / $1000.00
Update Proxy Server to one that will run Microsoft Forefront. / $3500.00 / $750.00
TRT Teacher and associated PD instructions that will be necessary to fully utilize the smart classrooms.
/ $10,000.00 (Local)
22,500.00 EETT Grant