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COMMISSION : Science and Technology
SESSION : 18th MUN 2014 (ZONAL)

SPONSORS : Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Mauritius, Malaysia,

Republic of Korea South, Costa Rica, Italy, Singapore,

South Africa, North Korea


The General Assembly,

Acknowledging green energy as energy that comes from resources which are naturally replenished on human timescale such as sunlight, wind, tides and geothermal,

Emphasizing the fact that renewable energy is an attractive alternative to provide energy as according to Shell report, fossil fuel consumption is expected to triple by the year 2050 thereby causing its rapid depletion in the near future itself,

Concerned by the fact that overlooking and dismissing of renewable energy by many citizens as a solution to climate change severely affects international organisations’ efforts to restore the planet’s equilibrium,

Fully alarmed by the extreme demands for energy by citizens for running of houses, causing excessive use of fossil fuel thereby leading to critical conditions notably irreversible ecological transformations, such extinction risks of endangered species as well as health issues,

Grieved by the fact that over 3 billion people in developing countries still lag behind in terms of access to renewable energy because of financial issues,

Deploring the reluctance of investors to capitalise in certain countries for green energy production thereby increasing the technology’s initial set up cost thus decreasing its availability to local citizens,

Stressing upon the scarcity of knowledgeable personnel with the required expertise to carry out the setting up and maintenance of renewable energy technologies in numerous countries,

Deeply disturbed by the insensible attitude of the general public who are unaware of the effectiveness, productivity and benefits of green energy,

1.  Solemnly affirms that the primary goal of using green energy sources is to generate power while minimising both wastes and pollution to thereby reduce the impact of energy production on the environment;

2.  Requests other nations to look into the possibility of funding countries to thereby allow mass distribution of eco-friendly appliances to each citizen;

3.  Encourages local governments to devote more of their government budget to finance the acquisition of the required technologies and facilities for each nation lacking them so that they are available and affordable to the population;

4.  Urges governments to provide low interest loans and subsidies on renewable energy technologies such as solar water heaters to the general public to motivate them to switch to green energy;

5.  Recommends the minimisation of trade barriers such as work permit and tax rates with the aim of attracting investors to finance local production of green energy technologies so as to deliver them at lower rates;

6.  Suggests exchange programmes and international workshops among specialists in the subject to share knowledge and improve the expertise of local personnel;

7.  Calls upon the assistance of foreign experts in the field to provide their valuable knowledge and skills for the successful implementation of renewable energy technologies on a large scale;

8.  Recommends the initiation of educational programmes and increase in scope for career in green energy field thereby providing developing countries with their own local experts;

9.  Stresses the need for carrying out sensitisation campaigns to raise awareness of renewable energy among the population through:

a.  Use of media such as broadcasting short commercials on television concerning the primordial importance and various benefits of renewable energy,

b.  Illustration of ways to optimise the use of energy such as sunlight being used for lighting and minimising energy wastage,

c.  Holding of workshops to inform and teach the general public on methods to produce their own clean energy notably from biomass, mini-hydro power plants and compost,

d.  Motivating and encouraging people to adopt green energy in daily household by holding competitions to award best ecological houses;

10.  Urges richer countries to encourage people build new “zero

carbon” houses instead of traditional ones to optimise the use of green energy as well as decrease carbon dioxide emissions;

11.  Reaffirms that renewable energy investments will pay off

economically in the long run and can make countries self-sufficient in energy;

12.  Requests nations to discourage use of fossil fuels in daily

activities by implementing an environmental tax which would impose sanctions on the polluter.