Classroom Interactions Teach 2: Analysis Assignment

Report on Teach 2. Due:


You must include a self-evaluation with the rubric.


In this analysis, you will:

1. Identify major goals that you had for yourself and provide evidence from Teach 1 and Teach 2 that you are or are not moving toward them. If these goals align with portfolio proficiencies, be sure to word your response in terms of the prompt so that you work can be used for the portfolio.

2. Identify learning goals for your students in Teach 2 and provide evidence (data plus rationale) that all students achieved these learning goals. Describe how you implemented tasks that could be approached in a variety of ways by students with different abilities. (Portfolio 3a)

3. Discuss the evidence that your lesson connected to the experiences and interests of all the students, and gave all students, including those learning in a second language, those with reading difficulties, and other special needs, an opportunity to learn. (Portfolio 3a)

4. Evaluate your own work using the attached rubric, providing evidence for your self-scores.

As usual, I would expect analyses that meet expectations will point to specific artifacts and provide a valid rationale for why the data are evidence for your claim. To exceed expectations, I would expect a very detailed and comprehensive defense of your claims that references research on learning and teaching, in addition to personal experience and philosophy.

I would expect these to be at least 5 double-spaced type written pages, and likely longer for the “Exceeds Requirements” category.


Meets some expectations / Fully meets expectations / Exceeds expectations
Presentation / Analysis is readable, with complete sentences and generally correct grammar and spelling. / Analysis is neat and readable. Few grammatical or typographical errors. / Free of grammatical and typographical errors. Neat and easily read. Well organized and attractively presented so that all supporting materials are easily referenced.
Dialogue analysis / Includes some transcribed dialogue and some discussion of how effective it was. / Includes full segment of transcribed dialogue and some examples of analysis according to an identified framework (Chin, Pierson-Bishop, Cazden; Scott, Mortimer, & Aguiar; Rowe). Includes measurements of wait time. / Includes either several extensive transcribed dialogues with thorough analysis according to identified framework OR one extensive dialogue with thorough analysis according to multiple frameworks. Includes critique of framework(s): How useful is it/are they for characterizing the dialogue? Includes measurements of wait time.
Teaching objectives for yourself / Describes at least one teaching objective and evaluates the outcome. / Describes multiple teaching objectives, identified in terms of the portfolio where appropriate, and provides evidence specific evidence and justification whether these were met in Teach 2, contrasting with Teach 1 where possible. / Evaluates teacher development. Thorough description of how the evidence shows that you did or did not meet your teaching objectives, referencing specific video/lesson planning in detail. Evaluates outcomes in terms of research/theory on teaching and learning. References the portfolio where appropriate. Contrasts with Teach 1 if possible.
Meets some expectations / Fully meets expectations / Exceeds expectations
Learning objectives for students / Evaluates student learning based on artifacts. / Evaluates student learning based on artifacts. Describes how the evidence shows that students did or did not meet the objectives, referencing specific artifacts in detail. / Evaluates student learning based on artifacts. Thorough description of how the evidence shows that students did or did not meet objectives, referencing specific artifacts in detail. References literature on student understanding of subject and learning theory.
Awareness of diversity / Describes at least one way in which lesson as implemented connected to the needs, interests, and experiences of the students. / Describes how your lesson addressed student interests with special needs (even if there were none identified in your classroom). Describes how your tasks were generative and allowed for students of differing interests and abilities all to be successful. / Describes multiple accommodations you made for students with special needs (even if there were none identified in your classroom). Describes how your tasks were generative and allowed for students of differing interests and abilities all to be successful. Evaluates the effectiveness of the accommodations and critiques recommendations made in readings or other sources.
Self-evaluation using rubric / A copy of the unannotated rubric is included. / A copy of the rubric is included with the appropriate column circled to indicate self-evaluation. / A copy of the rubric is included with the appropriate column circled to indicate self-evaluation. Brief indication of the evidence.

April 2015 2