Maine EBT Meeting Minutes

Thursday – June 18th


Sue Clary, Ann Goucher (CMP), Angela Monroe (MPUC), Muriel LeClerc (EME) and Bobbi Bailey (CMP)

On Phone:

Amy Rafferty (ESG), Lori Omlor & Nola Emero (Emera), Dan Kuehl (EME), Barbara Goubeaud (EC Info)

Meeting called to order, no one had anything to add to last meetings minutes. Sue went over Egress Route with attendees and gave a safety tip to be cautious now that school is out and kids are out on bikes and playing.

Mike Eaton has informed Sue that he will be stepping down as the Chair of the ME EBT. We will be looking for nominees for next meeting for both Chair and Recorder.

CMP is working on the Listserve. It did not work well for the arrangements for today’s meeting. Dan Kuehl has agreed to test with Ann to get it working correctly or it will need to be moved to a new server.

Sue mentioned that CMP is working to address current limit of 5000EDI transactions and getting that upperlimit increased to allow for a much large upper limit of daily transactions that can be sent or received by our translator. Once CMP system has been expanded, CMP will notice all suppliers and their EDI Providers. The plan is to have this completed by year end.

A change request is needed in order to start discussing the Bill Ready Request that was on today’s agenda. The supplier that brought this item was not at the meeting, so we will address this issue at the September meeting if a change request is received and the supplier is able to join the meeting.

Next item is going from VAN to GISB. All suppliers are in favor of this change due to the cost savings it will have for everyone. Lori added that her IT Group has said it was going to be costly for them to implement this into their new billing system She is going to have her IT look into this further after discussion from EDI providers. Suppliers would like to have both CMP and Emera move to this format, but they are ok with one or the other doing it.Angela asked if this issue should be part of the CDD working group or if it ME EBT. CMP and Emera agreed to look at the issue without bringing this to the CDD WG. Sue and Lori both stated that they would review with their IT groups to see what it would take to make the changes to GISB and report back in September Dan Kuehl will fill out the request to formally request this change.

EME has withdrawn their request to have the Bad Debt transaction go out in a 248 rather than the current way it is done through the 820 as an ADJ BD as an immediate change. EME stated that they were willing to wait until CMP implements the new billing system in 2017and have this change request addressed as part of that upgrade. NYSEG and RGE use the 824 transaction to communicate bad debt. Sue stated that she would update the group at the September EBT meeting after speaking with others on the CMP billing system project. Next Meeting is scheduled for Thursday-September 17th at 9:00 AM.