Fairfield High School, College/Career-Ready English 10

Sept 5, 2017

Greetings, Parents!

Would you like to automatically receive class information like this letter online? Fairfield City Schools has given me my own teacher web page on the Fairfield City Schools District website. There, I upload information, homework, class presentations, educational videos that I have created, photos, educational links, and other things that will help you stay in touch with what is going on in my classroom and help your child with some additional online resources, even including job openings (for both your children AND for you!).

To take advantage of this offer, all you need to do is subscribe to my page and the homework page. When I post new items to these pages, you will be sent an email with links back to my page.

To visit the page and/or subscribe:

* Visit .

* In the header field, click on “STAFF.”

* Then in the dropdown menu, click on “STAFF DIRECTORY.”

* Type in my last name, “BRAAM.”

* When you see my name and photo, click on my name.

* That will take you to my page. (An online shortcut to my page is

* You can bookmark the page, and/or you can click on “SUBSCRIBE” on the right-hand side of the page.

* There, you will be asked to provide an email address.

* Next, click on CCR English 10 under “CLASSES.” It is there that I generally will have files (such as the class syllabus) permanently posted, along with HW and class presentation files.

* Once on the CCR English 10 page, click on SUBSCRIBE again and fill in your email again. That way you will also get an email notice when something has been posted there.

If you subscribe, you will remain anonymous. The advantage to subscribing is that you do not need to keep looking to see if I have posted anything new; each time I post something, you will receive an email alert and a link.You can keep up with your child’s work and download assignments, particularly if they have been absent. I have been utilizing this method for four years, and it has been a great success, praised by students, parents and administrators.

Give it a try!


Mr. Braam

Below is an example of what the page ( looks like.

The SUBSCRIBE button for the home page is located here

on the page

Be sure to choose

CCR English 10

and also register there.