Missaukee County Board of Commissioners

Lake City, Michigan

Regular Meeting

Commissioners Room

May 8th, 2012 @ 2:00 PM

Meeting Called to Order by Chairman Rogers.

Roll Call of Districts – All present except Comm. Vanderwal and Hughston.

Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance offered by Comm. Vivian.

Motion by Bridson, supported by Bridson to approve the Agenda as presented with the addition of Parks to personnel and the elimination of POLC mediation and Dog License from Finance. Carried.

Minutes read from April 10th, 2012 and approved.

Public Comment

Sandy Miller, citizen introduced herself to the board as a candidate for County Treasurer.

Sheriff Bosscher gave his monthly report and gave positive comments on the BSA software transition.

Carol Palmer, District Court Administrator gave the monthly stats and said revenues were up for this time of year compared to last year.

Lori Cox, Chief Deputy County Treasurer gave the monthly stats and reviewed the new journal entry process by BSA.

Barb Nietling, Chief Deputy Clerk, gave the 2011 Annual Report for the County Clerk’s Office.

Teena Molitor, Chief Deputy Register, gave the 2011 Annual Report for the Register of Deeds Department.

Julie Snow, Representative of the Busted Knuckle Off Road Club, requested a non profit status from the County Board of Commissioners. They have worked with Hoop, Project Christmas, Adopt a Highway, and Friends Ministry.

Motion by Cairy, supported by Vivian that the request for Non profit status of the Busted Knuckles Off Road Club be granted. Carried.

Shari Spoelman, MSU Director, gave the annual report and informed the board that there would be a new Crops Educator to the Wexford County office. She also talked about the upcoming Stakeholders Day on June 12th at the Ag Station.

Linda Hartshorne-Shafer, Planning-EMD Director, gave information on the Nixel system for the County and an update on the Recreation Plan being approved.

Finance Committee

Motion by Vivian, supported by Bridson for the following Resolution to be passed. Carried

Resolution Imposing 2011 Property Tax Levy pursuant to Public Act 357

Of 2004, and Notice of Certification of County Allocated Tax Levy

Resolution 2012-07

WHEREAS, Missaukee County is authorized under the General Property Tax Act, Public Act 206 of 1893, as amended, to levy and collect County Allocated property taxes; and

WHEREAS, the General Property Tax Act has been amended by Public Act 357 of 2004, being MCL 211.44a, to require all Michigan Counties to impose a summer tax levy,

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to Public Act 357 of 2004, the Missaukee County allocated tax shall be levied and collected on July 1, 2012, in the amount allocated after application of the “Headlee” Millage reduction fraction, 4.9005 mills; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Treasurer of each city, village and township in Missaukee County is directed to account for and deliver to the County allocated tax collections for 2012 in accordance with the provisions of Public Act 357 of 2004; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution constitutes certification of the levy of the county allocated tax and authorized collection of the County allocated tax on July 1, 2012, at the amount allocated after the application of the “Headlee” Millage reduction fraction of 4.9005 mills; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk shall deliver a copy of this Resolution by first class mail to the Treasurer of each city and township in the County of Missaukee.

Roll Call:

5 YEA: Rogers, Vivian, Zuiderveen, Cairy, Bridson


2 ABSENT: Hughston, Vanderwal

I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Missaukee, Michigan, at a regular meeting held on the 8th day of May 2012, the original of which resolution is on file in my office. I further certify that the meeting was held and the minutes therefore were filed in compliance with Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of 1976.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature this 8th day of May, 2012.


Susan Rogers, Chairman Carolyn Flore, Clerk

Motion by Vivian, supported by Bridson to accept the Foreclosure report as presented by the County Treasurer. Carried

Motion by Vivian, supported by Bridson to move $16,390.00 from Fund 516 to the Energy Fund #352. Carried.

Motion by Cairy, supported by Vivian to approve going into the Nixel program effective immediately. Carried.

Motion by Bridson, supported by Cairy to pass the following resolution:

Resolution 2012-08




WHEREAS, The County of Missaukee is interested in the continuing effort to upgrade housing conditions for its low and very low income home owners;

AND WHEREAS, the Missaukee County Board of Commissioners accepts the recommendations of the Missaukee Housing Committee to apply for $150,000 for the next two years;

AND WHEREAS, the Missaukee County Board of Commissioners authorizes the Chairman of the Board of Commissioner and the County Clerk to be the authorized signatories for the CDBG program;

AND WHEREAS, the County Board of Commissioners reaffirms the Resolution of April 10, 2012 regarding Fair Housing;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Missaukee County Board of Commissioners will continue to contract with Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency, Inc., a non-profit community action agency, to administer the CDBG grant and authorizes them to prepare the application form for funding through the Michigan State Housing Development Authority CDBG Program on its behalf.

5 Yeas: Zuiderveen, Rogers, Bridson, Cairy, Vivian

0 Nays:

2 Absent: Hughston, Vanderwal



Susan Rogers, Chairman Carolyn Flore, Clerk

I, the undersigned duly qualified and acting Clerk of the County of Missaukee, Michigan do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted at a meeting held on May 8th, 2012, the original of which is on file in my office, Public Notice of said meeting was given pursuant to and in compliance with Act #267, Public Acts of Michigan, 1976, as amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto affixed my official signature this 8th day of May, 2012.


Carolyn Flore, County Clerk

Motion by Vivian, supported by Zuiderveen to approve the amended 9 month budget for the 2012 year January thru September. Carried.

Motion by Vivian, supported by Bridson to approve the bid of Northern Fire and Safety for the 2012-13 year. Carried.

Personnel Committee

Motion by Bridson, supported by Zuiderveen to appoint Kimberly Blaszak to the Planning Commission to fill a vacancy in the School personnel position. Carried.

Bridson also reported on the Park Department and the use of contracted personnel to assist during the summer.

Motion by Zuiderveen, supported by Bridson to Pay Claims and Accounts and Own Accounts as presented. Carried

Motion by Zuiderveen, supported by Bridson to approve the PA 116 of Kenneth and Carol TeBos. Carried

Commissioners Report

Bridson reported on the Library Board request for new carpet, Cairy reported on the MTA meeting, Zuiderveen reported on the Health Dept Meeting,

Public Comment

Michele Moore, Librarian, reported on the digital sign and that the board was not going to pursue it.

Motion by Bridson, supported by Vivian to go into closed session to discuss POLC Mediation;

Roll Call Vote:

5 Yeas (Vivian, Rogers, Cairy, Zuiderveen, Bridson)

0 Nays

2 Absent (Vanderwal, Hughston)


Closed Session

Motion by Cairy, supported by Zuiderveen to go out of Closed Session.

Roll Call Vote:

5 Yeas (Vivian, Rogers, Cairy, Zuiderveen, Bridson)

0 Nays

2 Absent (Vanderwal, Hughston)

Meeting adjourned until June 12, 2012 at 2:00 PM or Call of the Chair.


Susan Rogers, Chairman Carolyn Flore, Clerk