Maths On Track: What Makes for Success?

Unit Implementation Plan

Organisation and tasks before beginning the unit?





Arrange meeting with teacher team/s to clarify unit goals and tasks. / Coordinator / 4 weeks before start of unit
Arrange for speaker from car racing club if possible or other racing enthusiast who be a guest speaker. / Coordinator / 4 weeks before start of unit
Arrange for support personnel for students with special needs. / Coordinator / 4 weeks before start of unit
Teachers check that all students have network access, know their logon details and have signed Acceptable Use Policy / Home room teacher / 2 weeks before start of unit
Arrange for technicians to sort out any access issues for students. / Coordinator / 2 weeks before start of unit
Remind teachers to book computers, data projectors and Interactive whiteboards as required. / Coordinator / 2 weeks before start of unit
Send out parent permission slips for permission to photograph and publish photographs of students working on unit activities. / Coordinator / 2 weeks before start of unit
Set up Seeing Reason Thinking tool, team logins and URL for distribution to students. / Nominated teacher / 1 week before start of unit
Organise/create class blog, upload support documentation. / Nominated teacher / 1 week before start of unit
Prepare/photocopy handouts as required, for each student team. / Coordinator / 1 week before start of unit
Post CFQs in rooms and on notice boards / Coordinator / 1 week before start of unit

Organisation and tasks during the unit?





Assign project teams. / Teachers and students / 1st session
Arrange for students to meet and greet guest speakers (if arranged). / Coordinator / before 1st session
Set up room for IWB discussion using KWHL. / Coordinator / before 1st session
Introduce class blog distribute URLs. / Coordinator / 1st session
Distribute Team Organisation and Roles Checklist (available also from blog) / Class teachers / 1st session
Familiarise students with CFQs. / Class teachers / 1st session
Provide opportunities for students to post to blogs (encourage students to post from home) / Class teachers / Ongoing
Provide opportunities for students to access Seeing Reason tool and work on their causal maps. / Class teachers / Sessions 2 to 8
Take pictures of students working on activities. / Class teachers or students / Ongoing
Provide exercises in preparation for Problem Solving Analysis Task. / Class teachers / Sessions 2 to 5
Distribute Problem Solving Analysis Task (partially to be completed at home). / Class teachers / Sessions 6, 7 & 8
Provide opportunity for completion of final causal map (Seeing Reason Tool) / Class teachers / Session 9
Remind students to post individual responses to unit questions on blog (encourage students to think beyond the context of teams in the motorcar race). / Class teachers / About Session 9
Post Final Causal maps in classroom / Class teachers or student helpers / Before Session 10
Provide class time for discussion of Essential question in the broader context of teams beyond the motor car race / Class teachers / Session 10
Video personal interviews of student individual response to the Essential Question / Students to do videoing if possible / Session 11 & 12

Organisation and tasks after the unit?





Edit individual videos into one class response to EQ and post to blog. / Coordinator or student volunteers / Week following interviews (ASAP)
Remind students to organize one adult and one peer to post feedback on their interview response to the EQ. / Class teachers / Immediately after posting video
Provide final feedback to students on their performance. / Class teachers / <2 weeks after unit concludes
Present student award certificate(s). / Principal, AP, visitor / <2 weeks after unit concludes
Send home parent newsletter showcasing the unit and student work / Coordinator and student volunteers / 1-2 weeks after unit concludes
Send thank you to guests, support people (parents, students, teachers, technicians and others as appropriate.) / Student volunteers / 1 week after unit concludes
Arrange meeting with teacher team/s to discuss achievement of student learning outcome and implications for next unit of work. / Coordinator / Within 3 weeks of end of unit
Arrange meeting with teacher team/s and students to provide feedback and to review and refine theunit. / Coordinator / Within 3 weeks of end of unit

© State of Victoria2008

Alan Thwaites is involved in the Intel Teach Program and developed this portfolio, in collaboration with other teachers.

Copyright is owned by the Crown in right of the State of Victoria. It may be reproduced in whole or in part for study or training purposes, subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgment of the source and no commercial usage or sale. Reproduction for the purposes other than those indicated above requires the written permission of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and copyright should be addressed to the Liability Management Manager, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, 2 Treasury Place, Melbourne, VIC, 3002

The State of Victoria accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any part of this material and bears no responsibility for any modifications made.

* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.