44th Bomb Group Military Heritage Database

Personnel Information Form

Return completed form to - - Richard Lynch

44th BGVA - Treasurer

109 Jason Road – Box 518

Conrad, IA 50621-0518

Return To Main Page

(If possible please type the informstion contained in the Database Form. Your children may be able to help.)

Check Enclosed $______

No. of Pictures______No. of Audio Cassettes______

Last Name:______First: ______Initial Nickname: ______

Present Address: City: State: Zip:______

Home Phone:______E-mail: ______

Date of Birth:______City:______State:______Spouse:______

Date enlisted/drafted:______City: State: ______

Date Deceased:______Place of Interment/Burial______KIA

8th Air Force Group/s______Squadron/s or Unit/s ______

Special Military Training ______





Graduating Class:______Date:______Location:______State: ______

Group Rank______Group Duties______Ret. Rank______

Your ASN (Serial Number/s) ______/ ______/ ______

Occupation prior to Military ______


Occupation after Military and/or continued Military service: ______







Date arrived at ETO base: ______Arrived from: ______

Date arrived at Shipdham: ______Arrived from: ______

Arrived how (any details):______






Personal memories, experiences & stories: (These stories are a vitally important part of these "Living Monuments." Please add additional pages if needed) ______















R&R Leave/s ______


When? ______



Special Status: Shot Down POW MIA Evaded Ditched Crashed

Escaped Parachuted Wounded Hospitalized Disabled Other

Where, When & How ______












Ground Crew Crew Chief Assistant CC A&E Mechanic Armorer Radio Radar

Instrument Sheet Metals Bombsight Quartermaster Motor Pool Ordinance

Fire Control Control Tower Other:______

What were your duties: ______





Base Operations: Administration Clerical Communication Medical Security

Photo Lab Engineering Mess Hall Supply Intelligence Personnel Finance

Other Duties or Assignments: ______






To complete your history it would be nice to list your descendants. Space is provided below.

Descendent Relationship Address Phone






Date Departed ETO: ______How:______Destination: ______

Trip Details: ______




Military Honors & Decorations:

Stars Stars

or Clusters or Clusters

Congresional Medal of Honor American Theater of Ops.

Distinguished Service Cross Air Medal

Distinguished Service Medal Purple Heart

Silver Star Presidential Unit Citation

Legion of Merit Prisoner of War

Distinguished Flying Cross Victory Medal WWII

Bronze Star European Theatre Ribbon

Other Awards: (Including Foreign) ______





Please include additional pages for other thoughts, memories or stories you may wish to contribute:

Prepared by: ______Relationship: ______

Address & Phone: ______