Chapter 1—Study Guide Part II

1. How do scientists think people first arrived in North America?

2. Why did Paleo-Indian societies begin to hunt buffalo and deer after the Ice Age

3. What artifacts from ancient Native American societies have archeologists been able to find? What do they tell us?

4.  How did the Aleut and the Inuit adapt to the harsh conditions of the Arctic culture area?

5.  What was a major plant food for Native Americans in the California region?

6.  What product became associated with Florence in the 1300s? What trend does this illustrate?

7.  What is the most important reason why English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish merchants began searching for

sea routes to Asia in 1400?

8.  How did the astrolabe aid explorers in finding new continents?

9.  Describe how America got its name.

10.  The Columbian Exchange had deadly effects; describe them.

11.  How did the Columbian Exchange affect American Indian agriculture?

12.  In 1548, Spanish historian Fernández de Oviedo wrote “there are not now believed to be at the present

time…five hundred persons [left].” What was he writing about?

13.  What was the main reason the Spanish Crown established the encomienda system?

14.  How did Catholicism affect Spain’s rule in the Americas?

15.  What did Bartolomé de Las Casas do to try to change Spain’s way of governing in the Americas?

16.  What were the three areas of life that the three types of Spanish settlements served in the Americas?

17.  Why did Spaniard Junípero Serra travel to California in 1769?

18.  Why did the Spaniards start bringing enslaved Africans to New Spain in 1501?

19.  How did religious events in Europe affect the exploration of the New World?

20.  What were Protestants protesting against?

21.  Why did Queen Elizabeth I stand in the way of Spain’s Counter-Reformation?

22.  What happened to the Roanoke colony after the summer of 1587?

23.  Why did the Dutch settlers practice religious toleration?

Chapter 1—Study Guide Part II

1. How do scientists think people first arrived in North America?

2. Why did Paleo-Indian societies begin to hunt buffalo and deer after the Ice Age

3. What artifacts from ancient Native American societies have archeologists been able to find? What do they tell us?

4.  How did the Aleut and the Inuit adapt to the harsh conditions of the Arctic culture area?

5.  What was a major plant food for Native Americans in the California region?

6.  What product became associated with Florence in the 1300s? What trend does this illustrate?

7.  What is the most important reason why English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish merchants began searching for

sea routes to Asia in 1400?

8.  How did the astrolabe aid explorers in finding new continents?

9.  Describe how America got its name.

10.  The Columbian Exchange had deadly effects; describe them.

11.  How did the Columbian Exchange affect American Indian agriculture?

12.  In 1548, Spanish historian Fernández de Oviedo wrote “there are not now believed to be at the present

time…five hundred persons [left].” What was he writing about?

13.  What was the main reason the Spanish Crown established the encomienda system?

14.  How did Catholicism affect Spain’s rule in the Americas?

15.  What did Bartolomé de Las Casas do to try to change Spain’s way of governing in the Americas?

16.  What were the three areas of life that the three types of Spanish settlements served in the Americas?

17.  Why did Spaniard Junípero Serra travel to California in 1769?

18.  Why did the Spaniards start bringing enslaved Africans to New Spain in 1501?

19.  How did religious events in Europe affect the exploration of the New World?

20.  What were Protestants protesting against?

21.  Why did Queen Elizabeth I stand in the way of Spain’s Counter-Reformation?

22.  What happened to the Roanoke colony after the summer of 1587?

23.  Why did the Dutch settlers practice religious toleration?