NAME: ______DATE: ______

European Settlements

Study Guide

Roanoke / 1585 / Coast of North Carolina / 100 English men / England’s rulers and merchants wanted a colony. Gold and silver.
Jamestown / 1607 / Virginia / 100 men and boys / Virginia Company wanted a settlement.
Plymouth / 1620 / Massachusetts / 100 men, women, and children / To practice religious beliefs. To move from the Dutch.
Bay / 1630 / Massachusetts (Salem and Boston) / Large group. John Winthrop / Not separate from the church but to make themselves and the church pure.

1. Where did John White think the Roanoke settlers had gone? ______

_He thought they had gone to live with nearby American Indians.______

2. What did the Virginia Company sell to its investors? _____stock______

3. What cash crop brought money to Jamestown? ______tobacco______

4. Why did the English settlers and the Powhatans briefly make peace? ______

___John Rolfe, a settler, married Pocahontas, a Powhatan woman.______

5. How did the land in Jamestown affect the settlers? ___swampy land, undrinkable water, and disease-carrying insects____

6. Which colony was settled first, Jamestown or Roanoke? ___Roanoke______

7. What did the Pilgrims agree to in the Mayflower Compact? ____they agreed to make laws for the good of the colony and to obey them.______

8. What difficulties did the Pilgrims face after they landed at Plymouth? ______

__It was November and too late to plant crops so food ran out. It was cold.______

9. Why did the Pilgrims leave the Netherlands for North America? ______

____They wanted to live apart from people with other religious beliefs.______

10. How did Squanto help the Pilgrims after their first winter? ______

___He taught them how to plant crops such as maize, pumpkins, and beans.______

11. Did the Puritans want to separate from the Church of England? Why or why not?

____No, they did not. They wanted to remain part of the church and to make it pure.______

12. What helped make the Puritans more successful than the Jamestown colonists?

____The Puritans came better prepared (many skills); they arrived in time to plant crops.______

13. Why were the Puritans better prepared for settlement than the Pilgrims? ______

___Same as number 12._____


__C_1. charter A. a strip of land that stretches into a body of water.

__F_2. invest B. a crop that people grow and sell to earn money.

__H_3. stock C. a document giving permission to a person or group to do


__B_4. cash crop D. an agreement.

__E_5. indentured servant E. someone who agreed to work for a number of years in

exhange for the cost of a voyage to North America.

__G_6. pilgrim F. to put money into something to try to earn more money.

__D_7. compact G. a person who makes a long journey for religious reasons

__A_8. cape H. a share of ownership in a company.